Pashir Vollemon  

Quest NPC

Uploaded September 25th, 2019 by Drewinette

  • This mob spawns at +79, +65, -258 next to Vrasha Piennsa.
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): No

You say, 'Hail, Pashir Vollemon'

Pashir Vollemon says, 'Greetings. If you follow the ways of the [berserker], I can perhaps be of assistance. If not, then I do not have much to say to you.'

You say, 'berserker'

Pashir Vollemon says, 'I thought I saw the gleam of rage in your eyes. If you are truly dedicated to our way of life and embrace the primal rage that burns from within our souls, I can perhaps assist you with the knowledge of [armor] making passed down by our ancestors.'

You say, 'armor'

Pashir Vollemon says, 'It is a special suit of armor that does not constrict our ability to fight. It is not necessary that you acquire this armor; however, it would help you while you struggle to learn the ways of the berserker. When you are [ready] to begin, let me know.'

You say, 'ready'

Pashir Vollemon says, 'Take this assembly kit. With this kit, you will be able to combine the various components necessary to make your armor. I can instruct you on how to make [boots], [leggings], [bracers], [gloves], a [coif], a [gorget], or a [tunic]. I suggest you wait to make the tunic last, as it is the most difficult item to construct.'

You receive Savageclaw Chain Assembly Kit.

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-09-26 05:32:44.

Level: 60
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
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next to ber GM
# Jul 05 2007 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
he is right next to the BER GM, can use ctrl+f and find Vrasha Piennsa and he will be right next to her
# Apr 19 2007 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
His location is +79, +65, -258
gone ?
# Dec 23 2006 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
where is he !!@!? whats the loc....... can't find him on "FIND"
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