Alchemist Zahra [ Alchemy Supplies ]  


Level: 70
Expansion: Serpents Spine
NPC Added: 2006-09-28 23:50:18
NPC Last Updated: 2019-08-03 23:09:14

Goods sold (80):
icon Adorned Potion Vial 17pp 8gp 4sp 9cp
icon Aloe Tip 1gp 4cp
icon Angelica 10pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Arnworth 1pp 6gp 7sp 9cp
icon Balm Leaves 4pp 1gp 9sp 9cp
icon Belan 8sp 3cp
icon Berterine 2pp 8gp 8sp 7cp
icon Betherium Bark 6gp 2sp 9cp
icon Beyond Jonas 52pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Bistort 10pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Blade Leaf 5pp 2gp 4sp 9cp
icon Blue Vervain Bulb 3gp 6sp 7cp
icon Briar Thistle Thorn 1gp 4cp
icon Bruisewort 19pp 9gp 4sp 9cp
icon Bugbane 7gp 8sp 7cp
icon Centella 45pp 4sp 4cp
icon Cicino 3cp
icon Cinquefoil 2pp 4gp 1sp 4cp
icon Clover Leaf 1gp 4cp
icon Cresson 3pp 6gp 7sp 4cp
icon Crude Potion Vial 4sp 1cp
icon Dash of Wolf Blood 1gp 4cp
icon Dinfuin 157pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Discoveries from the Teachings of Jonas 4pp 1gp 9sp 9cp
icon Dragon Runed Potion Vial 14pp 1gp 7sp 4cp
icon Dragonwart 2pp 9sp 9cp
icon Fangorth 46pp 1gp 9sp 9cp
icon Fine Potion Vial 3pp 6gp 7sp 4cp
icon Gemmed Potion Vial 4pp 7gp 2sp 4cp
icon Gold Embossed Potion Vial 8pp 9gp 2sp 4cp
icon Goldenseal 3pp 4sp 4cp
icon Hypericum 16pp 7gp 9sp 9cp
icon Infused Belan 4pp 8gp 3cp
icon Infused Leaves of Vox's Dust 18pp 3gp 7sp 4cp
icon Infused Pollen of Vox's Dust 27pp 2gp 9sp 9cp
icon Infused Red Hellebore 57pp 6gp 4sp 4cp
icon Infused Vinuk 143pp 3gp 2sp 4cp
icon Kaktu 241pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Larkspur 3gp 6sp 7cp
icon Makeshift Potion Vial 1pp 4sp 9cp
icon Measure of Hemlock Powder 1gp 4cp
icon Measure of Pickleberry Extract 1gp 4cp
icon Mugwart 7pp 3gp 4sp 9cp
icon Piece of Katuka Bark 1gp 4cp
icon Piece of Sickle Leaf 1gp 4cp
icon Piece of Tri-Fern Leaf 1gp 4cp
icon Pinch of Cententialspore 1gp 4cp
icon Pinch of Ground Figwort 1gp 4cp
icon Pinkroot 78pp 7gp 4sp 9cp
icon Plain Potion Vial 1pp 5gp 7sp 4cp
icon Platinum Embossed Potion Vial 11pp 5gp 4sp 9cp
icon Primitive Potion Vial 2sp
icon Rough Potion Vial 2gp 6sp 2cp
icon Runed Potion Vial 6pp 2gp 9sp 9cp
icon Simple Potion Vial 1pp 5gp 7sp 4cp
icon Skullcap 21pp 5gp 2sp 4cp
icon Smooth Potion Vial 2pp 6gp 2sp 4cp
icon Sour Clover 32pp 5gp 2sp 2cp
icon Sprig of Comfrey 1gp 4cp
icon Sprig of Curuloth 1gp 4cp
icon Sprig of Damiana 1gp 4cp
icon Sprig of Feverfew 1gp 4cp
icon Sprig of Horehound 1gp 4cp
icon Sprig of Storm Cloud 1gp 4cp
icon Sprig of Woundwart 1gp 4cp
icon Sprig of Yerbhimba 1gp 4cp
icon Star Reach Clover Pollen 1gp 4cp
icon Sticklewort 1sp
icon Stinging Nettle 13pp 6gp 4sp 9cp
icon Sumac 38pp 7gp 7sp
icon Trillium 7pp 8gp 7sp 4cp
icon Usneq 18pp 3gp 7sp 4cp
icon Valerian Root 3pp 1gp 4sp 9cp
icon Vervian 13pp 1gp 2sp 4cp
icon Vinuk 1pp 5gp 7sp 4cp
icon Violet Tri-Tube Sap 2gp 6sp 2cp
icon Vox's Dust 4sp 1cp
icon Wormwood 20pp 9gp 9sp 9cp
icon Yebamante 52pp 4gp 9sp 9cp
icon Yyamilin 107pp 6gp 2sp 4cp

Known Habitats:
  Crescent Reach

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Updated Complete List of Items on Merchant
# Jan 09 2011 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
2,467 posts
Includes 19 new items:

[Sun Jan 09 09:10:34 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 17 platinum 8 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Adorned Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:35 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Aloe Tip.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:36 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 10 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Angelica.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:36 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 6 gold 7 silver 9 copper per Arnworth.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:37 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 4 platinum 1 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Balm Leaves.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:38 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 8 silver 3 copper per Belan.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:39 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 8 gold 8 silver 7 copper per Berterine.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:42 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 6 gold 2 silver 9 copper per Betherium Bark.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:45 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 52 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Beyond Jonas.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:46 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 10 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Bistort.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:46 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 5 platinum 2 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Blade Leaf.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:47 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 3 gold 6 silver 7 copper per Blue Vervain Bulb.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:48 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Briar Thistle Thorn.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:49 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 19 platinum 9 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Bruisewort.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:50 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 7 gold 8 silver 7 copper per Bugbane.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:51 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 45 platinum 4 silver 4 copper per Centella.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:52 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 3 copper per Cicino.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:54 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 4 gold 1 silver 4 copper per Cinquefoil.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:55 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Clover Leaf.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:56 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 6 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Cresson.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:57 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 4 silver 1 copper per Crude Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:58 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Dash of Wolf Blood.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:59 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 157 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Dinfuin.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:10:59 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 4 platinum 1 gold 9 silver 9 copper for the Discoveries From The Teachings of Jonas.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:00 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 14 platinum 1 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Dragon Runed Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:01 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 9 silver 9 copper per Dragonwart.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:03 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 46 platinum 1 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Fangorth.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:04 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 6 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Fine Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:05 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 4 platinum 7 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Gemmed Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:06 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 8 platinum 9 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Gold Embossed Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:13 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 4 silver 4 copper per Goldenseal.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:13 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 16 platinum 7 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Hypericum.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:14 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 4 platinum 8 gold 3 copper per Infused Belan.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:15 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 18 platinum 3 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Infused Leaves of Vox's Dust.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:16 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 27 platinum 2 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Infused Pollen of Vox's Dust.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:17 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 57 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 4 copper per Infused Red Hellebore.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:18 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 143 platinum 3 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Infused Vinuk.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:19 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 241 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Kaktu.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:20 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 3 gold 6 silver 7 copper per Larkspur.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:21 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 4 silver 9 copper per Makeshift Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:21 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Measure of Hemlock Powder.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:22 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Measure of Pickleberry Extract.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:24 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 7 platinum 3 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Mugwart.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:25 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Piece of Katuka Bark.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:26 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Piece of Sickle Leaf.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:27 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Piece of Tri-Fern Leaf.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:28 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Pinch of Cententialspore.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:29 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Pinch of Ground Figwort.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:30 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 78 platinum 7 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Pinkroot.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:31 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 5 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Plain Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:32 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 11 platinum 5 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Platinum Embossed Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:34 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 2 silver per Primitive Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:35 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 2 gold 6 silver 2 copper per Rough Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:36 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 6 platinum 2 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Runed Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:37 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 5 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Simple Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:37 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 21 platinum 5 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Skullcap.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:38 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 2 platinum 6 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Smooth Potion Vial.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:39 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 32 platinum 5 gold 2 silver 2 copper per Sour Clover.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:40 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Sprig of Comfrey.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:44 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Sprig of Curuloth.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:45 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Sprig of Damiana.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:46 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Sprig of Feverfew.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:47 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Sprig of Horehound.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:48 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Sprig of Storm Cloud.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:49 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Sprig of Woundwart.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:50 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Sprig of Yerbhimba.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:51 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 gold 4 copper per Star Reach Clover Pollen.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:52 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 silver per Sticklewort.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:53 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 13 platinum 6 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Stinging Nettle.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:53 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 38 platinum 7 gold 7 silver per Sumac.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:54 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 7 platinum 8 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Trillium.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:55 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 18 platinum 3 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Usneq.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:56 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 3 platinum 1 gold 4 silver 9 copper per Valerian Root.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:57 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 13 platinum 1 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Vervian.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:58 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 1 platinum 5 gold 7 silver 4 copper per Vinuk.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:59 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 2 gold 6 silver 2 copper per Violet Tri-Tube Sap.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:11:59 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 4 silver 1 copper per Vox's Dust.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:12:00 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 20 platinum 9 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Wormwood.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:12:01 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 52 platinum 4 gold 9 silver 9 copper per Yebamante.'
[Sun Jan 09 09:12:02 2011] Alchemist Zahra tells you, 'That'll be 107 platinum 6 gold 2 silver 4 copper per Yyamilin.'
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