Just killed this mob w/ lvl 25 pally, 25 chanter & 25 druid boxed. Nothing stuck to him I'm sure because of the level difference, had to beat on him till he was OOM to kill him. Split Paw needs to be added to list of drops also.
He is a caster, cleric type, that cast 168pt DD and is rumored to CH himself (did not get a chance to test that). Found him roaming around south of the Paw in SK.
Lol well I can confirm the complete heal rumor, I attacked him cause he con'd white to me. Well I had him down to like 23% and then he started to try to cast heal, well I interrupted him twice, third time he got it off, and wouldn't you know, complete heal. Well I was at about 18% at this time. Luckily being a pally I LOH'd myself and turned and ran for zone, made it out thankfully. 168pt DD is right and also he hits in the neighborhood of about 80. Yep a few more levels to play with him again. 39 Pally.
Edit: Let me also add to that: He dispelled 4 of the 5 buffs I had on me, lvl 39 buffs. You've been warned.