a fierce blizzard hunter  

a rare creature

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

  • Respawn Timer: 15-16 mins
  • Summons: Yes

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2019-06-30 03:12:51.

Level: 52
Expansion: Scars of Velious
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2021-06-05 18:32:08

Known Habitats:
  Velketor's Labyrinth

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# Jan 01 2020 at 10:53 AM Rating: Good
44 posts
Finally got him to spawn on Mangler and he did not drop a single freaking thing. Bunch of crap.
PH spawn timer is..
# Jun 29 2019 at 12:37 PM Rating: Excellent
68 posts
...approximately 15-16 mins (Agnarr).
# Nov 03 2007 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Killed him tonight on FV with my 59 SK. The first attempt I had to zone because I had too many adds. Got him to 40% and I zoned with 9%. Regened back to full health and mana and went back in. This time I cleared as many adds as I could and when I pulled the last one, he came with. Switched targets, popped a ds pot, and gave him everything I had (minus HT but was just about to use it too) then he died. Killed add and looted corpse. He had 2 helms
# Feb 05 2006 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
The Fierce Blizzard Hunter spawns on the ground floor in the BR. As you face the two Ice statues on the ground floor at the bottom of the ramp going in. Either invis up or fight in. I would recommend fighting in. You go straight back in between those two statues, over the snow bank (not a boulder) and over the ice patch straight back.

Once all the way back you will see the BR (Back Room) break into two areas. Spiders on the left and spiders on the right. There are 3 spiders to your right. Turn to your right and face the 3 spiders. The spider on the farthest left in the SW corner is the PH.

Fierce will always drop two items. Mostly 2 helms. Uncommon 1 helm 1 ear. Rare 2 ears (yes 2). He hits rather hard, but a 65 Cleric / 65 Paladin combo can box him. At the time I think my pally had around 6k hp buffed.

I am sure now at level 70 with 10khp I could probably solo him.

AS FOR YOU FRIGGIN MORONS who continually argue over whose ear this best is. ITS ALL/ALL NO DROP. Anyone can go camp one, get off your ***** and get one.

Spawn Rate
# Dec 05 2005 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
Pops in the BR. On first floore go straight past the two gargoyles and straight back into the room with 7 spiders. This is the BR. As your facing into the room the Fierce will be the one in the corner to your right on the far SW corner.

Today it spawned for me at about 2pm CST. He spawned twice in a row and in my past experiances is completely random.

I came here to level my warrior box and get him the ear. Its a nice HP ear with no level recommended or required.

# May 26 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
Soloed him last night with my lvl 61 Pally but only after some extremely creative during the fight self healing. I hit him for 12130hp and he hit me for 15848. I only have 6000 so I was healing like crazy during the fight.

He dropped both the helm and the earing.
# Nov 10 2004 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
Killed tonight, duoed down VERY easily with 59 Ranger (me) and 57 Shaman. Got the earring and the helm.
just for the info
# Sep 27 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Default
Always seems to drop 2 helms. in my experience anyway. It could be that it drops the earring when it doesn't have the helms.

Edited, Mon Sep 27 14:21:39 2004
Just Killed Him
# Jul 11 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
65 bard, 65 pally, 55 mage. Dropped 2 of the Velium-Etched Helms; bard loots one, other one rots because pally already has one. Easy kill for the three of us, but knocked the crap out of the pally, took him down to 36% life. All of my nukes went for full strength, easy to land Malosi on it.

# May 10 2004 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
I found him in the center of the first room from the entrance. Accidentally bumped into him, and he took down most of the high 40's - low 50's group. Of course, we weren't set up and didn't have a healer either. We came back, killed him, and dropped both the helm and the earring for that one kill. Didn't see him again the rest of the night.
RE: loc
# May 12 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
We killed him twice now on consecutive nights. He spawned for us between 10-11pm CST each time and spawns in BW...just run straight between the crystalline statues in the very front and run to back room...he spawns on the right. The first time he dropped two helms and the next night he dropped two earrings. Be prepared because he summons : ) GL

Edited, Wed May 12 11:38:44 2004
spawn loc?
# Apr 15 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
238 posts
Does this guy have a specific spawn location or can he spawn anywhere spiders do?
RE: spawn loc?
# May 02 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
He spawned at BW for us
rarity and drops
# Jan 01 2004 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
I have hunted the lower spiders off and on for about 3 months: to get crystalline silk threads for my 5th Coldain Prayer Shawl, and helping guildies to do the same.

In a total of about 15 real hours spent there, I saw him for the first time recently (mid-December 2003). He dropped the earring and the helm.

-- Scruetayp Vivisectivore, 54 Iksar Necromancer, Quellious Server
Mob Rarity
# Dec 15 2003 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
717 posts
Spent about 12 hours in Velks over the weekend grinding and camping this guy. In that time, he popped 3 times (once when someone else was camping him).

Anyone else who's done long camping streaks with him care to report how often they've seen him?
# Dec 04 2003 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
The earring is very rare. We have wasted this guy at least 15 times over the past few days, the two helms always drop. We have seen the earring once.

Be prepared to camp
# Nov 12 2003 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
13 posts

Just killed 'a fierce blizzard hunter' 10mins ago. I am lvl 52, and he conned even. He dropped TWO Velium Etched Helms

22ac 5str 3sta 25hp
All races

Rokke On
Bard of Stromm
Nice new mob to kill.
# Nov 09 2003 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
I've killed this spider about 6 or 7 times now, still only those two drops that you mentioned.

Common, Velium Etched Helm: 22ac +5str +3sta +25hp

Rare, Forgotten Ebony Earring: 10ac +10cha +6wis +6int +50hp +60mana

Mob maxes for 205, summons, and is level 51-52.
I wonder why they put a new mob in Velks after all this time?
Surprise surprise :o)
# Nov 08 2003 at 5:24 PM Rating: Excellent
This is a "new to me" mob, that I saw spawned in Velk's bottom center area for the first time ever yesterday. I noticed a few days ago that there was a blizzard hunter pop in a corner where there were never any spawns before. I thought "hmm..strange, maybe someone rooted it from a previous camp." Anyway my 60sk has been soloing there forever. I go there for easy and good AA xp whenever I just wanna "kick it slow " in the game. Yada yada, camp CE and Frenzy camp alot or just bop around. Got a tell from a lvl40 bard who wanted to join me at VT. He joined up and I was pulling close to zone for a while, then head up to Frenzy. We killed this mob twice. First time i had to zone, I only had 35%HP and 20% mana when i pulled it. I figured it was just another variety hunter that SOE decided to put in zone..lol. I was hasty in my decision, wanting to get this rare never before seen mob before anyone else get's it. Well, he hits for up to low 200's, lotta hit points, and SUMMONED me. I was like WTF!!! We had to zone, had it down to 17%HP but i was down to 11% now and OOM. Zoned BW to 80%, med yada yada. Came back and mob was back at spawn area. Woo Hoo, mangled him..still a tuff little fight. I told bard to loot...he links a NO DROP helm 22ac and some stats. There were 2 of them. Wow, I was impressed with loot. Nice little twinkees, no lvl requirement. Got him again 2 time around. Woot, Bard was excited and I was too...lol. My leechcurse and leechtouch were up and made me feel at ease when I needed to use and they were there Smiley: bowdown. Ok, Bard linked again. this time a NO DROP earing 10ac 10Cha 6Wis 6Int 50HP 60 Mana and another Helm dropped whcih rotted /ooc'd it but no one came. My eyes popped when I saw stats on earing, not shabby at all. I let Bard loot it, and was very happy that he got some nice unexpected upgrades. Now I will look for this mob wondering what if any other drops it has. My feeling that if there is may very well be all NO DROP. Keep farmers away, but nice stuff so far none the less. Good Luck and have fun. Please forgive me for long post. :o)
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