Ghilanbiddle Nylwadil  

Quest NPC

Uploaded November 11th, 2019 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at +413, +98, +76.50.
  • Class: Cleric
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): No

You say, 'Hail, Ghilanbiddle Nylwadil'

Ghilanbiddle Nylwadil says, 'What business do you have here?! Trying to keep safe? Expecting us to fight your battles? Bah!'

This is one of the 4 npcs at the NPC camp. which is to your right as you leave the canyon and travels a short bit. These four npcs work together and call themselves the Fabulous Four. They will kill any monster that wanders near their camp and chase it until it is dead then wander back. They are aggressive to dark races ( troll, ogre, dark elf ) and also to necromancers of any race, but other 'good' combinations can safely sit down at their camp and rest/med. Hailing these NPC's is humorous. They are benevolent and will offer heal you if you ask the High Elf Paladin. When you ask the Paladin he actually says he has to conserve his mana, but they will escort people from the cauldron apparently. I haven't tried to see how this works, but I assume they walk up to the canyon to Butcher Block as I have seen them up there many times stuck against the canyon walls as they try to get back. I always assumed that people trained them up there but maybe they were escorted.

This particular guy is the Gnome. I think he is a cleric. He is the cranky one of the bunch.

From a comment by: Lionkin

This page last modified 2019-11-11 16:14:58.

Level: 20
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-11-11 08:10:00
Known Loot:
icon Gnome Meat

Known Habitats:
  Dagnor's Cauldron
Factions Increased:
  The Dead +1
  Dark Reflection +3
Factions Decreased:
  King Ak`Anon -3
  Eldritch Collective -25
  Merchants of Ak`Anon -3

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Faction Hits for Killing
# Jun 15 2019 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
49 posts
Eldrich Collective -25
Dark Reflection 3
The Dead 1
Gem Choppers -3
King Ak'Anon -3
I do't approve of political jokes...
I've seen to many of them get elected
Elmion and Faldor Hendrys.
# Jun 13 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
169 posts
Elmion is another member of the "Fabulous Four" and he is involved in a Quest together with his elusive brother, Faldor Hendrys. The latter is so elusive that he is not listed yet at Alla's. :) It is the Eye of the Storm quest, for the Avenger Battle axe, originating in Kaladim. Faldor is an ultra-rare spawn in Qeynos North and you need to kill him to progress the Quest. I have seen him once in my 6 years of EQ. I heard him talking when I was sitting in front of the gates in North Qeynos. At first I could not find him, not even with Tracking, but then I realize he must be at the Thieves Guild, below Crow's Inn. This is where he starts his stroll. He walks up, through Crows and then simply walks out of the gates towards Qeynos Hills and despawns...... A rare and shortlived presence, this Faldor Hendrys.

There have been theories about spawn triggers for him, and one was the theory that at some part you have to talk to his brother Elmion Hendrys in Dagnors to get the actual info that his brother Faldor is in North Qeynos. This dialogue was supposed to be the trigger for Faldor spawning in North Qeynos, however I have never been able to confirm that. Off course it is quit a trip from Dagnors to North Qeynos, so maybe there is a large delay in his spawning. I just teleported to near Qeynos and waited a bit but I did not have the patience to wait for hours there. SO no show at that time. Then, 2 years later I finally see him.....

I love Norrathian mysteries!

Edited, Mon Jun 13 13:42:10 2005
Ignore Indifference!
# Jan 02 2005 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
My Necro Atumni, level 13 at the time, was running for her life from a pair of Undertows. As I came close to the camp I conned this guy, it said 'Indifferent'. So, thinking I could zip by the camp and have the Fab4 attack the undertows for me, I did just that.

BAM! You have been knocked unconscious by Ghilanbiddle Nylwadil.
POW! You have been slain by Ghilanbiddle Nylwadil.
Spending time with the F4
# Feb 28 2003 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
I've spend some time look at them, the dwarf MUST be on the camp to atack any mob, if you need help from them and he's not there better find him quickly.

I've tried to talk to them too, but it seems like the gnome doesnt like me, i will try to increase my faction with him and maybe he will talk to me.

As a HIE Ench i raised my faction using Benevolence that makes the HIE called Nyrien heal me if he see me on trouble, he healed my pet too while it was being atacked.

In my opinion, the best you can do if you want to hunt in dagnors, sit in the front of the fire to med, and watch the surrounding area for lords and bosuns.
Attacking Mobs
# Apr 04 2002 at 4:23 AM Rating: Default
In my experience you have to take the mobs to the dwarf in the group to have them attack something. I always see him somewhere attacking and the rest just standing around the fire
This one is a wizzie.
# Aug 29 2001 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
he casts nukes that wizzies get, so im guessing he is a wizzie. then again lizard crusaders have pally name, sk pets, shaman heals, shaman buffs, sk nukes.
the escorting ....
# Jun 27 2001 at 12:40 AM Rating: Default
i was bored off my **** one day, so i decided to see what they would talk to me about. i hailed the pally and talked to him a bit, and he told me the same thing mentioned above, and that the other guy would gladly escort me to the pass safely. so i went over to him and said 'would you please escort me to the pass?' just after i said that i was immediatly being bash on. i ran hysterically to the zone, trying to escape from them (them being the four of them had started attacking me!!!) i finally made it to the zone, zoned over and medded, i had made it just barely with 200 HP left, from 700!! they casted on me like crazy, but then when i looked back up on my text to see what was said, it said this right in a row: (and this is from the healer guy that's supposed to lead you to the pass)
"Yes, follow me closely"
"It's bashing time!"
(something close to)> "High elves like you really bring out the worst in me!"

and then they all stated in on me, threatening against me saying stuff like i really hate clerics like you and blah blah

i'm wondering what the heck happened, but they can ***** it as far as i care ^_^ lol

-Fioncha Gillman
25th lvl Cleric of Tunare (high elf)
the Tribunal
RE: the escorting ....
# Sep 14 2003 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
Well? They DID get you to the zone, didn't they? ;)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 08 2001 at 9:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) All these fabulous 4 can blow my balls.
He ain't so fabbylus
# Jan 10 2001 at 8:47 PM Rating: Default
Me come down to lake in middle, and this little squirt and a skellie attack me. Me thought he was gnecro, so me killem both. Me woulda killem even if he werent gnecro. He drop green rock.

Uglukt Dortosser
20 Warrrior - Adventurers Limited - E'Ci
They never helped me out!!!!!
# Nov 30 2000 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
I had a Tidal lord on me and i ran to them all they did is let me die!!! and i have seen mny times a goblin walk through there camp they dont even touch him whats up with that?
Fabulous Four
# Aug 06 2000 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
These guys do not attack everything that crosses their path. Several times I dragged monsters to them like I was running to guards, and they came through for me. I bound myself there. I died in Unrest, and was immediately slain by a bosun after I spawned and the Fab Four just pulled up some beer and pretzels and watched.
Funny guys.
# Jun 19 2000 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
These guys are really funny. Faboulos four... Hehe obvious spoof of the fantastic four. the dwarf even says 'it's bashin time!' when he attackes somthing. Oh yea this guy is either a wizard, the high elf is a cleric, the wood elf is either a ranger or a warrior, and the dwarf is a warrior.
#Anonymous, Posted: Apr 09 2000 at 2:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) They havce to implemt malange now hehe.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 27 2000 at 11:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Errr Sand Worm's
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 27 2000 at 11:03 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Very nice Dune reference! lol They already have the Crysknife. Whats next lvl 50 snad worms roaming north Ro?!
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 13 2000 at 2:30 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) WOW! Where'd this guy get a stillsuit?? :)
escort works
# Mar 09 2000 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
The dwarf escorted me to the BB canyon entrance just last month. Me being a dwarf paladin with good faction may have helped.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This is one of the 4 npcs at the NPC camp. which is to your right as you leave the canyon and travels a short bit. These four npcs work together and call themselves the Fabulous Four. They will kill any monster that wanders near their camp and chase it until it is dead then wander back. They are aggressive to dark races ( troll, ogre, dark elf ) and also to necromancers of any race, but other 'good' combinations can safely sit down at their camp and rest/med. Hailing these NPC's is humorous. They are benevolent and will offer heal you if you ask the High Elf Paladin. When you ask the Paladin he actually says he has to conserve his mana, but they will escort people from the cauldron apparently. I haven't tried to see how this works, but I assume they walk up to the canyon to Butcher Block as I have seen them up there many times stuck against the canyon walls as they try to get back. I always assumed that people trained them up there but maybe they were escorted.
# Mar 01 2000 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
i don't think escort works, they're worse faction with their homelands as well as each others homelands i believe.
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