Holly Windstalker  

NPC, non-quest
Holly's had a new hairstyle

Uploaded February 15th, 2019 by stickleback
Updated February 16th, 2019

Category: EverQuest

Level: 27
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20

Known Habitats:
  Qeynos Hills
Factions Increased:
  Sabertooths of Blackburrow +40
Factions Decreased:
  Jaggedpine Treefolk -67
  Guards of Qeynos -67
  Protectors of Pine -270

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Revenge is a relative thing
# May 27 2002 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry you folks feel this way about Holly. She's obviously a member of the extremist wing of the animal rights group.
Being a ranger and having track whilst I was younger, I always checked for her before ending the suffering of the rabid bears and wolves. Also, I had it easier because both bear and wolf con amiable to me, so I don't get attacked out of hand by them.
Save your rage and revenge for someone like Martar IceBear in EverFrost Peaks, who drops the really nice Cloak of the IceBear, or that wack-o, Kizdean Gix in West Commonlands.
Thanks, just my 2 bits.
# May 23 2002 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
From South Karanas going to bank I passed through Qeynos Hills and seen Holly i'm a 26 lvl Monk and I beat her down. Hehe that was for all those time she killed me at lower lvl's. Revenge is so sweet i love being higher lvl.
# Apr 20 2002 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
We hates the Holly Windstalker. We hates it FOREVER!
RE: Vendetta
# May 16 2002 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
Yessss.....gollum! :D

7 Wizard
Rodcet Nife

13 Enchantress
Faction List on Holly
# Apr 10 2002 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Here's Holly's Faction list.

- Protectors of the Pine
- Jaggedpine Treefolk
- Guards of Qeynos

+ Sabertooths of Blackburrow

Good hunting.
Sweet revenge
# Apr 02 2002 at 4:23 AM Rating: Default
soloed her tonight with my 27th monk, was a hell of a pain, she was white hitted for 30-60, but once i disarmed her first weapon half her attack were under 30, haaaaaaa sweet revenge...

I looted 2 bronze weapon and 2pp on her almost worth the beating she gave me under lvl 8, still i want to kill her again for that time she kill me selling my stuff at house when a wolf attacked me.
# Mar 09 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
Me troll shaman. Me blast dis ho every chance me get. She guhd xp. Ranger wit weak spells and no hit points she go down easy. Only ting she have is fairly high melee damage but it not helps dey tramp since i use tagars insects on her.
Factions, Please
# Mar 06 2002 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
I understand the rage, having recently lost a battle to a rabid bear because of her interference, but could someone please control their anger long enough to get the faction change list from when she dies? Or post definitively that there are no faction changes?

Focus your hatred and aid others in their quest for revenge against Holly! Thanks.

Sorry Bitchstalker
# Feb 18 2002 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
The F*** ***** will be sorry. She shall be cursed forever
Revenge is sweet
# Nov 30 2001 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
I am a level 30 Pally, but back when i was level 14 or so killin diseased for pelts(great xp at that level and faction!) she msut have killed me about i dunno 5 or 6 times, came back to qeynos area to show off my Brand new Soulfire and ran into Holly, conned her(expecting ot still see red), she was BLUE!, quikly ran over and whuped they $hiznt outa her. Revenge was sweet(loot sucked though 2 rusty Long Swords and about 2gp total) and still kept my ally standings with Guards of Qeynos and Jaggedpine Treefolk!
re sweet death o holly
# Sep 22 2001 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
You can't zone from NK to Q hills, also theres a long ravine you have to follow when you zone into Q hills and holly NEVER goes there, the other liar on this page who said he trained holly to the guards is also pure BS..I am ally with the guards and they still side with her against me.
Please people if your going to lie at least make it believable.
RE: re sweet death o holly
# Oct 02 2001 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
Actualy I HAVE seen the guards attack Hollybitch who a newbie had trained to the guards... think they sided with him because he didn't hit Holly...Have a 'real' clue before you go round calling people liars
RE: re sweet death o holly
# Feb 21 2003 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
There is a trick to having the guards rip Holly a new one. It might not work anymore, so don't blame me if Holly pwns you.

Prereq: You must be a class that can Feign Death and you must have SoW/Jboots.

Anyways, first thing is to whack an animal (i.e. a bear or wolf) near Holly. Do not kill the animal, just run to the guards while the animal and Holly are chasing you. (Hard part ahead) There should be a good distance between Holly and the animal though (dropping a SoW on the animal to help with this has its obvious drawback) and the animal MUST be in between you and Holly or else the guards will attack you. FD a short distance AFTER the cluster of guards you ran past. If you timed it right a sadistic-yet-gratifying thing will occur. The animal aggros the guards which the guards promptly kill. This causes Holly to focus her rage on the guards. She slashes at guards. Guards then open up a can of whoop-*** on her.

Complete waste of time...but it does add some 'fun' to the way the programming works.
she shall pay!!!
# Sep 18 2001 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
every day.. i duel.. my level 7 ranger with others.. cause i love dueling..this freakin druid dueled me... i was kickin his *** then i chased him.. he had sow on.. he stops at holly windsomething... this was only the beginning.. i didn't know mch about EQ yet... then i hit him 18 points of damage and made him unconsios and then hollybiatch slashes me..
i can't even say how many times people trained me to her... i must be pretty stupid.. when i hit 30..i will hunt her down all the time.. and when she sleeps.. i'lll burn up her camp and make her suffer..i'll put her in a cage and make her die slowly!!!! i've lost track playing with my ranger so i thought maybe i should play a necro.. i played with my necro and rosed him to level 31... then.... it was easy.. i put on dots on her... i casted something that made her scared of a GNOME... for you humans.. why would u guys be scared of a gnome necro.. it's embarrasing.. lol..
She does save you
# Sep 18 2001 at 10:39 AM Rating: Default
Holly and Cros Really hate the necros and If you are a druid or ranger and attacked by an undead or the necro NPC's she's happily save you.

If you attack a wolf/bear and have track then track while fighting to make sure holly doesn't come up.

She did save my but a LOT of times.
She is a ranger
# Sep 11 2001 at 9:15 PM Rating: Default
Druids dont Dual wield or use short swords, She is a Ranger not a druid, oh and i love to kill animals and especially weakling treehugger druids and ranger NPC's think im gonna stop by QH tonight and pay her a visit
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 11 2002 at 2:41 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OH YOU A TUFF GUY HUH,WELL ME 56 DRUID WOOP YOU A** ANY F*** DAY OF THE WEEK............Clown
# Sep 03 2001 at 1:37 AM Rating: Default
holly is a druid, she is not the same faction as the qeynos gaurds. how she cons to you does depend on how the animals con to you. you can raise faction in surefall. ie the miller quest or poachers heads. any sicko who kicks cats and dogs deserves to have a woman slap them silly anyways.
24th druid
Holly *not* same as Qeynos guard faction...
# Aug 31 2001 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
... by a long shot. I am ally to the guards, threateningly to her.
# Aug 26 2001 at 6:41 PM Rating: Default
i saw here and she glowerd, i kill evrything thatb glowers, i just dont like glowering, evrything in the game that glowerd i have killrd, had to take out half of freepoer )

--lvl 60 dark elf necro--
RE: glowering
# Oct 15 2001 at 12:47 AM Rating: Default
lmao i feel the same way, but it only applies to scowling for me. and yes, she scowled!
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 15 2001 at 5:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HEY HELLO SHE CAN SAVE YOU PEOPLE. I was hapily resting with my ranger (Naturbound) and i get attacked by tovex beaing lev 2 its goodbye to me but i was saved. i was down unconsious and holly kicked him clean hehe 55 hp is all i needed.
# Aug 10 2001 at 11:39 AM Rating: Default
i got killed by her once but she must realllly love wolfs and bears thank god i'm goin to freeport so i don't have to worry about gettin killed while lookin for HQ bear skins!
Let the guards do their duty!!
# Jul 21 2001 at 3:20 AM Rating: Excellent
So I was in Qeynos Hills for some reason. Bored I guess. Then I see Holly Windstalker. I remember the old days as a little chap fresh out of EQ's womb just running around killing things that I thought would give me experience. Then the day that I met Ms. Windstalker was a day I never forgot. I decided to follow her around for a bit for the right time to strike. I could've attacked her and had a good fight, but instead I decided to make her mad at me and wait until she was near a wolfie or a bear. Hey, what is that I see, Holly? Is that one of your furry friends waiting to be skinned and gutted by us inhuman ******* fools? Good. Run, kick a bear, Holly gets mad so I run. I run straight for the waystone where I think a guard is usually running around KSing all the newbs that just want some dead bats at their feet. I stop right by the guard. And Holly is right behind me. The guard doesn't like the fact that this crazy, bear-humpin', tree huggin' ho is attacking me so he decides to join the fight on my side. After only a few seconds Holly focuses her attention on the guard and I just sit back and watch the fun. Got some nice pics too. Holly died. The guard did his job, and I left satisfied knowing that the NPC guards are useful even in a newb zone, I got my revenge, and outsmarted that cocky smelly *****.

Oh yeah. I killed that damn ugly bear while they were dukin it out. It was a good meat pie too.

#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 18 2001 at 6:46 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) errr...She has same faction as guards. If she is aggro on you, the guards are aggro on you.
why ac outta
# Jul 12 2001 at 10:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Spawn spot?
# Jun 22 2001 at 12:24 AM Rating: Default
Where does she spawn in Qeynos Hills? Loc or general area will help out.
Die Holly!!
# Jun 16 2001 at 1:22 PM Rating: Default
I was walking through the zone as olpatcheye was. And the same thing happened to me. She is annoying. Anyways I got mad, camped, came back with my Level 34 Barbarian Shaman and grouped with some guy who also got killed by her and we got our revenge. Never again Holly.
# Jun 01 2001 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I too was a lowly lvl 7 wizzie when she first slapped me around. I swore that first day she would get a little gift from me when I was able.
When I hit 39 I finally decided to go try for a GBS and remembered that I had to stop by and thank Holly for all the lost xp she caused me in my early wizardhood. When I attacked her at the BB entrance she didn't even attack me, it was if she were frozen in shock that anyone would actually try to attack her. One root, and three nukes later she lay sizzling upon the ground near the gnoll watchers. Faction aside it was the most gratifying kill I have ever had. Too bad Cros was eaten by the bear or I would have the same present for him.
Sweet Death o Holly
# Jun 01 2001 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
I a lobie 8 Erud Nec - tryin to get to 9 was killed harshly - unprovoked i might add by Holly. . .Kinda hert my feelins that tree huggin ***** did that to me w/o provocation.

As time passes - lvl 8 Newbis change into 53 HERETICS - She attaked me just as I zoned into QH from NQ. Ohh Holly - Slap me for 27points and then 45points.

PARALYzING EARTH - ENVENOMED BOLT - Then I just looked her in the eye and said - Be careful who u pick on as a children of THule Bizznatch - Cazik eats your soul tonight.
I hate her so much...
# May 28 2001 at 6:27 AM Rating: Default
Dear Prexus how I hate this Evil tree-hugging wench.

She is without a doubt the biggest pain in my ear ever.

Im innocently making my way to the Warrens when Im attacked by a rabid wolf. Oddly a gnoll pup jumps in to help, aid I niether needed nor requested. I slay the foul wolf and that idiot human Holly kills me.

Tell me where's the justice in that.

Whats worse she killed the poor gnoll pup,
it was just a baby >>sniff<< >>sniff<<

Needless to say when I reach my 28th season Im coming back and teaching her what happens to those who mess with an Erudite.

8th level Erudite Paladin of Prexus
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