Chief Goonda  

Shaman Guildmaster

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

This page last modified 2009-02-20 23:06:57.

Level: 34
Expansion: Original
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# Oct 04 2002 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
39 pal here with 850+ ac and 1500+ hps, 850+ atk with 40+ saves vs all.. will i have any trouble with this camp?

Its my first char so i dont know if its possible for me to solo it

Edited, Fri Oct 4 15:32:04 2002
The Skinny
# Sep 19 2002 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
Here's the low down on the Chief and the Oger camp. Depending on your class, if your going to do this camp solo you need to be about 40 or so, because these things can harm touch you all the way down. Breaking the initial camp will be your only problem. If your a caster just root or slow them and you should do fine. Mele better get a caster initialy if your under 40. Chief hits for about 80 and bashes for about 50. Little doggy pet will interupt your casting( if your a caster) so might want to root if in the off chance you only pull him. Just kill the two front guards. Keep them down and you will have no trouble keeping this camp. As mana allows the the others if you get bored.

Eldrik Kirdle 43rd Druid
Vallon Zek
Chief Goonda
# Aug 15 2002 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
Was running to NK from SFG when he came up on track. I followed the trail to the Ogre camp. After conning one amiable I decided I didn't have to worry. The Chief aggro'd on me immediately. Use slash and cast technique and killed him, then his miserable dog. I was down to one bulb and he didn't drop anything but 4 silver.

Boccaraton Ranger 41st Season
Covenant of Swords.
Very easy
# Jul 18 2002 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Sincerely, I secured this camp for about 3 hours with a 42 wizard (me at that time) and 40 enchanter, and it was very easy, even with the adds.

If you have a lot of adds, and the Chief is not up, you can take them all quadding, very easily...

Beware, tho, that the aggro range of the camp is very wide.
# Jul 13 2002 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
just took on chief and recovered "
Bone Armplates A/C 5, Dex -5 and strength 5 but can find nothing on this as a drop item from chief. Is this a new deop item for chief?
Bone armplates very old drop, druid wearable ringmail look
# Jul 14 2002 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,075 posts

Weird that these were not posted under his loot.
A good warning
# Jul 12 2002 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
I, like many, started out non-kos to these guys. I made hte mistake of binding too close to one of the green con guards.

You can guess the rest :) Just know that no matter what they con, once threat or scowling at you, they will attack you over and over and all come at once pretty much.

4 grueling deaths before I managed to get out of the chain death with the help of a cleric friend. He had 50% rez, so not that bad I guess, but lost about 4 blues @ lvl 40 still.
Not only hits like a hill giant, but likes them too...
# Jul 09 2002 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Okay, thought I'd share my recent experiences with the big Chief in WK.

First, tried to solo him as a 36 Druid... Was doing fine, expel summoned his pet to oblivion, then went to work on root/rotting the chief. Got to low mana, he proceeded to A)Root ME B)Heal himself, and C)Dispel the Ensnare I had on him.
This ended badly with me rooted(enstilled) and Malised getting the beatdown from the Chief.

Second, came back with friends and got revenge several times. At one point, there was me (a 37 Druid by then), a 40 Paladin, and a 26 Druid friend along for fun. During some lull time waiting for spawns we spied a Hill Giant close by and thought we'd have some fun with him. We were about to kill the Hill Giant when Chief Goonda spawned and aggro'd on us from quite a ways away. We evidently had built up some bad faction by then...
He comes running towards us, and we think it's fine - we finish off HG and then take Goonda. Instead, Goonda HEALS the Hill Giant about three times, and then we have both beating on us. I run oom healing the Paladin, he uses LoH on himself and we take a walk. The Hill Giant followed but Goonda went back to his camp.

We ended up kite/medding until we killed the Hill Giant, but it was a narrow thing. Watch out when pulling Hill Giants or presumably Cyclops near to Chief Goonda.

(added edit: after killing entire camp about 12 times, only got bone sleeves, sheer bone mask - AC3, INT +3, caster wearable -, and Chipped Bone COLLAR. No batskull or CBB's)

Edited, Tue Jul 9 15:48:03 2002
RE: Not only hits like a hill giant, but likes them too...
# Jul 22 2002 at 12:17 AM Rating: Excellent
104 posts
That is one of the funniest things I have heard. He HEALS the Hill Giant! LOL, some days it seems like you against the ENTIRE world in EQ.

When they had changed the mob casters around recently, I ALMOST got killed by a mob that had been green to me for a LONG time. I was farming crystal caverns orcs for pieces of velium to make Thurgadin gate potions (late at night, zone was empty, I DON'T roll through there when people are hunting for exp). Whole zone is way green to me exceptions might be named terrors and stuff like that), and I had never had any problems like this before.

Anyway, I see an orc shaman walking down the hall solo, just outside of the dwarf city down there. So I tag him with an arrow to draw him to me. First thing the orc does is stop,MALAISE me, and drop my resists to next to nothing. "Uh oh" I think, but no biggie, I can just run in and whack him before he gets too many spells off, casters don't have a ton of hp. Next thing he does (immediately) is ROOT me. "Hmmm...this just went from bad to worse." I didn't have any ranger nukes memmed, as I just got done buffing (did I mention I was a ranger?) and I start plugging him with arrows. He then started landing all sorts of stuff on me, nukes, dots, whatever...but I'm still winning. Since he isn't moving while he is casting, I am getting double damage on all my arrow shots (rangers get double damage after 51 to any non-rooted non-moving mob).

Root falls off of me. "Woo hoo! Here I go, it's clobberin time!" Boom. Re-rooted me. "Ack, well I can keep plugging with arrows." I snare him as he is getting low on health, because the last thing I need is for him to run and get 3 friends while I am stuck to the floor. He turns a bit early as he starts his death march, too early to just be stuck in place by ensnare.

Here is where things really got dicey. The orc shaman made it to just around the corner of a wall right as I hit him with an arrow. Now he is stuck in place, but I CAN'T HIT HIM WITH MY BOW because of the darned line of sight bugs with a bow! When I say he made it around a corner, let me clarify, he was 99 percent NOT around a corner, just the very TIP of him was.

So there I am, waiting for root to fall so I can run up and finish him, when ANOTHER shaman somewhere down the hall starts healing the one I'm fighting! So when the orc gets healed, does he run up to me (I'm still rooted) and start trying to whack me? (the stupid regular mob caster tactic) NO he stays where he is and proceeds to debuff me, DoT me, and generally nuke the heck out of me, with basicly zero resists, these are starting to take their toll. Meanwhile I still can't touch him with my bow even though he is hitting me with spells like crazy, while getting healed up to full health by someother orc caster down the hall.

Root breaks while the orc is midstream casting some other spell on me. I'm thinking to myself "You called for the thunder, well now you got it you son of a...". I make a rush for this orc, now with him at full health and me at around 2 bubs or less (I forget exactly where, but I still was good to go to melee this punk with no problems). As I am nearing the orc, I see what spell he was casting as it lands.

He slowed me. Yeah, it was only walking sleep or whatever, but combine that with the fact he debuffed me (resists AND stats as well), I was hitting for pitiful damage slowly. I'm pretty sure he had himself hasted too, though I can't prove that as I never saw him cast it on himself...but it really wouldn't suprise me, seemed like he was swinging fast.

Thank goodness for damage shields! I was able to get my damage shield cast in between getting hit. (I should have had it up earlier, but just had my long duration one up...I usually don't need it in this area). With my damage shield smacking him for 20pts a pop, and me swinging and hitting him every (what seemed to be) 10 minutes, I got him to turn and run.

But right before guessed it....he rooted me again. And the orc down the hall (somewhere, never saw him) was healing him. BUT this time I had a clear line of sight, and was able to finish him with some bow shots, polished him off with a nice crit from my bow. Healed myself (almost dead at this point) while I franticly was looking around for more wandering orcs (all green, but ONE would have killed me if he happened to walk by). I ran out of the area back to the dwarf town right when root wore off, and left that encounter a little wiser, and a little humbler about farming greens.

The point of all that off topic rambling was just to watch out for casters these days. This last encounter was before they "re-patched" the caster mobs to "fix" the problems people were having with the overpowered caster mobs. I can relate to the above post about a hill giant being healed, etc. Normally I would have been done with that mob in a minute or two. This time (I was perhaps unlucky) I barely made it out with my life after ONE green caster, with some help from his buddy. He seemed to have an endless supply of mana. There were a lot of things I could have done to make that easier, dispel magic up, etc. It just wasn't expected to be that hard to kill a green (Like the chief above would have been green to me). Be ready out there.

Safe Travels
He hits like a Hill Giant
# Jun 24 2002 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
He seems to vary in level. At worst he hits like an HG, has the same hps and heals himself a lot. Other times he never hit me (38 warrior) and went down quickly. Anyways, camped him, the priestess and the ogre shaman yesterday for 10 hours and the CBB never dropped :( I did get in that time the following:
5 Fine steel warhammers
2 batskull earrings (both from priestess)
5 bone legplates (2 from 1 kill- weird huh?)
5 bone armplates
1 int hat of some sort

Oh well, I'm going to try the great oowamp
Oscura Pesadilla Necromancer lvl 37 on solusek ro server
# Jun 21 2002 at 10:24 AM Rating: Default
i am sure can solo him whit any good luck if alone whit tipical PET (aggro) snare and FEAR, if i follow them running and fear when if off i think can be easy for my pet kill him always on back, is any other response to it? if the camp can be cleaned for any more low lvls looking for exp will be nice a loot
34 rogue on zeb server
# Jun 23 2002 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default
i was wondering could a 34 rogue with a crystiline spider fang take him out?i am twinked a little.

Koro Darkheart the 34 darkelf rogue.
34 rogue on zeb server
# Jun 23 2002 at 7:18 PM Rating: Default
i was wondering could a 34 rogue with a crystiline spider fang take him out?i am twinked a little.
Easy as pie
# Jun 07 2002 at 4:18 PM Rating: Default

I'm a really untwinked 43 Ranger (still wear lots of ringmail, lol) and took this guy out like cake (or was it pie?).

Here's how:

Pulled with arrow, he and his pet came running at me. I snared the chief right after firing the arrow, and attacked the pet with melee while backing away until it was dead (pets die quick), then ran up and meleed the chief and kept casting Careless Lightning until he died.

He doesn't have much HP's, but he seems hard to hit for some reason. Having the 99-point Careless Lightning seemed to really help.

43 Ranger, Eci.
# Jun 05 2002 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
Im sitting here cracking up when i see people saying a 49 paladin with LoH died and a 50 warrior had to run... Im a 46 pally with fair equip, not twinked. Once you clear camp its not hard at all. Im kos and i can still pull 3 at a time at the most and with loh clearing camp is easy and i dont always have to LoH if they dont resist sooth. If you do get in trouble, root, and run for a bit and /quit. For druids this camp can be taken at lvl 40 or so pretty easy with harmony. But be careful on getting too close, they agro from as far out as you can cast on them almost. Just my 2cp (and a 50 warrior that had to run must have had rusty daggers or something geesh)
Paladin/Farmer of the 46'th season
Arcane Lords
Bristlebane Server
# Jul 22 2002 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
Hee hee, it happens, more so these days with the new "caster patch" that happened. Take a look at my too-long-post above. I have heard of some strange things these days.

Safe Travels
Strategy for taking out the Ogres
# May 30 2002 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
OK, here's a little minimum requirement strategy I've come up with a strategy for taking out this camp. Granted it hasn't been tested yet..I'll clue you in to the results.

Assuming my calculations are correct, you need a minimum of three high 30s if you are of good alignment to take this camp out when the chief is up.

#1. Bring along a druid. They can cast snare, SoW the other two characters, and heal when the fighting starts.

#2. Bring along a nuker (preferably a wiz). I say this because wizs carry the AE snare spell, and also have root. Ultimately their nukes will be needed when the fighting starts.

#3. Bring along your meat shield. Only the true tanks will do. Melees can't hold up to the chief's triple 80 hits.

So, to start the wiz and druid will want to simultaneously cast their snare spells. You should be able to snare at least 4 right off the bat as most of the MOBs are much lower level than you. Now you should have 2 or 3 more to deal with. The tank should intercept the ones on the casters then the casters snare the others.

Now as a group start running like hell towards the North Karana zone. Wiz should start casting high level root on the MOBs to the point where you can deal with them one at a time.

The first one you want to take out is the Chief. Once you get the MOBs spread out across WK to the point where its the chief and maybe one or two greenies the fighting should start. Theoretically, the wiz and druid should still have enough mana to nuke this first MOB to oblivion fast, then the tank can take the others out fairly handily as they arrive one at a time. And if this strategy fails? You should be able to root and run with two casters and a tank to pull em off.

Whallah...a nice spread out spawn time to camp. One of you could even leave for the evening and your good to go!

results still awaiting the test :-)

RE: Strategy for taking out the Ogres
# Jul 02 2002 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
Why are you bothering pulling the entire camp? You specify a druid as part of the group. Whats wrong with Harmony? Dont know if its just my experience but Harmony seems to be a much underutilised spell at mid-high levels. Curious really when it's so useful.
RE: Strategy for taking out the Ogres
# Jul 16 2002 at 9:08 AM Rating: Excellent
23 posts
The aggro range of the ogres is huge - longer than the casting distance for harmony. At least it is after they hate you as much as they have come to hate me.
RE: Strategy for taking out the Ogres
# May 31 2002 at 9:54 AM Rating: Default
You do not need the group composition as listed above to take these guys out unless your all in the low 30s.

Based on the results of our expedition I would say a high level tank is required. However, only one healer or caster is needed to support him/her, and this camp is yours.
41 wizard
# May 18 2002 at 4:08 PM Rating: Default
Im a 41 wizard and have no trouble with him as long as he has no pet. The first time is hard cuz he has his pet but once u kil him once. As soon as he spawns root him and nuke him and he will die shortly . He doesnt cast pet immediatly after spanwing.
# May 18 2002 at 3:39 AM Rating: Default
I am a 45 druid,
I Kill Goonda 15 times and 8 OgreShamans and got Zipoo NADA no drop is that normal?
# May 03 2002 at 1:16 PM Rating: Default
lastnight I tryed to camp this guy. but he wasn't in the zone I think this guy is replaces with something easle now.
RE: Still there
# May 08 2002 at 1:45 AM Rating: Default
I headed over to the camp and he was there. I'm not big enough to take him alone so I didn't try.

BTW the loc on the camp is neg 500 neg 9000. But be careful heading over unless you like to meet unfriendly giants.

Quelek 30 pally
loc in sk??
# Apr 22 2002 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
does anyone have any idea what his loc is? my friend has been bugging me to get him some earrings so finaly gonna get it done so he'll shut up=) also,i fell kinda stupid asking but will a 50warrior have any problems with him?
# Apr 08 2002 at 7:50 AM Rating: Default
is it just me or when ur a lot of lvls above something u have trouble beeting them??? i can drop a con blue in no time and loose less than 1 bub of hp, but a cln green latley can taake me down to half, its real messed up, how much hp does this sucker have anyway??

Naireth the ranger

Abuse the power
Quest mob?
# Mar 28 2002 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
Is Chief Goonda involved in any quests? My Ogre Shaman was in WK the other day, doing a portion of his epic, and I decided to pay Chief and his friends a visit. I was somewhat suprised to find they were Ally faction with him. Decided to hail the Chief, and he did indeed have something to say. The last portion of his speech included a bracketed phrase. I tried several differnt ways to illicit a response, but his lips were sealed.
Just wondering if my faction was not high enough, or if it was simply my level (39) that was too low. Anyone else have anything to add in regards to this?
RE: Quest mob?
# Dec 04 2002 at 11:33 PM Rating: Good
He is indeed a shaman guild trainer and when hailed will speak about enchantment of the stone.

Needless to say, I didn't have the right faction (class?) to elicit anything out of him.
RE: Quest mob?
# Jul 15 2002 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
I think Goonda is a shaman trainer. As I was tanking him around he kept telling me I needed to be of the shaman class to train.
# Mar 24 2002 at 7:16 PM Rating: Default
hehe i soloed this camp easy as hell ( 47 druid tarrew marr
RE: emmhmmm
# Apr 03 2002 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, many people camp this place solo or in pairs. I do it myself every so often for some exp and decent items for my alts. At lvl 40, Chief Goonda (35) is still worth decent exp. Just remember to bring your SVM gear. Even fully self-buffed, my melee suit (50 SvM) causes me to take some nasty 200hp hits from the guards.
# Mar 17 2002 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
hehe i was like a lvl 18 when i first saw this Ogre camp. to busy pickin my nose while runnin i get hit with a non melee 236 dmg spell. I panicked, this guy had to be a high lvl peice of fat to cast 236 dmg spells, but little did i know that was touch of death and he is faster than sow
him and his pet caught up with me and totally obliterated me but i will get revenge
RE: revenge))
# Apr 03 2002 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, I made a similar mistake (without the nose picking thing) I ended up having to bring my invised 19 mage in to rescue my dead 20pal. Unfortunately they see though invis. I later came back with a 42 ranger who (armed with SOW) pulled them to the east zone while we dragged our corpses to safety.

But I have gotten my revenge ... Many times.
Chief Goonda is on my list with Holly, the werewolf, battlemaster (Unrest) and Torvax as people to kill every time I run through the zone.

Great :D
# Mar 10 2002 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
we are actually 2 to camp the entire ogre camp :D

the first time it's easy because only the chief
agro, but beware his agro range is as good as
cyclops agro so be sure you want to kill it if
you advance too close.

the chief spawn every 10 minutes around.
the others shamans spawn every 15 or 20 minutes.

the chief is easy to take down if you have stun
spells everytime he try to heal himself.

he seems to have a very low MR, snare and stun
work all the time. but ! he has a great AC for
a simple shaman :) he is very difficult to hit
and he hits very hard for 84 max ! and he hits
more if he wear a staff for always 84 but
more often.

also, after some kills all the camp will aggro you
so you have to aggro one by one or you are dead.

because all the guards are SK so they all begin the fight by their Harm touch which does 192 to
239 damage depending on the guard level.

the shamans are fairly easier than the chief :D

2 hours i am here and already :
2 batskull earrings, 1 belt and 1 wisdom bracelet
and plenty of money of course and FS.

not a bad camp.
# Mar 08 2002 at 11:39 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, a friend, 41 shammy and myself, 41 rogue decided to wipe out the ogre camp in WK. Guards are easy, priestess easy as well, shamaness and shaman... cake. Now to the big chief. 2 guards popped with him, both with pets and Goonda with a pet, they all died quite handily with straight up melee, since partner was out of mana. I resisted most of his spells and beat him into the ground. How he can take Froon and Choon I'll never know because I can barely solo them by myself. Low armor class I suppose. That's what I get for giving up AC for strength hehe.
RE: Easy
# Mar 13 2002 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
Goonda can kill Froon and Choon easily because a) he has a pet to help usually b) he heals himself after he gets below about 30% health c) he casts drowsy on everthing he fights to slow their attack d) he hits harder than they do. This isnt to say he will always kill Froon and Choon, if he is unbuffed and without pet he usually dies I think but he his quite a bit tougher with buffs than without. Also my count is up to 7 batskull earrings with only 1 CBB to show for it, whats up with that?
After many hours ...
# Feb 27 2002 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
I have camped Goonda for more hours than I can count now and I have a few more tidbits to share with everyone. First of all, at level 39 I finally have enough mana to kill him as long as he doesnt get off too many heals. Firestrike does wonders even with the longer casting time. Second of all shamans drop the same loot and are not even half as hard but Goonda's aggro range is huge so he has to be dealt with before you can kill the shamans. My regular routine now is to pull Goonda and adds to the guards at T2 at the crossroads. The guards only attack Goonda and his pet, you can deal with the adds and then try and KS Goonda from the guards. Then run back to the camp and pull the ogre guards to the cyclopses Froon and Choon but only if you have wolfform or something similar. The guards HT for around 200 and dont drop anything of worth and give no xp so I try not to waste mana on them. The ogre guards spawn rate is almost exactly the same as Froon and Choon (Froon and Choon despawn after about 5 minutes or so) so this usually works out well. An ogre priestess will spawn rarely and she has dropped a glowing bone collar for me, 5ac 25hps 25mana. I have camped Goonda for many, many hours and I have 1 CBB and 3 earrings to show for it, along with a few of the lesser drops as well. 1 more CBB and I can finally leave this useless camp!
# Feb 24 2002 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
I decided to try and kill Goonda one day (i'm a 39 Necro) to see what he'd drop. I must have been lucky cause out of all 8 or whatever ogres there i managed somehow to just pull a guard and goonda himself (and his pet). Darkness/fear worked good on him, didnt even see how much damage he could take off me (thats probably a good thing). He dropped a item that's not even on this site, a chipped bone collar. It's a neck item and i believe it was AC3 or AC4 and +10 HP and +10 Mana. Not better than what i have but interesting item. Not sure how much it's worth or anything. Oh, and I DID lose faction with Rallos Zek, just like someone said earlier, and no other faction hits or gains.
Long boring camp
# Feb 20 2002 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
Was camping these ruins with a 31 and 45 shammy (I'm 51 ranger). Tried to get some WIS gear for the shammies, but after about 7 Chiefs and 7 Shamans (plus a whole bunch of regular guards) our best loot was some FS weapons, which is what the Chief uses too, so don't get too excited if u see him with a weapon :P Better luck to u guys :)

Sembrin Bowhunter
51 Ranger
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