a scythe beetle  


Minimum Level: 17
Maximum Level: 19
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2019-05-04 22:14:20
Known Loot:
icon Plains Roots

Known Habitats:
  North Karana

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Good for weapon skills
# Feb 14 2003 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
These are very good for young Rangers and possibly Druids who want to work on secondary weapons skills after your primary has maxed out for your level. If you have some decent armor then you will get a lot of swats at these (when they con dark blue) to get those weapon skills up. I like to snare them and shoot a few arrows at them, nuke (haha, our nuke is so weak at lvl 20) them once or twice and then melee the rest of the way. You will need much mana for healing after the fight, but your dual weild and double attack skills that you just acquired will go up faster than normal. And you can work on your secondary weapon skills (for me this is piercing and 1H blunt) as well.

20th Ranger
Karanas: a druid's playground
# May 08 2002 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
For the level 19-24+ druid, scythe beetles are in the same class as griffawns/griffennes, the perfect kiting mob. They can resist root fairly often, but resist snares a lot less, at which point you just kite them around and nuke them to death. You just need to be careful not to run into more beetles/griffs because they can ruin the fun.

At 22 I had 131 WIS and another 70mana from items, and could finish off a scythe beetle with a blue bub to spare, unless I got a lot of resists. They don't resist very often, though.

Scythe beetles are like the griffs in that they deal out a ton of melee damage but can be safely kited. A smart druid can level up ridiculously easy just kiting those two mobs all day.
# Mar 07 2000 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
actually, you can run from these and the other two kinds of beetles without sow...they are the same speed as you (slower than normal mob speed) and a little bit of hopping puts you well away from them, and they won't catch up as long as you don't change direction a lot.
Prey of Choice
# Mar 06 2000 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
These are prefered prey as the griffawns in the area are tougher. If you need to run, a SOW or bard's speed song easily gets you to the guards before the beetle can catch you. Remember all beetles will help each other if one is attacked. Choose your battles wisely.
RE: Prey of Choice
# Apr 10 2001 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
From a Wizards point of view, kite this mobs. Even though we own the Griffawns at 16, this things are never a guarantee. While wizards laugh at the other classes for running away from the griffawns, the same can be said about us and the Scythes. They resists root to much and if it holds, it holds for only 5 seconds.

I have AGI of 89 so I can outrun these beetles to kite them without SOW. As a Wizard, I hate running because sometimes other mobs join the chase. But as long as nobody joins, these Scythes are dead.

As a Wizard, don't root them... it's a waste of mana since it won't stick long enough, just Lightning Bolt and run... and repeat until dead. If you find a kindly druid... ask for SOW.
RE: Prey of Choice
# Oct 13 2000 at 10:33 AM Rating: Default
Man, last night I, a level 14 bard, was kiting these. I had 10 or so following me, but I was bellowing these reddies, and killing them and getting MASTER xp. I wouldn't have died except for the fact that I play on Rallos, and someone tried to pk me, but he couldn't cause the beetles caught up with me and destroyed me, saving all of my equipment/money. just run in circles and these things can't touch you.
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