Talk to Historian Pewdri. On the first floor of Crescent Reach. Follow Dialog.
He has two tasks.
1. Pieces of the Past. (Keyphrase [relics])
Which is gather 10 Ogre Relics from the Accursed Lookouts surrounding the tower in Blightfire Moors. Return the Relics to Historian Pewdri and receive:
Sphere of the Ancients This augmentation fits in slot types: 7 HP: +5, MANA: +5, Endurance: +5 Attack: +5 Mana Regenration: +1 Class: ALL Race: ALL
2. Return the Remains. ([Exotic Remains], if I'm not mistaken..)
This task is on a timer. Should your timer run out, you can get it again instantly.
Historian Pewdri wants you too find any remains of the Ogres that used to be in the tower. Return anything of interest to him.
On the towers second floor. (one floor up from Chaplain Bloodmoon). You will get to a room with lots of mobs in it. All are undead, (at least when I was there - none see thru Invis to Undead), there is a small pile of bones on the floor. It will appear, but have no name in target window.