a sporeling  

a sporeling (Runnyeye)

Uploaded December 31st, 2018 by nytmare

In Crescent Reach: (no data)

In Blightfire Moors: 22543

In Sporali Caverns: (no data)

In Runnyeye: (no data)

In the Convorteum: Part of the "Unstable Creation" event (see this quest entry for event information and loot).

  • Flees at low health: Yes

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2020-10-10 13:44:34.

Level: 20
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20

Known Habitats:
  Clan RunnyEye
Factions Decreased:
  Sporali -2
  Clan Runnyeye -1
  Pickclaw Goblins -1
  A Caustic Path

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Some faction info
# Sep 09 2017 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
1,563 posts
[Mon Aug 01 17:39:08 2016] Your faction standing with Sporali could not possibly get any worse.
[Mon Aug 01 17:39:08 2016] Your faction standing with Pickclaw Goblins has been adjusted by -1.
[Mon Aug 01 17:39:08 2016] Your faction standing with Clan Runnyeye has been adjusted by -1.
[Mon Aug 01 17:39:08 2016] a sporeling's corpse dissolves into a cloud of choking spores.
[Mon Aug 01 17:39:08 2016] You crush a sporeling for 384 points of damage.
[Mon Aug 01 17:39:08 2016] You have slain a sporeling!
a boatload of sporelings following moldmaster kill
# Jan 16 2006 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
ok, i've killed moldmaster a couple times, and a few sporelings always pop after his death. no biggie... well, i don't know if this is a faction thing or not, but after this most recent kill, i was about to zone into king xorbbs, when my main chat starts going crazy with white and red. i turn around and there about 50 of these things, all whalin on poor me! with LOH down, i barely made it to zone with 6% life remaining. in a matter of seconds they dropped 1500 HP off of me.

the one thing that was different about this kill was that MM led me on a chase when he got down to 10%. i finally rooted him and killed him - he runs FAST! this was not the case on other kills, and may explain the massive number of sporelings that spawned.


just an fyi for those hunting the shrooms in this zone.
RE: a boatload of sporelings following moldmaster kill
# Jan 16 2006 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
i forgot to add -- i was the only player in the zone at the time.
# Jan 22 2002 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
These little SOBs have messed me up so many times it isn't funny - they hit hard, they're difficult to see (espcially for large races like trolls) and they tend to cause everything else to come running over to help them. I really need a caster with a nice AoE nuke with me.
These guys are great XP
# Sep 20 2001 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
These guys are neat. Either they don't have much hp, or they lose hp when they hit you. I have yet to confirm. But my level 26 monk was taking on 3 at a time for very good XP. They hit pretty hard, but have low hp.
# Aug 18 2001 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
Sporelings are amazing exp due to their low hp's. However, they are a caster's bane. During a fight, a caster will cast and have at least 2 of these little fuggers on them, making it impossible to cast and a pain to split root em. I've found that area effects and hardcore beatings quickly are the best way to go. With low hp's, the fuggers will die quickly to a couple area effects and melee hits. After they are dead, then the casters can med again, but until they are, go hog wild on them.
Generated MOB?
# Jul 03 2001 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
The "Cloud of spores has erupted at your feet" when the sporelings spawn... just watch where you step in Runnyeye.

I've heard that these guys spawn about 2-4 when you touch/walk/run over a Slime Mold or some seemingly innocent object. Try it out
# Jun 25 2001 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
Things things randomly spawn with a message to the effect of " A cloud of spores erupts at your feet" Reminded me of the tiny hatelings in Hate hehe
Lvl must be wrong
# Jun 20 2001 at 5:06 AM Rating: Default
They cant be as low as 15 16. Fought several of them down there (not that I wanted) and ALL of them were still blue to me at lvl 26.
Perhaps someone who had them con white (or black) to them could send a correction?
Lvl check
# Jun 17 2001 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
im 23 and the little dudes con blue to me. are they really lvl 15-16?
Travel In Packs
# Jun 07 2001 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
More often then not, these turds travel in numbers. The times I have seen them there was around 3-4 of them and they can pack a punch for their size.

Also, every time I hit them I was "Burnt" doing so (I'm guessing some type of natural fire shield... didnt do much damage but message appeared).

This is my first post ever... Just trying to give some info. to those who want it.
(Lanys T'vyl)
Loodone 25 Warrior
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 05 2001 at 5:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Know that part where they say they are finding a new host so they can grow? i have a whole colony of them on my pee pee =(
Killing Em
# Jun 02 2001 at 9:08 PM Rating: Default
I am lvl 40 and it is fun to see what loot pops on since the new patch and sporelings r just fun to kill.
Right levels?
# Jun 01 2001 at 2:50 PM Rating: Default
I cant swear but those levels (15-16) seem low. I was fighting a pickclaw bonemender when 3 of them jumped me (level 30 druid, decent armor) and hit from 8 to 52 (ouch) Matter of fact I died to them and they are a pain in the but to see cause their so small and bend in with the floor that unless your being hit by them you may not notice.

Died before a con though so i'll see when i do a corpse recov
RE: Right levels?
# Jun 04 2001 at 8:02 AM Rating: Default
At level 15, every one of these little things conned red to me. Never seen one alone, they tend to spawn several at a time.
RE: Right levels?
# Jun 07 2001 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
I would have to agree that these things are above 16th in level, as they were still con'ing blue to my 26th warrior. Individually they are no problem, but when there are *NINE* of them on your butt while trying to take down that Defender, it gets hairy real quick.

Warrior: ADD!
Warrior2: Lots of those little things!
*cleric begins to cast a spell*
Warrior2: Can't target all of em!
*cleric has been slain by a Sporeling!
Warrior: Uhoh
RE: Right levels?
# Jun 07 2001 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default
These guys con high-green to my Lv.28 monk, and they're really annoying when they pop up while I'm trying to solo a Defender.
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