I fought this mob tonight, was going well, pulled with sk debuffs, bst got the sucker slowed, had hella lot of hps, fight was taking forever and running druid healer oom. But on a 11.5k /2k AC sk the max hit I had seen was just over 1k, then out of nowhere at 40% health the mob goes ape **** and starts quadding 2k hits, druid was halfway through casting a quick heal and I was at 60%, it killed me and started eating the bst pet before druid got insta succor off... Group was 70 sk with max defensive w/ 480 AAs, dru 470 AAs, bst with at least 460 AAs, and 69 ranger(who was trueshotting). This mob requires a stronger group than that...
--Riszaak Liruek 70th scrounge knight
--Xirisx Stormwolf 70th Druid