Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded July 24th, 2007


No faction hits on the kill.

/loc = -30.49, -137.75, -74.35, this is in the "Lower Dogs" (lower Kobold) area. If you are near ice spectres and white spiders, you are close. The room he is in is a dead end that ramps up. Two spiders spawn beside him and assist him when he is aggroed.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2015-11-19 20:48:50.

Level: 65
Expansion: Scars of Velious
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# Aug 02 2001 at 6:41 PM Rating: Default
Flurry of attacks , like he does so often is a special attack that hits for same amounts as he does usually , but in a wide range , making him able to hit everything in an open 90 degrees from who he flurries on. just have a kickass tank lvl 60 keep aggro , have all other dmg dealers behind him , 2 clerics cross heal on the main tank and all will be alright ... in theory =P
Landroval 59 monk Terris thule
RE: Flurry
# Aug 03 2001 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
97 posts
Err no, all I know flurries are a huge bunch of attacks on one target, rampage is the "AoE melee attack".
RE: Flurry
# Oct 02 2001 at 12:12 AM Rating: Default
Just got done killing giants in Keal, and they do the rampage attack. Rampage is just a riposte on every attack you make while infront of the enemy. I havent seen flurry yet, so im sure flurry is the AoE one.
RE: Flurry
# Oct 30 2001 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
rampage is the aoe attack, enrage is the auto reposte
Why not make his weapons no drop too
# Aug 02 2001 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Why is that of the 9 things this guys drops Everything is no drop except a crappy handheld int/wis booster and 2 phat weapons, a 2hb and a 2hs. I just hate seeing uberguild twinks with **** like this running around EC killing bears in 2 hits
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 21 2001 at 5:08 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It makes you feel bad about sucking?
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 28 2001 at 10:27 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am pretty sure he drops an AWESOME 2x Slash sword named " the vehemet sword of Rahajiv " or something along those lines. I know Rahajiv is not correct but I am pretty sure he drops it
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 19 2001 at 1:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) What kind of a last name is that? Russian? Come on it sounds like a new type of mustard. If he had a wife and they had a son, what do you think they would name is. Frietztilfrieikermaker Doljonikiarnimorinar.......Man if he went to my school he would be made fun of soo much. Of course then he would go home and tell his dad kids at school are picking on him. The next day daddy comes to school and you all die....then restoring you to ur bind point...
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 08 2001 at 5:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Actualy you don't need a level 60 shaman to slow they get their highest slow spell at level 51.
RE: Slow
# Oct 04 2001 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
Oooh yer right about Tirgirs, my bad. However, over in the spell listings at EQ Shaman: http://interealms.com/shaman/spells/level_51.htm they say that Turgur's, the 51 spell, slows "up to 75%", which certainly makes it sound like it increases with level. Are they wrong? That would still make a shaman more powerful at 60, in addition to the increased chance of actually landing the spell.

(Edit: Ack, this was supposed to be in reply to Nardac...sorry bout that.)
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 08 2001 at 6:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ever hear of malo ? if yer a shaman an yer not 60 dont even bother raiding yer not worthy of the gear til ya get this spell go and lv .....
RE: Slow
# Jul 17 2001 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
Shamans get their best slow spell, Tirgir's Insects, at level 58. However, like many spells it gets more powerful as the caster gets higher levels, so it will slow creatures the most if a 60 shaman is casting it.
RE: Slow
# Dec 03 2001 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
Where he is wrong about the name of the spell (its Tugur's insects btw) he does have the right idea...as you lvl up spells are easier to stick i doubt this spell would stick if a 51 was casting it...

LoL i don't blame him for forgeting all of our slow spells look almost the same =P

Teviel Bloodrain
shamanist of my 54th season
RE: Slow
# Sep 22 2001 at 11:19 PM Rating: Default

Tirgirs is a AOE slow. The highest % slow is gotten at lvl 51. It doesn't increase % with lvl.

54 Shaman
# Jun 10 2001 at 5:55 AM Rating: Excellent
This guy is a beast. I was main tank on him tonight for my guild and I will give you the low down on his *** punishment.

First off he fluries. Flurry is basically when he will spam your screen with many attacks at one time. I've seen personally 6 go off at one time on myself.

Secondly: He fluries ALOT. I mean ALOT ALOT ALOT. Like basically as soon as one is done he starts another one.

Thirdly: He hits for 480 dmg max. Thats it. I've heard everything from 380 to 600 on this guy, but trust me its 480. He hits for max dmg alot.

I wouldn't recommend attempting him w/out a lot of melee dmg dealers (monks, rogues or rangers with epics) and a level 60 shaman to stick uber slow on him. This guy has PHAT hit points. You will need to either slow him or do absolutely insane damage in a short amount of time.

Cornelia Trainpuller, Hobbit Warrior of Vazaelle.
Folken Zeïbaker
# Jun 03 2001 at 5:13 AM Rating: Default
Killed this guy yesterday, we were 3 groups and that was a hard figh ... he also dropped a 2HS axe 33 dam 44 delay proc a 140 DD Sk weapon .
#Anonymous, Posted: May 20 2001 at 9:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) good monk equipment is VERY hard to get... t-staff is hard to get IFS(imbued fighter staff) ton po's staff of understanding etc... unless ur in a uber-guild... being a 51 monk never in a guild and this being my first char... i got pretty lucky... got 2 wu sticks(bought them) FBSS (bought it) and thats pretty much all i got... pretty much everything is warrior and hybrid classes... warriors get cobalt what do monks get?... crescent which really sucks at 35 and other lvls... and yes monks do need high ac cuz when they pull (which is very often) they take hits and to reduce the amount of damage taken they need higher ac (and need to weigh less) so that is why monks get low weight equipment so don't cry about how monks get to roll on the low weight equipment like GoFM
Staff in the Picture
# May 14 2001 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
The staff you see him holding is pretty dang amazing.

Efreeti Ice Staff.

*Jaw Drops*
# Apr 27 2001 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
dude this guys like got a ice fetish and yes he does open up a can of whoop *** when he cass flurry i had 15 peeps take him one all 50s and i couldnt wear half the stuff we loted offem cuz i was so scared from the shock i **** all over them

Castamaster Killin Effex
Weird name
# Apr 27 2001 at 9:49 PM Rating: Default
Thats a realy long name
Also drops...
# Apr 20 2001 at 4:39 AM Rating: Decent
2H Axe named after him:

2HB Monk weapon:

Icicle Tunic:

RE: Also drops...
# Jul 05 2001 at 9:18 AM Rating: Default
u have to email it d00d
# Apr 18 2001 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
BTW...the picture shows him carrying a staff. What is it? No mention of it anywhere. Or is it on a PC corpse sticking in mid air...find that kinda unlikely considering he's twice the size of the player standing on him. Levitate maybe?
# Apr 12 2001 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
He is a badass, make no joke.

We took him with 4 groups, all 56+

He has a special attack called "Flurry", inwhich he open's up a can of whoop-*** on a single target. Flurry seems to be some kind of haste proc or something, inwhich he gets off a lot of 200-400 damage hits, and he seems to do this every 10 sec's or so.

He's High cold resist, our wiz's only used Fire based Lure's.

Basically, you need to land slow on this guy. We had a lvl 60 magi land an unresistable Malo on him, and then we had 2 shaman's chain slow him until it stuck. Once that was done, he was cake.

Enchanter's chain runed the MT, and tried to stick cripple.

He's pure melee, and has 2 spiders that aggro when you pull him.

Spawn time seems to be 24 hours

Loot's nice, but he's basically
Lord Doljordropsalotofmonkstuff.
What is his spawn time?
# Apr 08 2001 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
I dont want any guesses. Just the facts. If you know his spawn time could you share with us?

screen shot?
# Mar 15 2001 at 8:04 PM Rating: Default
can someone please send a screen shot of this fella
RE: screen shot?
# Mar 16 2001 at 2:28 AM Rating: Default
From pics I've seen on other sites, Lord Doljonwhatever is an ice efretti. Other drops besides the two listed here include an awesome 1hs and, of course, his own pair of efretti boots.
procs an AE?
# Feb 01 2001 at 7:04 PM Rating: Default
I heard he procs an AE fire spell. Can anyone confirm this?
RE: procs an AE?
# Feb 15 2001 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
Does not proc AE fire...he has an effect similar to enrage though, and when he hits you with this, it's a quad attack.

Icehouse Soultaker
# Jan 31 2001 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
The Sabbat on Rallos Zek handed him his death.

Check out the sabbat on www.sabbateq.com

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