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Faction hits
# Oct 16 2015 at 4:37 AM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,966 posts
Soldiers of Tunare -1

My paladin feels dirty. Smiley: cry
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

Faction hits
# Oct 16 2015 at 7:28 PM Rating: Good
1,344 posts
So does my WE Ranger.
Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
Faction hits
# Oct 16 2015 at 5:17 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Friar Bijou wrote:
Soldiers of Tunare -1

My paladin feels dirty. Smiley: cry

You've taken your first step towards the Dark Side. Soon Felwithe shall fall to your rage.

Updated, thanks!
Upon their death
# Oct 15 2015 at 7:10 PM Rating: Excellent
1,344 posts
Your faction standing with Faydarks Champions has been adjusted by -2.
Your faction standing with King Tearis has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Soldiers of Tunare has been adjusted by -?. Mine can't get any worse. hehe
Your faction standing with Crushbone Orcs has been adjusted by 1.

Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
Upon their death
# Oct 15 2015 at 9:18 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Merf the Adventurer Enthusiast wrote:
Your faction standing with Faydarks Champions has been adjusted by -2.
Your faction standing with King Tearis has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Clerics of Tunare has been adjusted by -1.
Your faction standing with Soldiers of Tunare has been adjusted by -?. Mine can't get any worse. hehe
Your faction standing with Crushbone Orcs has been adjusted by 1.

Updated, thanks.

Now if someone can get us the last faction hit, all shall be complete!
Upon their death
# Oct 16 2015 at 2:04 PM Rating: Excellent
1,344 posts
Your faction standing with Soldiers of Tunare has been adjusted by -1.

Alliance Artisan Demonicspawn Dealerofdeath, Scoundrel of the Oathbreakers
Ogre Shadow Knight
Tunare - The Seventh Hammer

Ascending Angels on Beta
# Feb 16 2007 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
I have not seen these "Sisters" since the release of TBS. Anyone else not seeing em anymore?
Rune of Trauma drop
# Mar 25 2004 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
Just got a Rune of Trauma from one of these.
RE: Rune of Trauma drop
# May 28 2004 at 2:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Been camping these for about 2 hours, trying to get the Words of Sentient Beza, for my level 24 necro Intensify Death spell. They havn't dropped yet, and Although I must say it is fun to slaughter Green girly cons, at 24 with a 22 pet, its also quite boring. SOE needs to devise new ways to extend thier subscription time. This is weak.

Meudiar Festerfilth
Necromancer Of Neriak 3rd Gate
RE: Rune of Trauma drop
# Oct 06 2005 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Although I must say it is fun to slaughter Green girly cons, at 24 with a 22 pet, its also quite boring.

LOL! Well put!
SOE needs to devise new ways to extend thier subscription time. This is weak.

I can't argue with that. Tradeskills, including Spell Research are neat & all, nice to have alternate ways to get spells... but it doesn't make sense when it takes longer to farm greens for the research drops than it does to level up & get the next spell in the line (or LBs, or whatever, probably soloing too 'cause you need the drop for yourself & groups aren't always available where you need to farm for drops). Some people skip the reserch pets... pet buffs don't come along as often though. =/
# Oct 05 2003 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
where does this mob spawn?
elven blood
# Aug 22 2003 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
To those who wish to craft the cultural armor for the Tier'dal (myself among them), elven blood is an element of the only temper strong enough to harness the true blessing of adamentite, Shadow Temper. I could easily go through several stacks of this blood (though it courses through my veins as well) in an evening at the forge and brew barrel. These sisters appear to be the easiest source of this blood so it stands to reason that their viscous essence is so valuable - after all, dark prince armor is comparable to Skyshrine armor.

-Forzz, 17th Cleric of Innoruuk
# Oct 31 2002 at 8:04 PM Rating: Default
Named mob on Island - Naya Driftwood. any info? Lvl? Known Drops?
Worth it to stay here unless...........
# Jul 21 2002 at 9:32 PM Rating: Default
Ok here's the deal. This island is extremely fun to hunt on and kill the sisters and such right, but WATCH OUT FOR THOSE PIRATES!!!!!!!! I don't know if they have a set route they wander or something, but they always seem to kill me. If you're a caster I don't recommend going here until like lvl 12. If you're one of those casters that gets Bind Affinity at lvl 12 like me. =)
That way you can bind yourself here and not be always having to take the boat to get here when you die =(
And to that Ranger dude: I'd recommend staying here unless you plan on going to kelethin any time soon. I'm assuming your Trueshot Bow quest is going to take you back there eventually so don't do these because YOU WILL become KOS in Kelethin and possibly Felwithe. =(
Uber XP
# Jul 09 2002 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
Of most of these posts, ppl speak of excellent xp. Is it possible to hunt here as a Lv.11 Ranger?
I hve to go to the Isle of the Sisters for my Trueshot quest anyway...would it be worth it to stay and gain a few lvs. and make it easier on me before hitting Steamfront?

Elven Ranger of Tunare
About to hit 11th season
Cazic-Thule server

Tier`Dal ShadowKnight of our Dark Lord Innoruk
16th season
RE: Uber XP
# Nov 19 2002 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not exactly sure but the elven blood supposed to sell for 6pp a peice, which could be considered decent profit. Myself I'm looking for a stack, either to camp or buy. But if it's xp you seek you should probably bind in WFP or EFP and hunt in Nro then hit Oasis at 15. In any case good luck.
RE: Uber XP
# Nov 19 2002 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not exactly sure but the elven blood supposed to sell for 6pp a peice, which could be considered decent profit. Myself I'm looking for a stack, either to camp or buy. But if it's xp you seek you should probably bind in WFP or EFP and hunt in Nro then hit Oasis at 15. In any case good luck.
Easy Kills
# Jan 25 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
This place is simple with great exp and loot.Just watch out for Zyle Bensmill and Dayle Jornin they have a big argo radius and one is a rogue and backstabs for about 50,i believe.one of the pirates are red at 12 but you can take him and if you see him get him out of the way its safer.I fought the girls from 12-14 and made about 200pp. I'd advise binding yourself on the island rather than taking the boat after getting killed by a pirate.I pulled with heat blood then leech,melee with vamp embrace,and kill the chick with lifedraw.Keep dark pact on you and by following this order you'll barely take damage and have enough mana to wipe out the pirate and two sisters if your pet can hang he might die but you can finish the job just meleeing,but doing this is risky if your a non-twink like me.One of the sisters will heal the other if she walks by but she won't agro. HAVE FUN!!

Mayhem lvl 20 gnome necro
The deal with IB faction and the Sisters
# Sep 12 2001 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Ok I first raised my factions through the Muffins for Pandos quest until each faction was as good as it could possibly get. Then went to sister isle and spent days camping the sisters. I actually kept track of how many kills it took to lower to the next faction level. I am at over 140 kills so I went back to Neriak to check on my faction. When I started, it was threateningly, well folks it is still threateningly. So either you need something insane like 200+ kills (which would put you at KOS to them) to get better faction or it does no good. So I'll be looking for another way to raise the IB faction.
RE: The deal with IB faction and the Sisters
# Jan 15 2002 at 7:37 AM Rating: Default
could a lvl 12 mage solo here.. i am just 9 right now but i am not twinked :( ona new server :(
RE: The deal with IB faction and the Sisters
# Sep 28 2001 at 1:18 PM Rating: Default
raising crushbone orcs doesnt raise DE faction you gotta raise dread guard inner outer and indigo brother faction
# Aug 15 2001 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
These pitiful creatures are beyond contempt and are as weak as children. All children of Innoruuk should slay these wretches on principle, if not for the worth of thier belts. At times there are nice light races there as well. They too can fall with the sisters.

-Glabric, Warrior of our Lord Innoruuk
Vallon Zek
# Aug 02 2001 at 10:59 PM Rating: Default
whats up with these ladies? im a 13 war and i kickem for 9 damage an i look at there life go down so fast its like being lvl 1 again. then a slash them for 29 and keep kickin them and they die in 2 min. then probably the whole 2-2.5 min we're fighting she MIGHT hit me 3 or 4 times.
if u are lvl 11 or 12 and some of these ladies are yellow to you go ahead and takem out. if u have above average AC for your lvl u have great EXP and a plat per purity belt (depending on charisma, im a barb and i get 1 plat 6 gold per belt)
and if u are looking for suprisingly good EXP get a necro or cleric friend and go kill those rougue pirates (forgot there names :P) i went with a 14 necro and we got 2 blue bubs a kill. those guys hit like dervs so dont try to solo them till they are black or blue. the loot sucks on them (what are the pirate earrings for? they are LORE)but the ocean of tears is an excellent place for EXP and cash for most lvls up to high 40's low 50's.
i plan on hunting there till 15 then im on my way to TD :)

13 barbarian warrior
Lanys TV'yl
P.S. love to group with anyone!

# Oct 24 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Default
Why leave at 15? Go kill the gargoyles on the island just to the west north west, they drop gargoyle eyes that sell for around 8pp a piece. I was soloing them at 16 with my druid. They took me all the way to 20! and over 300pp!
# Jun 26 2001 at 11:12 AM Rating: Default
The Indigo Brotherhood, also known as the Warrior guild members and guards of Neriak, is allied with Crushbone Orcs. Raising the Crushbone Orcs faction causes you to become liked by Crushbone Orcs, "one of them" as it were. If you are considered by Crushbone Orcs to be "one of us" then you have a natural pact with The Indigo Brotherhood.

I would imagine that high Indigo Brotherhood faction makes Crushbone Orcs like you, but Indigo Brotherhood faction is actually more difficult and raises far more slowly than Crushbone Orcs.

Though not everyone has read of this alliance, people have still discovered that "somehow" The Indigo Brotherhood likes them after killing Sisters of Erollisi. There is the explanation for the correlation seen.

-- Anbori (Obsidian Pact)
# Jan 24 2002 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
Accually, Indigo Brotherhood is different faction from Crushbone Orcs. The 2 factions however are linked in story line, so some npcs you can kill to raise one will raise the other too. Having good CB faction however does mean the orcs will leave you alone as you kill Retlon Brenclog for your Dead faction (DE SK/Necro Guild).
# Nov 19 2002 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
Dunno, I'd have to disagree, indigo brotherhood faction is just that. I've slaughted Crushbone orcs for the fun of it, then had to go kill the sisters and elven slaves to get my faction back up with home and Crushbone orcs again. But there are several factions hit during every kill, so be weary.
good can kill them too
# Jun 16 2001 at 5:35 PM Rating: Default
If you are a good race and you wanna kill these ladies you can go turn in about 10pp of muffins and they will con kindly consider you if you think that thats alot of money wait until you get the the island you will make the 10pp in 5mins i made 35pp on the island in one hour this is good for mages,necros, and warriors =)
better jump
# Jun 01 2001 at 6:12 PM Rating: Default
i came here with a gnome friend on Tunare and you have to jump if you hunt them reguarly. you get there by the boat and it stops at the docks with a NPC right there. after a few kills they still were warmly on me, so you can come once and leave by the docks
RE: jumping?
# Jun 01 2001 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
ok i get that you jump as you see the island, but the leavin part...how do you leave if you cant gate and you are attacked reguarly?
RE: jumping?
# Jun 01 2001 at 6:16 PM Rating: Default
i don't know, does anyone know
RE: jumping?
# Oct 12 2001 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
when you see the boat coming swim out in front of it and it will scoop you up onto the lower deck.
More faction than claimed
# May 06 2001 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
I think you get better faction then they let on - I was dubious to the Dark Elf gaurds in front of the city (couldn't help myself and ended up picking off some black and blue gaurds in the forest) but after taking out about 15 of these girls, I'm now regaurded amiably.

The loot is so good that I'm definately going back for more, so I'll post if I get any more faction boost from killing these ladies.
RE: More faction than claimed
# Sep 14 2001 at 9:55 AM Rating: Good
NOT TRUE. Have killed over 155 of these girls and I am still Threateningly to IB. I am ally to the Dread Guard inner and outer groups. Unless of course the faction realized from each kill is soooo miniscule that you need hundreds of kills. For example somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 - 500 or so.
spell money
# Dec 30 2000 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
This is where i come to get money for my spells. At 1pp+ a kill it doesnt take long to get the next levels worth of spells when you are around 12 and 16. Faction is bad but oh well im an evil mage hehe. Have fun on this island.
Be Careful here
# Nov 02 2000 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
i am a lv 10 necro, and i have just began Looting this place, WOW, in like 10 min,i hadlike 10 purity belts: ), if u r low lv like me, its good just to stay near the water, because of u climb that massive hill, u will get gang banged! that is where the majority of the sisters(and pirates) spawn! be careful...
#Anonymous, Posted: May 06 2001 at 11:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I love getting gangbanged by these lovely ladies - they're so cute in their skimpy little fishnet outfits and I just so love to remove their little purity belts. ;)
are they worth it
# Oct 24 2000 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
i am level 10 are they worth my time to kill?
Oh god YES!!!!!!!!!!
# May 06 2001 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
These chicks are a freakin plat mine - my 15th level troll SK jumped ship and swam to shore then started slaughtering these babes on the oposite side of the island as the docks. They were dropping a minimum of 1gp in hard coin, every single one of them had a purity belt and I got nearly a platinum a pop with the lowest charisma in the game, they also dropped rusty halberds which got me about 15sp each and occasionally would drop meat, spell pages and elf blood.

I killed about 15 of them in an hour or two and when all was sold and done, I had 30+ plat for my troubles - if I had been able to sell to the dwarves on the island, I'd of done even better since I wouldn't have had to leave.

Even at 15th level, I still got XP from 75% of the gals that I fought as well.

Finally, even though it says that the only positive faction adjustment you get is with Crushbone orcs, the Dark Elves went from dubious to amiable after this little killing spree.

Of course, I'll never be able to show my ugly face in the woodelf city, but ***** it, I was KOS with those snobs anyway.
RE: are they worth it
# Jan 23 2001 at 10:17 PM Rating: Default
RE: are they worth it
# Mar 05 2001 at 3:07 PM Rating: Default
They may be,depending on how often you plan on going
to Kelethin.

If you never do and never plan on it,then it's fine...
Some Faction
# Oct 12 2000 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
I know that the faction with the Crushbone Orcs goes up when you kill these suckers. I will post the others in a bit. Gotta kill a few more and check =P

Belts hehehe
# Sep 22 2000 at 5:06 PM Rating: Default
If you are a greedy Sob you can get a backpack full of purity belts and head for a newby zone, i tended to sell these in kelethin at 5pp each, some complained but overall ive sold about 3 backpacks full in 2 days an easy 120pp plus yes the halberds are great for pets!!!!

P.s. halberds may be stored in cooking spits and i hear large sewing kits also though i havent tried it yet.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 03 2000 at 10:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) FOOL! Don't waste your time running all the way to GFay or the Commons to sell the belts, sell them to the Dwarf NPC for 2pp each. I spent a day there and made 200pp+ and I NEVER had to leave the island. But you are probably a dr00d and just gated there anyway. lates!
Gaurds On Dock
# Jul 10 2000 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
Becareful of the gaurds, there were (6) of them when I was there and I almost died. Thanks to my god I got on the boat just in time.
RE: Gaurds On Dock
# Dec 15 2000 at 11:38 PM Rating: Default
Fair warning! I'm a agnostic Dark elf mage i was KOS only to guard on dock. best to just swim to island then invis to get back to boat
# Jun 25 2000 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
They Run Fast! They Flee fast! And some of them are in groups!!!! And they always like you nor your pets.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 22 2000 at 7:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I shagged her rotten baby, yeah!
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