I just solo'd Verina where she stood. I made the mistake of choosing a religion when I started this character, but I was able to get most of the mobs to dubious using illusion and collaboration. After finding out the hard way that you can't use DC here (guard was really upset at me), I just brought up my trusty enchie pet and gave him haste, umbra, MR, a DS and Bedlam. As for me I had Conviction and a few other buffs...just a bit over 5K hps.
First of all, you will lose some of your top buffs - she dispelled me once. Luckily that was my C4 and some other buff that I don't remember :). I tried to keep the pets health up with bedlam, but by the time she was at 80 percent health, the pet was nearly dead. I walked up to her to tank a bit and just started chain nuking. She is immune to stun, but I never saw her heal herself. She nuked me a few times though. I kept her slowed and dotted (she dispelled those once too) and she started running at 7 percent health. I was at 34 percent health at the end of the fight, but I had gate up just in case :).
The mobs nearby were dubious to me and did not add. Hope this helps someone.
Fallar, 61 enchanter on EMarr