Posted:Feb 28 2002 at 3:01 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) your an idiot your comments are totally wrong...and i must say for a 52mage you dont know jack..yes rouges do make good CR people but you cannot say best ...it all depends on the zone some zone rogue = best some zone monk = best.
Posted:Dec 12 2001 at 10:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nothing can see thru hide and sneek. why do you think that rogues are the best people for CRs even in high lvl zones? A rogue has the ability to walk past a lvl 75 dragon in ToV while using hide and seek, no way one of the fools in this zone can see thru it. These will see thru ivu as they are not dead even though on the dead side of guk, but that is all.
Yea some dragons can see threw hide and sneak not all. and these garg's don't but! Big But if your hide and sneak isn't high enough they will see threw it. This is one of the higher lvl dungens without uber mobs. it's skill based.