Posted:Mar 17 2000 at 9:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Hah... im a gnome magician and soloed him as red at level 10... he's cinchy
I conned him blue to yellow at 11th level. He was spawning about every 10-12 mins, and was dropping the shield every 12th spawn or so. His spawn is proceded by higher level (Blue@11th) cents, and followed by 2 lower level (green@ 11th) cents at the cooking pot.
Posted:Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) And btw. at level ten i never saw him con even or lower to me. I believe the correct level range should be like 12 to 14 or so.
I've killed him several times now (helping a friend) and 2 or 3 times I have gotten exp from him. I am a wizard of the 21st season. So I would say his level is sometimes much higher than 14
Posted:Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) At lvl 7, I saw him con yellow to me once and red most of the time, at lvl 8 he cons yellow about once every 3 spawns
I have camped that shield many times. I have come to the conclusion that it usually drops about every tenth spawn. And he usually wields a sword whenever he drops the shield. THe shield is NOT visible on him when he has it.. And the spawntime is bout 5 to 15mins
A friend and I were camping this loser for something like 9 hours and he only dropped the shield once. I don't know why. We killed hime from about 7:00am to about 4:00pm and he finally dropped one at the end. IT SUCKED. I dont know if they have lowered the drop rate or what.