

Uploaded January 23rd, 2022 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at the drake valley, west of the monument.
  • Class: Cleric

This page last modified 2022-01-23 08:13:18.

Level: 55
Expansion: Ruins of Kunark
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2023-11-22 20:39:48

Known Habitats:
  The Rathe Mountains

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# Sep 23 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default
Just to clear some info, did him about 4 times ( for me and some friends) his ph is 'a drake' which will pop after killing the roaming drakes. Totally stupid to have the ph of the ph, but if you see this guy up kill him and Rharzar will pop

Koorinn D.
66 SK of Torv

PS its totally random when 'a drake' will pop.
This guys a PAIN
# Aug 06 2004 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
i have almsot been there for 12 hours no spawn killed everything in sight no spawn =( what is goin on ? maybe zaza is his ph ? or not

Edited, Sat Aug 7 01:24:28 2004
RE: This guys a PAIN
# Aug 08 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
I no how u get him to spawn ok this is what u do u kill every thing in sw corn when i mean every thing i mean every thing the named mobs there sept for hasten and bro zyp.=)
# Jun 28 2004 at 1:32 AM Rating: Decent
/cheer Festering Darkness!

Landed the second time casted. Took about 2 hours and 10 Zaza----'s to spawn him.

Group consisted of 65 SK, 65 Cleric, and 65 Enchanter.

Edited, Mon Jun 28 02:34:13 2004
ShadowKnight Vs. Rharzar
# Jun 01 2004 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Soloed him this morning for my epic piece. Not nearly as nasty as everyone says. Immune to fear, couldn't land a snare, but everything else landed (I think I got a resist once for a spear). When the mob went down I was at 100% life and 50% mana. Self buffed only. I just tanked him didn't bother trying to kite.

Edited, Tue Jun 1 08:19:53 2004
RE: ShadowKnight Vs. Rharzar
# Jul 11 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
At 69 I soloed this mob a couple of weeks ago. I figured since I have pretty much all of the items for the first SK epic banked for years, I may as well knock it out and finally complete it. Had virtue and haste and my lvl 68 pet. At this point it was overkill. I never went below 95% health. I piled on the dots and then straight out melee. Rharzar chealed once during the fight and then tried to run and a HT it was all over.

Edited, Mon Jul 11 11:59:50 2005
Ranger vs Rharz
# May 18 2004 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
While camping Shardwing for his arrow, I tracked “a drake” in the pass between the HG and Zazamoukh hills. Immediately following “a drake’s” death, Rharzar spawned nearby. A couple other posts named Zazamoukh as a ph, but he hadn’t been killed in quite a while when Rharz spawned. Since he was supposed to drop the arrow as well (as shown above!), I buffed up, and (foolishly) attempted to solo him. He nuked a couple of times for 300-600 ish, resisted three snares and two roots, and had me down to 48% before I decided to leave. In doggy form, I was able to make it out of casting range quickly, and he didn’t get a single summon on me. Before going back in, I called for reinforcements in the form of a 65 warrior and 65 cleric, and got a chanter to toss me a haste, mr, and kei. When we got back to the drake hill, Rharz was still there, but our cleric was running late, so we decided to go for it without her.

Initially, it seemed like an easy fight, with the warrior tanking and resisting almost every nuke. Then, around 45% health, Rharz started frequently healing himself and landing more spells. I backed off and did what I could with my pathetic heals until I was oom. Just as I was thinking that not wait for our cleric was a bad idea, Rharz seemed to run out of mana, and the heals and nukes stopped. With dps now from both the warrior and me, we killed him in no time. At around 15% Rharz started to run, still resisting snares like crazy. When it was all said and done, the warrior walked away with barely 20% HP’s left (down from nearly 8k - thanks Estima!), I was oom, and only the SK epic part dropped. Too bad...it was fun anyway ;-)

Arayus Inarien
62 Ranger of Tunare

Edited, Sat May 22 22:56:47 2004
Mob Summons
# Feb 20 2004 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
I happend to be in RM one night. Bored, I decided to check out this part of the zone. It was raining so I was a bit impaired visually. When I realized I was too close it was too late. I resisted his first spell (forget what it was). I had a Hill Giant DC'd with nothing more than VQ and Uproar as buffage. Needless to say the pet didnt last long at all. Decided it was time to high-tail-it to the zone.

He summoned me every 50 to 100 feet would wack me twice before I would start running again. I was stuck in the virtual yo-yo effect for about 10 mins. Could not sit to mem gate would not mezz either. So if your a pure caster and think about trying to solo this guy, better bring a druid for snare and fear kite it.
druid murderer
# Jan 28 2004 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
despite what i read in these forums i decided me (65 sk) and 61 druid could take him np. well after about an half an hour of killing everything the druid bound him self on top of the hill and ported to pok to get a fresh kei. shortly after he got back i was beginning to get anxios so i brought up alla and started reading...when i came back rharzar had spawned and killed the druid twice >< i couldn't get a snare to stick on him so i ended up kiting him for 20 minutes while reinforcements came (thank god for death charger) oh btw that little sob is hard to keep track of...anyway took him easy 65 sham 63 druid 61 druid 65 beast and me
# Jan 25 2004 at 5:14 AM Rating: Decent
just killed the sphinx guy at least 8 times in a row and rharzar didn't spawn so either bad luck or wrong ph
Dead )
# Dec 24 2003 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
65sk(me) and 63shaman(me). sk had 8017 hp buffed /chuckle. Was overkill duoing that way. mag resist with resist mag was about 133. Resisted some and some landed on me, but negligable damage.If i didnt tap, would have lost maybe 2 bub hp or so my guess. Used tap dot, and single tap a few times. Had to debuff to get grummus to land for dis slow. Shot one mag slow at him at start and resisted so switched from there. Fight lasted about 1 min with both pets hasted and 2 weapons on each. --- Took a few hours of killing anything that moved on and around hill before he spawned(meaning..ANYTHING that moved). I was fighting the Sphinx when drake spawned. Spawned other side of the hilltop from where sphinx's spot is. So, my opinion on spawning this fella is possibly random ph spot. And not sure if lizard or drake to spawn, but suspect is drake ph of misc type. Onward to collect more pieces of my trophy.

Zolzimar Shadowhawk 65 Gnome Shadow Knight.. Tunare
The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
RE: Dead )
# Dec 24 2003 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
Missing info and Edit not working for me. Hit from about 100-200 or so, also dispelled about 4 buffs on me through fight. /salute
The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
Hope this helps someone
# Dec 17 2003 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
He spawns in the southwestern corner of the map, practically on top of zaza...zazha...zaz something....one of the sphinxes. killed her 4 times and immediatly before the 4th time she respawned i literally ran into him on top of the hill. wiped the first time with no cleric and with the sphinx adding onto us.

beat him after that with me (56 SK), 55 cleric, 53 ranger, and 60 beastlord.

I had 3300 hp during the fight, was a big burden on the cleric to keep me alive, he complete heals almost didn't come in time several times during the fight.

He never complete healed, altough i harm touched when he hit 20% and he started running immediatly (HT got him to about 6%.

# Oct 12 2003 at 6:17 PM Rating: Default
90 posts
killed the bird dude three times in a row... raz spawned after the third death. did it np with a 65 druid and 63 cleric.
had no idea what this guy was for or anything, but we killed it and.. well... anyways, grats guild twink
Ouch! I want vengeance!
# Oct 09 2003 at 11:33 PM Rating: Decent
Walking through Rathe today and saw he was up. unfortunately, there weren't many people on at the time. I shouted to see if anyone was interested. Tried him with myself (55 SK), 51 cleric, 46 cleric, 47 ranger and 65 bard...

...It wasn't pretty. He's pretty tough for a little guy. Regretfully, we were forced to concede failure. Could probably have been done easily if we'd had a shammy to buff and slow, and maybe another tank for added damage.

I ended up going back later that night and he was still up. This time, we had a larger force: 55 SK, 51 SK, 60 Druid, 60 Monk, 65 Mage, 62 Pally, and 52 Chanter.

We buffed up and the Paladin pulled him and tanked him. The chanter's slow landed, and from that point on, it was like beating a baby seal.

Rharzar never CH'd himself, although he did heal a few times. Bring overkill if possible. The more the merrier is the rule of thumb.

Edited, Fri Oct 10 02:53:06 2003
# Oct 09 2003 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
71 posts
Well, I got bored with bard, so used him as a quick track bish to se if his Blackwing was up. I saw Rharzar was up. He had a huge agro range for my 35 bard hehe. I wanted to se how this tiny bastad fought. So I logged on my 56 SK and just fought him ehad on to see how he was... he didnt summon me or my bard, he does nuke hard 640 max. My Sk got his poison nuke off for about 270, he only landed 4 melee hits, didnt see how often he swung but wasnt too often since he was nuking me =O. So for future reference dont try to solo this dude, i knew i couldnt i just wanted to see how his resistance and stuff were :).
Pay back is a ....
# Sep 30 2003 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
I got killed by the Razzamaansta at level 34 and now im 44 still got a ways to go but it will die.
# Sep 01 2003 at 10:37 PM Rating: Default
# Sep 01 2003 at 10:37 PM Rating: Default
# Jun 15 2003 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
After hours of killing drakes, lizards and basiliks trying to get this guy to spawn on drake hill, he finally spawned on top of me (right next to sphinx -- Zazamoukh.)

It takes one full 55+ group to bring him down, have magic resist up and slow it asap. He's cake after that.

Oh and "a drakes" have absolutely nothing to do with Rharzar -- that's for Hasten, Maldyn & Bro Z.

Dead Drake
# Apr 29 2003 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
Killed it today with:
60 Sk(me)
60 War
52 Cleric
52 Enchie
58 Shammie
Easy fight only ch'ed one time. It is slowable. Most helpful spell to have up is magic resist on main tank. My resist magic was about 140 during the fight and I never took a full hit from its dd spells. It also has a small mana pool I think since after one ch and a few nukes it was using a much smaller heal. Took about 3 hours of killing everything in the area of the drake hill to spawn. Hope this helps :)
very easy mob
# Mar 11 2003 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
its a very easy mob , me (drood 59) and shammy 62 did take it down fast and easy
# Jan 10 2003 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
This guy also drops the highest damage arrow in the game called a Shardwing Arrow. It is a 12dmg arrow. You really have to do some looking to find it but he does drop it. It is ubber ubber rare though. Trying to camp him for it is a waste of time.

RE: re
# Jan 29 2003 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
78 posts
Are you sure you didn't mean to post this under Shardwing's thread? :)
# Jan 08 2003 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
First try:
55 SK / 61 Wizard / 60 Ranger
Plan: kite him around and loot.
SK pulled with Dooming darkness. (resist)X 2
Made it to the others.
Wizard cast flaming sword of Xuzl.
Wizard cast atol's (resist)X 2
SK cast invoke fear (resist) X 3
SK cast terror line (not resistable)
Wizard cast fetter (resist) X 3
Wizard cast markar's discord (resist)
Wizard cast Ice spear ( resist )
Ranger cast fire DD (resist)
SK has been slain
Wizard casts evac.

Second try:
55 SK / 61 wizard / 60 Ranger /51 Cleric
Plan: tank and nuke dead
SK pulled with disease cloud ( Hit )
SK cast spear of plague (Hit)X 2
SK cast spear of pain (hit)X 2
Wizard cast flaming sword of xuzl (pause sword killed)
SK unholy aura harmtouched (hit)
SK Attack on and assist called
Wizard cast flaming sword of xuzl
Wizard cast Lure of thunder (Hit) X 9
Wizard cast Lure of Ice (hit)

Unknown what and if spells were cast by the ranger.

Spell damage done ( 12841 known )
Plus melee damage
Guess on total hitpoints 15-20 K
He does summon
He did NOT complete heal
His nuke was for 640 max
Melee to the SK was max 198

This is about the most detailed i can be without getting more info from the ranger.

Easy stuff.
# Oct 10 2002 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
lvl 55 SK tanked, one CH, and with the aid of a 53 War, 56 SK, 54 Druid, 50somthing Cleric, high 40's 'Chanter, and mage... The Fight was all one sided and overkill. Just know what your getting into and what to expect, and she's easy.
Easy Mob
# Sep 17 2002 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
Had whole guild show up to do this for a 55 SK in guild...we killed about 4 or 5 "a drake"s...finally he poped up on "drake hill", which is where we just happened to be camped killing Zaza for fun while waiting. He poped, and yeah, he hits like a ****, took out 55 pally fast, but once MA got aggro, I cast 1 DoT life tap (Vexing Moridinia) and 6 Life Taps (Touch of Night), and he was gone (total of about 5400 pts of dmg, so I would say he has no more then 7k hps, if that)...his health went fast with each life tap...so one good group of say 55+ could do this easy.

Skydawg Deathangel
Warlock of Hallowed Pestilence
# Aug 16 2002 at 4:00 PM Rating: Default
My ranger was camped over near the hill with the floating Spynx thing for a month. one day I see Rharzar on track and go find him. He was near the hill, just a tiny green drake. So i round 3 rag tag groups and go whomp his ***. it was mad overkill. even if this guy was healing, his HP went down fast. we had a good number of melees. dont worry too much about getting warrs. just get a lot of damage dealers (pally, sk, rog, bard, ranger) and they work just as fine. i was very happy to loot the spine, and really feel like i earned it. thanks go to my ranger alt for being just a good sport.
# Aug 06 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
Similar to earlier posts, I just got OWNED by this big green bad-boy! Was camped at Lizzard Camp near HG platau, and killed a couple "a drake"s (heard they help spawn Hasten). Then BAM!, got spanked by the 295 melee and 650 spells...
Loading...please wait.

I was lvl 40 at the time.

Edited, Tue Aug 6 19:37:45 2002
RE: Ouch!
# Dec 04 2002 at 12:09 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
i feel you pain brother, i didn't really look at the high end stuff in the zone <figured i'd not be killing it 8)> so it was a nasty surprise when camping drakes for xp to die in to 'doubles' of over 250. OUCH! at lvl 24 i think i was a bit to low hehe. 8)

Jarkeld Hammerhien <darkstorm Dragons>
Druzzil Ro

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