Dason Goldblade  

Quest NPC

Level: 55
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-08-20 19:50:06

Known Habitats:
  Plane of Sky

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30 minute timer now
# Jul 05 2020 at 11:29 PM Rating: Good
37 posts
Rookie mistake and spawned Inte Akera and was dubious. I race changed to Erudite but he despawned before I could do the turn-in. I had my druid parked in the quest NPC room and went to do some choirs around the house. I came back 30 minutes later and he was up again. I spent another 500p to spawn Inte Akera but I got my FA.

Aradune Server
# Jan 30 2024 at 7:02 PM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
This dude has a 15 minute respawn timer. Just did it with bad faction, Kept box on Dason's spot, respawned at 15 minutes. Good luck.
30 minute timer now
# Jan 30 2024 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
Just did this same thing and wanted to say thank you for posting a time frame about it.
# Jan 13 2015 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
265 posts
Took about two hours. Friend wasn't sure where she was in terms of epics and prematurely spawned Inte Akera, so I sat and waited and approximately two hours later, he spawned.

# Apr 13 2014 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
This quest has wasted more of my time than any other. I have followed this to the letter and this guy NEVER spawns. This beginning to the 2.0 is the stupidest thing ever. Running around islands and hoping to spawn up to three possible NPC's to get this thing started? Dumb. It's these types of quests that made me leave 3 years ago. HELP.....!!!!!!!!!
Buddy Turn in
# Mar 14 2011 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
According to Bonzz page for the paladin epic 2.0 (apparently used in 1.0 as well), I followed the following quest script:

Your "player assistant" will need to speak to Dason Goldblade (Level 55).
Your "player assistant" will need to hail him and follow along or just try saying, "I wish to be tested by Dirkog."
Your assistant should get a book called Walk with Evil (Weight 0.1).
Have that player give the book back to Dason.
This should spawn Dirkog Steelhand (Level 60), in the place of Dason.
Your "player assistant" will then need to give Dirkog 500 Platinum.
This should spawn Inte Akera (Level 53), inside the windmill... right in front of you.

At this point, your "player assistant" may leave as well (jump out of the cave mouth).

Everything went ok up until the turn in 500 plat point. Apparently Dirkog despawns almost IMMEDIATELY. That player needs to hand the 500 plat as soon as he sees the guy pop- no talking, no putzing around, no time for anything.

I got a buddy to try to do the turn in for me on Zek, and they took too long (about 1 minute?) to turn in the platinum and Dirkog Despawned. I can confirm that his respawn time is NOT 2 hours, because it's already been two hours and he has not respawned. Looks like I'm probably SOL for the duration, maybe as long as a few days. I saw a post downstream there that mentioned 9 hours, which may be closer to the respawn time. An extremely irritated paladin...

Edited, Mar 14th 2011 7:37pm by Tutankamenzek
# Feb 28 2011 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
Why is test of Love and Test of Sacrifice listed twice?

spawn time
# Aug 10 2008 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
Spawned last night at 9:30 pm EST on Emarr
Respawn Time
# Apr 10 2008 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
So I made him spawn the wrong guy...

This happened at around 9:30. I camped him~ repopped at 11:28

2 hr respawn :)
Respawn timer.
# Jun 02 2007 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
451 posts
Buddy & me were both at 2.0 turn ins. He got hosed after spawning Inte, and a roaming Azzarack wandered over and got him owned by assist (wish they'd fix Ilse 2 roamer bug...). Time was ~1130L PST. I left for work at ~3pm PST, and did not see Dason repop by that time. Parked bot there to check on respawn, but atm, estimating it to be 4+ hrs or so. Will post once verified.

edit- wifey checked while I was at work at ~730-830pm-ish. Dason was back up. So.. possibly 8-9 hr repop.

edit2- Got my turn ins done ~0055am. Dason respawned 0945am-ish, later that morning. so unless someone else got him while i slept, expect up to 9 hr repop.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2007 9:56am by Aegishopi
spawn time
# Apr 19 2006 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
in dire need of a spawn time on this guy after you spawn one of the other two guys and they depop...any help?
# Apr 19 2006 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
just tried to do the turn in for the fiery avenger with this guy and my friend accidentally spawned gregori leightbringer instead of dirkog steelhand...so i guess i'm leavin my pally camped at the windmill for a while
# Apr 18 2005 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
I will make this simple, that, there are 2 keys u can get while turning into the lunatic, one of them, contains the passagway to a "Quest Island". Ask a guild of somesort, they may know...

Heard this from guild. =D

PS NEVER hail the lunatic, he can litterally Whipe out your Raid, and die. Period. Lol sounds funny huh?.....You just wait....=)
Getting to Quest Area
# Feb 16 2005 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
Hello all-
In a pursuit to continue helping those on their epics after I have failed in certain areas I am posting this hint:
To get to Dason have the person that is on frist island for you to do turn in find the "Key Master". He is a dwarf looking npc and is near the center of the island. He is a merchant so right click on him and purchase "Veeshan's Key". This piece only costs a few copper and will get you to quest area. Once you have this item head towards one of the two pads on island one, the key will only let you get to quest area so don't worry about ending up on island 2 (NOTE: remember to have Veeshan's key on you mouse pointer, it works the same as all of the other keys in sky). The pad will send you under the island where you can find Dason. What I do no know yet is if this trip is reversible, so you may want to have the person with a gate potion or a gating class. I have gotten mixed repsonses on wether or not you can get back out of this area or not.
ONE OTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: The pally for turn in MUST BE INSIDE THE WINDMILL ON 4TH ISLAND!!! If Inte Akera leaves the windmill for any reason and aggros anyone you WILL NOT be able to turn in items. I had a lizzy a necro and a sk w/ me on 4th and once he MASSACRED THEM (he hits like a maniac and fast) I could not do turn ins...500pp down the hole. Good luck all!!

Lord Hadowas Honorshield
Crusading Knight of Honor
Sors Aeternus
Ayonae Ro Server
# Jun 16 2004 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I had a friend spawn Dirkog at Dason Goldblade in the Quest Cave under Island 1.

When I died to get ported back up and summoned to Inte Akera island, Dirkog disappeared and Dason never spawned again for the entire time I was there which was 2 hours.

Where do you find this guy?
# Jun 19 2003 at 7:39 PM Rating: Default
Just want to know how you find him ? I searched the entire first island could not find any Quest cave or room mentioned in other posts. Please need help to get this quest finished.

Fredster Spiritheart
Drinal Server
RE: Where do you find this guy?
# Feb 10 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
how do you get to this guy? to do the quest .
Where do you find this guy?
# Jun 19 2003 at 7:37 PM Rating: Default
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