Located near -190, -45. In addition to her tasks, she offers some insight about those found around her..
You say, 'Hail, Petula Bloodwave'
Petula Bloodwave says 'Ahoy there. If yer lookin' to get to the Hook, head on up the dock there and wait for the next ship. If yer lookin' for some sort of specific information, you'd best talk to [1] or that scallywag [2], that is unless you're for some work. That I can provide.'
You say, 'Who is Whent?'
Petula Bloodwave says 'You can find him near his tent. He rarely travels far. He says that it's important that the leader of the cartel be present as much as possible. Its not that we can't do without him, we certainly can, I just don't think he trusts Shental. He shouldn't. Whent isn't devious enough to deal with Shental, that's why I'm here. He trusts me to make sure that the bard doesn't get out of hand. That's a task that I don't mind.'
You say, 'Who is Shental?'
Petula Bloodwave says 'Shental is a scurvy dog and should not be trusted. But that's what makes him good at his job. I suppose you've talked to him and learned of his willingness to spin interesting tales from scant facts. Well, I can tell you few things about Shental that I have heard are true. Believe them or not, makes no matter to me.'
You say, 'A few things?'
Petula Bloodwave says 'The most amusing thing about Shental is that he is deathly afraid of the sea. They say that he has murdered young women that turn down his affection. They say that he has a deep, dark temper that grows in him until he can no longer hold it in. Then he does something so evil that even he forgets about it after he's done. I'd be careful around that one, if I were you.'