I started a baby wizard and decided to do her old school with no twinking or PL'ing. I've been trying to find this guy to get her Column of Frost, even brought in trackers and my main to clear the zone; no Ilanic's Skeleton. Is he gone now? does he spawn no more?
I just killed Ilanic's Skeleton today (9/11/04 around 1PM CST) with my Erudite necromancer. I was searching for large widows just west of the wizard spires, and he attacked. Light blue to my level 10 necro and an easy kill. He didn't drop anything.
about i year ago i used to kill this guy with my necro all the time he never said nething nbever gave faction and figured he was some heretics pet was the quest broken then?
He walks in south Toxx, right in front of the entrance to Paineel. If you stand within a few feet of this entrance and look north into the forest, you'll normally see him every 15 minutes or so.
The quest is for a wizard spell, column of ice. Hail Josper Kenshed In the wizards guild inside Erud palace and say "what special matter" he will then ask you to speak to Ilanic and ask him for the scroll. It's only half of the spell. You get the full spell when you return the scroll to Josper Kenshed.
Anyone know why this skeleton is named? Why does he give faction? I know he does not drop anything but bone chips (unless its rare). Maybe he is a placeholder for something else.