

Uploaded January 23rd, 2022 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at the drake valley, west of the monument.
  • Class: Cleric

This page last modified 2022-01-23 08:13:18.

Level: 55
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2023-11-22 20:39:48

Known Habitats:
  The Rathe Mountains

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Got Him !!
# Jul 11 2002 at 1:10 AM Rating: Decent
Well today as I was hunting something to do I went to Rm and just goofed and thought I would see if killin drakes and junk might make Raz spawn. I did waiting for friends to log on and to my surprise after maybe 30 min of killin junk he popped in valley in front of my eyes. So it seems his spawn point is nowhere special.
My friends showed up and we killed him with no problem at all.. Well Wiz did pop him near end but not a big deal.
Thx to Denarius,Feydra,Kyrstal,Terianya,Fulcrum,*************** and Bratatica on BB server for help. Lethal Intent rocks.
All he dropped was spine. IT looks like all lore bonechips. I thought graphic would be better.
All my SK spells landed that I cast btw. Just could.nt snare the sob.
Oh Well hope this helps...just if Hate was this easy.

Nocturnia Mysticstorm 54 SK
Mana Sieve?
# Jun 18 2002 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
Can anyone tell me if mana sieves will work against Rharzar or if it is even a viable option? I am thinking this will be a way to cut down on the Complete heals.

Aabaral Darknyss
44th Shadowknight of Innoruuk
Lorshae Arteshian
37th Druid of Tunare
Confirmed Way to Spawn
# May 22 2002 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
After 3 hours of killing things at drake valley one shadow knight was able to get rharzar to spawn. I went back later on that day and from 8:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.(Yes those times are exact, and yes I did sit there and kill things none stop for 3 hours) me and my friends killed things. When He finally did spawn on the my guildmates was with me and he was on his way to sell when he spotted him. I don't know where exactly he spawned, however he will make his way to Drake valley and stay. After my friends and I were able to get ourselves together(death and confusion followed before) We were able to handle him, but watch out for his spell reckoning. LOL..., that thing hurts 608 points of dmg. Also 2 groups is about right however if you have a grp of 55+ people just make sure one of them is a healer. That is pretty much it
RE: Confirmed Way to Spawn
# May 24 2002 at 2:38 AM Rating: Default
WHERE DID you Kill what did you kill Tell me for the love of god pls tell me
F this guy
# Apr 17 2002 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
I was just doing my own little thing, sitting around medding after i just killed a HG, and out of no were, i see returning to bind point, i look back up and see he hit me 2 times for 200-300 damage, im a wizard and i didnt even see anything coming, died, lost my K.E.I. (that made me the maddest) and took me 20 mins to find my body because i didnt have time to type in /loc, so all i got to say about this guy is Burn in H*ll you punk!!!!!!!
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 06 2002 at 1:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well when I was LvL 5 I was running through Rath Mtn and all of a sudden there he was just sitting there, a badd looking dragon. So I went over and with 1 shot...I killed him !!
# Apr 04 2002 at 9:01 AM Rating: Default
To answer your questions yes lol i have done and helped every other class with their epics and IMHO not just being an SK trying to coplete this damn quest EVERY damn mob hits like a truck. For those of you who havent killed him and think the ratman guard will be a pushover lol good luck that sob buck toothed rodent puts up a hell of a fight. There used to be a GREAT thread (cant remember website) about why it is called innoruks curse that relates to the quest lol not meaning the storyline lol but the damn mobs and crap you have to go through to get this statwise and proc and all that good stuff it is considered by MANY the best epic and following those lines the toughest to get. Like i said on another post ill trade having to do the SK epic for any other lol but will be worth it when i complete it.
spawn time?
# Apr 04 2002 at 8:55 AM Rating: Default
I am an SK who needs this damn spine and the drake hide to complete my epic.. the rest is trivial from there ty for the info on his whereabouts that he spawns but does anyone know a round about time that he spawns? a timer or anything helpful for camping ths schmuck?
Not too Hard...
# Jan 22 2002 at 12:23 AM Rating: Default
My Guild on the 7th Hammer took him down easy, no deaths tonight, had just under 3 full groups ranging from 42 to 1 lvl 60. First group charged first and held aggro (group contained 60 war, 57 monk, 51 cleric, 52 bard, and a few others i forget :)) Monk held most if not all the aggo, so we had all the main tanks pound on him while the healers chealed the monk. he has VERY high magic resists, so have to necros dot him down. Use only Poison and Disease Based spells on this ****. Make sure everyone in main tanking positions have MR well over 100, and you'll do fine. We beat him down with 0 deaths in about 5 mins or so. Still, a hella-fun epic mob fight :) gotta love em.
RE: Not too Hard...
# Feb 22 2002 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
I wont say he is easy but we took him down with 10 people, highest being a 56 cleric.

52 Troll Reaver
RE: Not too Hard...
# Jan 22 2002 at 12:25 AM Rating: Default
PS: Just treat the fight like its a dragon battle or someting, and you'll do fine :) remember the resists tho and make sure that casters do not jump in untill the first group has the aggro down strong! Last thing you want is a bunch of dead casters...
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 19 2001 at 2:24 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) your f000 soulleech isnt the hardest drop to get for sk epic go to PoA and try to get blade of abjuration and then tell me whats harder ... watchful guard noble dojorn and overseer of air drop it go give it a try why dontcha
RE: darbok the ogre of luclin
# Jun 13 2002 at 3:29 PM Rating: Default
Blade is a rare drop, but from any mob...

Went to PoA to 5th island for warrior epic'ers in guild, and 2 dropped before we even got to the 4th island...

Thunder Spirit Princess was one time caught with one...

I got mine off of a gust of wind on island 3, and another dropped off of a soul tamer from island 4

Hardest part is the hide from the drakes in hate... Heard someone had to do 83 hate raids for his... another friend did 17 to get his... I've done 3, but I think every time the drakes were already down... hehe

One good group can clear out 1st floor, so it's not *TOO* difficult... just really rare...

Somethin in comparison to the Jade Reaver of the druid epic... A lot of SKs get bottle-necked on the decrepit sheathe... hehe
Yet another disaster from this guy!
# Aug 28 2001 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
Hey all... here's my story:

I'm a level 36 war (at the time ac 860 and 1900 hps with buffs):

I was at the HG Valley entrance camping Hill Giants (around 600, 500 loc) and I see the green drake coming from my right down towards the valley entrance.

Since I was the group leader, I told my group (5 others: warrior, enchanter, cleric, druid, and shaman) that there was a big nasty drake coming from the right and to zone asap. I was fully prepared to sacrafice myself for them (I truly roleplay).

Well, the first two to go down were the druid and cleric (in 1 shot each). Then the other 3 start running around like chickens with their heads cut off. At this point, I said "f- this, I'm saving my **** :-)" lol

I told them all to follow me to the zone since they didn't know where it was. Along the way, we lost the warrior and the enchanter.

So, lets recap, now its just a shaman and myself running for dear life. Somehow, the shaman went slightly off course and I told him to come back to my location, but it was too late.

With nothing else to worry about, I hit numlock and started /ooc and /shout -ing "big nasty drake to rathmountain zone"

He was a good 100-150 game yards away from me but was still casting spells... I resisted both times (thank my lucky stars!)

Although my whole group died, I did manage to save all the other chars near the zone and myself as well. Later on I did a lot of corpse retreivals for all the newly departed souls :-)

#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 28 2001 at 4:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hey all... here's my story:
Helpful Tips
# Aug 20 2001 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
Was just in a group of around 17 and we beat him down with no deaths, he's quick as hell, sow barely outruns him, basically, standard is to have druid or ranger pull him, his AoE does suck big time, however, if you have a druid, have him/her cast circle of summer and another MR buff and you should be ok for the most part. This however is the best tip for beating this guy down:

Since he spawns near Zazamoukh, make sure the sphinx is up and then pull the drake AWAY from the hill, I'm talking to the other hill to the east of it, then with the fight being around 40 percent of his health left, have a post lvl 50 enchanter CHARM Zazamoukh and use the sphinx against the drake, I say around 40 since the charm should at least last a solid 30 seconds, enough time for the two beasts to duke it out while also allowing casters pets to take main tanking and the real life tanks to get healed to take out Zazamoukh once the fight is finished. Average number of people should be around 15-18, including AT LEAST two clerics, and a solid 6 tanks, his MR is sickening, I had heard that he was vulnerable to poison and lifetaps, well, none of mine stuck, yet the SK's did, so have the SK's HT him, hehe.......hope this info helps out

Wynnreaver Kithmare
Necro of the 54th season
Violent Harvest
Brell Serellis
This is funny
# Aug 06 2001 at 12:35 PM Rating: Default
Ok, i'm about to log off after finding out my cleric partner for killing HGs had to go when BAM! Rharzar comes along, whacks the cleric and kills her, then whacks me once, before proceeding onto the group next to us (dont' ask why he didn't finish me, i had no sow and only had roughly 1.5k hp while i was running lik a mad man). Rharzar proceeded to whipe out HG valley and started flying towards the LR zone place. I went to feerott zone and find about 20 guys waiting there... i wask whats going on and they say their warrior is trying to find Rharzar and pull him. Well, that warrior just so happend, died about 10 secs later. I was the only one in the zone who had lived through Rharzar at that time. The group paid me to go pull rharzar, yes, pull rharzar (i was lvl 40, heh). I got some ubber buffs and such, and started searching... 20 min later, still couldn't find himj... Started going back when i see rharzar damage. I actually made it to the feerott zone, only to find the drake wasn't on me (i now know u can't "pull" rharzar to feerott zone line, he'll turn around before u get there) so finally, i go find him again, have the group of 50+ wait little furthur out, and they kill the stupid little thing, they lost i think a monk and a warrior to the drake, but they got their item thingy that they need for an epic so i was glad to help, i'm just so sorry for all the people in the zone who got whiped out by this bad *** fellow
# Jul 18 2001 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default
There i was medding in a nice green field in the Rathe Mountains....then WHACK!
You have been slain by a big mean *** dragon.

you say to your guild:"OMG!"
you shout:"Any rezzing clerics about?"

my 39 chanter fell in a couple hits, got aggroed AGAIN on CR, that sucked, but lived draging my body all the way to zone for a rez. :) revenge will be mine shortly.
# Jul 04 2001 at 3:24 PM Rating: Default
he is a lvl 55 Green Drake Cleric
he coned even to me at 55 hehe
well, my group killed him hehe
he hits for about 240(400AC)
we were raiding Kazzen for SK life leech
and on our way we got lost, but ran into this lil punk ****.

we had the follow
me 55 mage
50 Cleric
49 Warrior
50 Warrior
51 SK
48 Bard
50 Druid
45 Shammy(just wanted to tag along, not in our guild)
50 Wizard
50 Wizard
55 Enchanter

we almost got used for toilet paper...

one wizard went down fast(the one that stupidly aggroed him)
followed by the shammy.

i got my pet while the tanks were taunting
then i sent him in
my pet rooted him, or tried to at least,
BAM WACK SMACK pet was dead in about 30 seconds, has about 4k HP too.
our cleric managed to get off a Stun, i was Lava Bolting, charing, and scars of sigiling.

BAM he uses Retriubtion on me, im down to half HP
note: i had only my self sheild buff and phantom line
but SK Harm Touched to taunt him off
(i wet my pants)
then, he took down our warrior
then our chanter
the SK and a warrior were left to taunt him, the clercic gave up healing he was hitting tanks too fast, so started casting his own Retribution, while i nuked like crazy, and the remaining wizard did the same.
i also used Malisemnet, so im not sure how MR he is.
we finally dropped him, and i looted, he dropped:
drake spine or sumthin
im guessing he has about...
10K HP
and to that idiot bard, HGs cannot be charmed.

Asmoraldo Anxien
55 Mage
RE: Rharzar
# Apr 10 2002 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
Huh...another one who has no clue. Maybe I'll charm you!
RE: Rharzar
# Aug 30 2001 at 12:38 PM Rating: Default
And to that idiot 55 wizard, HG's CAN be charmed (iv been killing them for a long time by charming one and attacking another so don't give me that bull ;)

Flatergaus <Red Eyes>
48 Bard Terris Thule
(4 more mobs and epic complete :)
# Jun 24 2001 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
Well i was in Rathe when our Druid, pulled 2 giants, we are mid 30s, and know we cant take 2.. so i manage to pull off a root and get one off of her, then the other turns on me and root break.. i end up running for my life not know which direction i am going.. i finally lost them.. with one bulb of life left.. i saw this green drake didnt pay attention to it though.. sat down to med and rest.. then WHAM!! 290 290 LOADING PLEASE WAIT. followed by my computer crashing. oh what fun.. when i get hit hard.. hehe i get hit. woo..
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 20 2001 at 4:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hi there, This story is infact true. As a Bard of Rallos Zek, I'm a superior battler and have achieved maximum playing skills. I'm starting a new breed of Players on Rallos Zek and I have started a new Bard. Swarez Sophisticated.
RE: Yodiac BirthBringer
# Sep 10 2001 at 6:54 PM Rating: Default
Actually you're a blithering idiot Swarez ^_^
Have a nice day~
# Jun 16 2001 at 3:00 AM Rating: Default
That was some good reading....but I really doubt you had broog, mort and gharz charmed, let alone spawn at the same time. Christ man go write childrens books or something
RE: hmmm...
# Dec 05 2001 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
True or not (and I like to believe it is true), that was an enjoyable story. And I'd rather read his post than yours, since all you did was slag him off.
Yodaic BirthBringer
# Jun 11 2001 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
I was walking in Rath the other night when I saw a drake, I allways loved drakes cause they look like dragons and all so i went up to take a screen shot not even thinking that it was going to attack me. I felt gods presence on me and with a 200 mr I lost a little bit more then half a bub. I was allready playing SST and I backed up quickly. I started to run around a little bit to figure out what I should do. Then.. I realized maybe I can kill this thing. I found a named Hillgiant and I got my wits together and I charmed him against the drake. After 2 charms to the HG the drake had takin his life down seriously low. Before I could chant again the hg was dead and again I was struck by the drakes dd. This time It did a whole bub and I was now down to 3 and 1/2 bubs . But the drake had only taken about 10percent damage. still had about 90. I ran around looking for another named but never came accross any. Knowing this thing was healing while I was looking for something to charm it with. I had to find something quick. During this time I was looking for something to kill it with I put on a stein of moggok and used it's charges of heals to heal me back to full. As soon as I cleared my screen of my bag I found a named lizard man, named the Mortifyer he con'd blue to me at 52. So I decided I could charm him against This drake. I casted on him and he resisted my charm, and next thing I know I have a wolf running after me and I had a venom dot casted on me. I quickly anti magic'd the dot and ran around for a second charm. This time while I was in range the lizzy casted root on me but It was resisted (thank the gods) and when I was in range to charm I did so with a success. I quickly clicked my pet attack button on the drake and they battled it out. I still had the wolf on me so i slowed to see it's damage. Random hits of 10 and 15 I wasn't worried so I kept in range to resing another charm on the lizzy checking his hitpoints and he was doing allright. But the drakes points didn't seem to be moving so I was kinda scared this wasn't going to work. I did a charm again. and again. The dog has it's teeth in my leg and I was starting to bleed severly. down to 3 1/2 bubs, I charmed the lizzard one more time, but when I did he resisted and I begain the chaise. I ran . And to my supprise I came upon a zone, but the bad thing was there was a giant searching for his buddy. This currupt giant caught my eye as he weilded his large sword. I quickly charmed him and had him by my side as I waited for the group of stragglers I had following me to come into perspective. I quickly sent him after the dog first as the pet is the one that was oddly enough annoying. It only took one charm of the giant and the dog was dead. But I was venomed again and had to dispell it. And trying to stay out of the drakes cast range I was blasted once more.. for half a bub. And at this time I was back to 3 1/2 . I got a charm off on the lizzard who has only about 15% health and I had him go after the drake, during this quick little battle the lizard died and the drake was after me, so was his friend the giant. I charmed the giant again and got it off and had him attack the drake one more time. This was the turning point of the battle. I hadn't looked at the drakes points for a while but when I clicked on him it said he was down to 15%. But the giant was now almost 25% and one more cast of charm the giant fell and vanished. I quickly was looking for another giant this round. Cause I knew i couldn't let the drake get any more points. I found a orc with a axe and it was named but I forgot his name. He resisted two of my charms and the third time I swung around I got hit by him and he did 75 damage. I quickly charmed him again and this time it held. I had him attack the drake and watched the battle I knew this was the last fight. I watch and the orc took quite a beating and I went to charm him again but he died. This sucked for me. Cause I was about 3 bubs and my SST was not on I started backing up and clicked on the song .. I saw the drake was reeeeeeaaaal low.. I looked up at the gods.. and WAaaamm song kicked in and I flew back 900 yards and equipped my BoH and my Symphonic Saber. And looked to see my mana as i was about to harms touch this bird. I clicked on my profile to check my hit points and I had roughly 1300 I went to slow the drake down when it was in reach.. But it resisted and next thing I know I was hit twice, one by around 230 and the second was 110, my first three attacks were 55, 47, and 65. and I did it.. he slashed me again for 200+ and 150+ and 150+ I used the harms touch and wack .. the bird got 200+ damage, I'm thinking 240 or so.. And It screamed the most horrible scream and fell the the ground reaching up trying to claw me.. I looked at my health and found I was little more then a bub.. I quickly did a quick perimeter check for pks and with out anything around I shouted I KILLLED THE FOUL DRAKE OF THE GREEN HELLZ! I looted it and got around 44 plat and 30 gold and also recieved a drake eye. Nothing more. Kinda disapointed in the loot I sat down to think about that battle and i typed /camp
RE: Yodaic BirthBringer
# Jul 14 2002 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah, this post is an avalanche of bull sh*t. First off, he dosen't drop an eye, his only drop is the spine. Second, you mean to tell me that you ran into 2 of the rarest spawns in rathe mtns within minutes of one another? Doubtful.
RE: Yodaic BirthBringer
# Jan 17 2002 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
26 posts
That's one of the greatest stories I have ever read in my entire life, but I think I have to ask-is it the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? If so, you're my own new hero if you solo killed a named 55 drake at level 52.

Akronis Kutskira
51 Reaver of Vazaelle
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 09 2001 at 11:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I know how that feels I, was in Rathe mnts for my second time and I went into a new section of the Hill Giant Valley I had never gone in with my group of mid to high lvl 30s well I was a lvl 31 cleric lowest in the group.Anyway we're walking along side of a big hill and in an instent our stupid shamen pulls this dude right on us so being a good cleric and all I healed the idiot only to have him agro to me. BAM I get hit with 455dd and then I run to try and hide behind something and hope he agros to someone else, but sadly he didn't...BANG hit with another cleric dd spell 500 I'm dead
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 18 2001 at 12:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I doubt it was Rharzar you were fighting. First off he is a red drake not green. Second my lvl 30 troll warrior seems to always agro this fiend while hunting cyclops and giant skellies. The first time i ran in to him was ooooooh look a named drake. And he then hit me with a dd for 640 dmg taking me down to just under 2 bubs, I decided to run like hell yet i was encumbered so the next thing i see is 240,240, 240, loading please wait. Plus on a website for epic weapons they state 2 groups of 50 plus are needed to take out this bad boy.
RE: Yodaic BirthBringer
# Mar 18 2002 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
Rharzar is a green drake (just like the PICTURE)and i still doubt he killed rharzar.

I am 51 and this thing ripped me up and I was fear kiting and can actually damage. No "named giant" and "named lizard" is going to take this thing down to 25 percent health.

It spawns right where zazamoukh spawns. It is highly annoying that you have to clear tons of greenies for hours and hours just to kill this guy. I feel bad asking guildies to "raid this" with me. What if we're there for 4 or 5 hours and no pop? That would suck.

Another notch on the "insanely difficult epic" belt of the SK.

Funny thing is how a bard's epic piece drops there too, and I got 5 or 6 of them in the time it took to spawn my one. pft.
RE: Yodaic BirthBringer
# Jan 03 2003 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
Not to mention:

"During this time I was looking for something to kill it with I put on a stein of moggok and used it's charges of heals to heal me back to full"

I want one of those special Stein of Moggoks.
They sure sound uber.

what happend to me...
# Jun 09 2001 at 4:41 AM Rating: Default
Rharzar begins to cast a spell.

You have been struck down by the judgement of the gods. You have taken 640 point of damage.

Rharzar hits YOU for 249 points of damage.
Rharzar hits YOU for 249 points of damage.
You have been slain by Rharzar!
Returning to home point please wait...
You have entertered The Arena.
You say to your guild, 'ACK!'
# May 27 2001 at 3:51 AM Rating: Default
Its good to know that there are still mobs that instill deep fear amongst the travellers of EQ, and even better to know that I get to kill these great beasts for my SK epic and spit on their carcass after ive carved it to pieces. Gotta love it.
Last night, Fennin Ro
# May 24 2001 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
62 posts
Last night I was on my alt, a 30 Gnome Cleric named Bindibenya, and with my guild we were heading into Rathe Mts to farm HG's, right? Well, I see this emerald green thing flying in front of us, where our druid was, and next thing I knew she had two bubs of health left. The two Shaman that were with her went from full health to dead in three hits. I was way in the back of the line, but was watching the massacre on our warrior's screen (we live togeter) and suddenly he too was hit in rapid succession for 289, 295, 160, and 160. Luckily he and I made it to the zone (we had come in from Feerott). There was a mass exodus of folks running to the zone line with these green wings flapping in the distance. When the warrior was full health again, our enchanter invised himself and the warrior to go pull corpses. Rhazar SEES THROUGH invis, apparently; the Enchanter got hit (and watched the group near him get annhiliated). I ended up, about 30 minutes later when he had despawned, giving six revives to folks wiped out by this guy. Just a lil story telling how tough this guy is, though you all already know!
Does not see invis
# May 29 2001 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
Rharzar does not see through invis. A fellow bard and I were camping Blackwing, and this guy had already been spawned. Well, we looked at him, poked him (playing the 51 selo song), and he conned indifferent. Then we decided he wasn't agro, went our merry way and WHAM. Lucky we're fast bastards otherwise we probably wouldn't have lived.

Drell Fluorescence
51 bard E'ci
# May 08 2001 at 3:04 AM Rating: Default
I got my soul leech about 3 days ago so my epic has truely begun. Now that i have the hardest drop of sk epic drops i decided it was time to start bashing mobs for my epic. I brought with me a force of me 55 ogre sk, a 59 ogre warrior, a 56 warrior, a 60 rougue, 54 cleric, and 52 warrior. After finding out that this drake might take forever to spawn i was disappointed til the damn thing attacked us and killed us all. When we recovered and with the help of a 60 druid and low 50s wizzy and a 45 druid. We attacked and kicked his tail in.

Very fun fight and hopefully my work on the rest of this quest results in this awesome blade.

darbok the ogre of luclin
RE: drake!
# Jun 07 2001 at 6:49 AM Rating: Default
hello ,thanks for the only post where we can read :"kicked his tail in"

But I would like to know what was the technics used against it.
I am a SK as well and need information on this mob in order to be prepared for the fight ,thank by advance.

Madagorath the Dark Elf of Luclin
50th Shadow Knight
Rharzar Spawn
# May 03 2001 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
Rharzar spawns in the SW corner of the zone right near Zazamoukh. Rharzar's place holders are other drakes and possibly yard trash near Zazamoukh.

I've heard differing stories on spawn time if you are intentionally trying to get Rharzar to spawn. Some people say they can kill drakes in that area for 15 to 30 minutes and get him to spawn. Other people report that it took them longer. I personally had to camp that area and kill drakes for a couple hours at at time, for about 2 weeks, before I saw him.

He's a cleric, and will complete heal himself. He has a Smite-type spell that hits for a lot of points, and has a direct attack in the low 200's.

2 groups of people level 50+ can kill him.

Shara Vampiress
51st Shadowknight
Rodcet Nife
# May 03 2001 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
Nobody is Saying WHERE they see him. Can you describe the areas? By the orc and skeleton camps, or by gypsies oh the hill? gimmee some details
RE: Drake
# Jun 21 2001 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
293 posts
He seems to spawn in the area south of the valley where the Hill Giants are. Check out this map:


Look in the lowest part of the map where it shows the name "Zazamoukh" at about the loc of -1800, 1300. So far as I am aware, that area is where he can most often be found when he is up.

I can't say I've ever seen him wandering the zone, myself, despite the fact that I spent a great deal of time hunting Hill Giants there. I tend to suspect that he normally hangs out at or near his spawn point unless somebody is foolish enough to pull him off it.

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