You say, 'Hail, Srynda'
Srynda says, 'I am Srynda, custodian of the [Concordance of Research].'
You say, 'Concordance of Research'
Srynda says, 'The 'Concordance of Research' is an aid to those who follow the path of academia. It, and its sister books, 'Runes and Research', volumes I and II, help those who are [interested] in researching spells.'
You say, 'interested'
Srynda says, 'I have several copies of each book. If you want a copy of 'Runes and Research', volume I or II, bring me a lightstone and I will give you whichever book I have more of at the moment. Bring me a greater lightstone, and I will give you a copy of the 'Concordance of Research.''
Absinthe Glass | 1gp 4cp | |
Absinthe Spoon | 1pp 4sp 9cp | |
Backpack | 5gp 7sp 7cp | |
Belt Pouch | 1gp 5sp 7cp | |
Black Ceremonial Coffin | 1pp 4gp 6sp 9cp | |
Bottle | 5cp | |
Cask | 3sp 1cp | |
Large Bag | 3gp 1sp 4cp | |
Large Box | 5gp 2sp 4cp | |
Nectar of the Green Fairy | 26pp 2gp 4sp 9cp | |
Purse | 1sp 5cp | |
Quiver | 1pp 5gp 7sp 4cp | |
Small Bag | 1gp 8sp 8cp | |
Small Box | 2gp 9cp | |
The Drink of Timeless Energy | 26pp 2gp 4sp 9cp | |
Wrist Pouch | 1gp 4cp |