There go to the Quest section and click on the links about the epic and it tells you EVERYTING about the Lesser Spirit! It is soooo interestin and sounds easier than it is! LOL
The truth with the lesser spirit is that it gives you a stone for some long quest, Maybe the epic... They are VERY LOW level and I kill em in about a hit at lvl 18 iksar monk, named RAXZARR in the Terris-Thule server. You asnwer all questions and rarely he gives you something. He insults everyone but shamans. When u give him money he says "Whatever". He also sais when your done talking "I see, I must leave you Wasichu" or something like that and dissapears, I see them all the time, even when gauds kill them it appears, they are very annoying to me but i help out my Shaman friends and maybe just maybe they'll get the gem.
Raxzarr the level 18 iksar monk, of the Terris-Thule server says goodbye
Peg Leg in BB at one of the bandit camps, after you murder him a lesser spirit spawns, I think it's around 5th level but not sure.. I should check some time but i'm to lazy.
Killing manslayer now causes a lesser spirit to automatically spawn . does anyone know what faction hits you take for killing the lesser spirit? The lesser spirit looks like a ghost wolf, that spawn at the point where the manslayer was killed and immediately buffs itself using druid spells. any info would be appreciated . email me at
Same thing happened to me, and I hailed the lesser spirit, He Said Did you kill this man? I said yes , then he asked why did you kill him, He do something to you, profit, or somehting else. I wonder if your supposed to answer his question a certain way?
The Lesser Spirit is for a Shammie Quest. Same exact thing for Killing Bandit Leaders in Timorous. I left the doggie alone. He was way green. The halfling we were with picked a fight so we had to kill it. No faction. No loot.
killing either capt surestout or the manslayer to make the lesser spirit spawn are parts of the shaman epic quest they are the same part of the quest, just set up so that iksar troll and ogre shamans have the option to do the quest as well as barbs.the proper response depends on your race an evil race might say for profit a good race would say self defense or he ment me harm... the proper responce trigers more speach from the lesser spirit and you recieve a tiny gem and more instructions for the next part of epic quest.
I'm a lizz sham at 21. I have tried all 3 ways to answer and cant get him to go any further then the ether thanks for killing him or calling me a name and poofing out. If anyone who is evil and done this quest let me know how to do it.
Hey guys i am a lvl 17 shaman named sshamuss in the brell serilus server. i see these things all the time and i have said yes when he asks if i killed this man and then i think you say He threaten my life and he will say something like his heart was black and his soul was a nothingness or some thing like that and i dont know where to go after that please help me out
When he asks if you killed the slayer say yes...he asks why..say he threatened your life...then he says thank you...ask who he is....then say you want to know more....he gives you a gem and tells you to give it to a shaman in a port.
Four of those rings supposedly gets you a piece of lower level warrior armor from one of the guildmaster...(I haven't tried, am only level 6 at this point)
the regular snout rings are for a quest i believe but i do not know what quest. the MM rings are for a warrior quest where you get leech husk armor (its dark brown leather with roughly the same stats). turn 4 MM rings in at a time to the warrior trainer in the warrior guild area. he sits on the bridge that spans the entrance to the courtyard in front of the warrior guild. ive gotten the tunic, arms, bracer, and i think legs from the quest. its also great exp (half a bub?) at 8th and decent faction too.
Most conned high green to my 25 Cleric, one attacked me that conned blue formidable though, so I have to assume it was above lvl20 (hit for 45 once). Ran into them on corpse recovery in Warsliks Wood, even the high green ones were very aggro.
that is the regular snout ring...they should also drop a MM ring which is 3sta -10 cha and 3ac used for the leech husk armor quest in the warrior guild. not sure what the non-MM rings are for