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Boots of Shadow Walking  

Lore Item No Trade
Slot: FEET
Charges: Unlimited
AC: 8
AGI: +12
Effect: Shadow Step (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 3.0) at Level 24
WT: 3.0 Size: MEDIUM
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)

Item Type:Armor
Appearance:Velious Chain 2
Color (RGB):40, 35, 35
Submitted By:Toucan
Lucy Entry By:Tiana
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-10 09:48:43
Page Updated:Sun Dec 12th, 2021

Expansion: Shadows of Luclin Shadows of Luclin

Rarity: Rare
Level to Attain: 50

[Drops | Comments ]


This item is found on creatures.

Tenebrous Mountains
NPC Name
Emissary Oomgado
The Fabled Emissary Oomgado

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Tenebrous Mountains

Casting Time: 3.0 seconds

Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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Got mine 07 MARCH 2009
# Mar 07 2009 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
241 posts
Got the boots after about 15 hours and 3 spawns. Saw posted drop rate is near 20%

Dadijob (Prexus) TA Rocks
AFK is the way to go here...
# Feb 02 2009 at 11:54 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
Widdowhuggers post (second below mine) is dead on for direction as to which PH = Oomgado. My own case was similar to other posters below me who've gone after this item--a long, long wait to even see Oomgado himself show up, much less drop the boots.

I camped him sporadically for about a month and a half, going out randomly to just check the spawn, then sitting a couple of hours max; in that time I never saw him once. Then, having gotten other, more pressing camps out of the way I decided it was time to really dig in on this guy. Just over seven hours of place holder after place holder, he popped--and gratefully, he handed over his boots on his first appearance. All totaled, I probably gave the camp 15-20 hours. Judging from others posts, that isn't uncommon--perhaps even leaning toward the short side.

Best advice? Just do something around the house while you sit your character against the wall by his spawn spot. In doing so, you'll only ever deal with two spawns: 1 roaming named (1 hour spawn timer), and the PH/Oomgado pop (20 minute spawn timer). Crank up the volume on the speakers so you'll hear when you've been engaged in combat, and aside from those moments read a book/watch a movie/clean your computer room/what have you. It's a mind-numbing camp, so distracting yourself will help chip the time away.

Good luck, campers!
Nove 2008
# Nov 07 2008 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
Been camping him for a few days now. Have seen him about 6 times. No boots yet.
Mini Guide
# Nov 30 2006 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
The loc is "Pos 660, Neg 1330, Pos 144"

For those who hate doing /location heres how to reach the camp.

From Grimling forest Zone line, head North till you see a giant castle/building, it's easy to spot since it's gray and well sticks out like a saw thumb. On the West side of the building is the entrance.

Note: Vampyres cast invis on them selves. So you may need see invis. Also they are undead.

Enter the building and you see that the room has lots of the big gray blocks on the floor (Coffin/tombs). After killing the annoying mobs and head East until you see a ramp that head upwards.

Go up the ramp till you see a staircase (STOP AT THE BOTTOM OF THE STAIRS). You will notice to the Right of you (Thats the North) that there is a brown box on the edge and also near by giant pillars.

This is the second floor.

Now you will see Two 'a coterie general', they will be standing right next to gray looking torches that has smoke coming out of them (Depends on your graphic options).

The torch that is the furtherest away from the stairs (Northish that is also close to the wall) is where the place holder, a coterie general where the 'Emissary Oomgado' has a chance of spawning.

Now the respawn timer for 'a coterie general' is 20mins while the names (the bat-winged like vampires) spawn every hour.

The Bat-winged like named vampires spawn there every hour and one spawns between the torches. The other bat like vampire that roames Down stairs and then up to the third floor and may agro you.

This guide is dumbed down, Meaning this will save you from reading 100's posts that says yeah i killed him and looted it so consider me cool.

Edited, Nov 30th 2006 6:18pm by Widdowhugger
Boots still drop
# Sep 21 2006 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
I can confirm these still drop as of last night (Sept 20). With the server ups/downs, I took a chance and spent the night there instead of exp groups (figured we'd get bounced a few times and EMarr did).

They dropped my 3rd viewing of him (he was up when I arrived, killed him, killed a PH, then he spawned again, then 2 PH's then he spawned and dropped them).
Mistress Artisan Crystilla The Persistent Serving Wench, The Hand of Serilis
Phoenix Ascending / Erollisi Marr server
Finally got them
# Jun 04 2006 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
After some 25 odd hours of camping and killing the Emissary on and off, these finally dropped. Needless to say, they're awesome - say goodbye to locked doors forever!
Finally got them!
# Apr 05 2006 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
660 posts
Cleared all 4 mobs on the 2nd floor and didn't see him spawn even once for quite a few hours. Then finally found him the next day, dropped nothing. He spawned again in the same spot and dropped my boots. =)

Seems to spawn in the same spot EVERY time. You'll see a named vampire on 2nd floor, with 2 vampires one on each side of him. The one closest the far wall is the PH for this guy.
Antonius Bayle
15+ hours and no boots
# Sep 18 2005 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
After spending over 15 hours in total camping this guy, and having killed him 9 times now, I haven't gotten any boots yet. Also, the last 5 or so of those hours, he hasn't spawned at all. I'm beginning to wonder if these still drop (and now, if he even spawns anymore). *sigh*
RE: 15+ hours and no boots
# Jan 06 2006 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
The boots still drop and the classes are the same listed on the picture. My shaman friend just got them finally after camping them off and on for 2 years. They are very handy if you play on pvp.
Class restricted now?
# Aug 05 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
Was considering camping this for my toy bag. Someone told me they are sk/nec only now... Can anyone confirm or deny this? Have you gotten them to drop 'recently'?

RE: Class restricted now?
# Sep 15 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
These dropped for me the other day - all classes indicated in the above picture can still use it, nothing has changed.
RE: Simple Camp
# Jun 13 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Decent
I forgot to mention that the PH Spawn Timer is 19 minutes & 40 seconds.
Simple Camp
# Jun 13 2004 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
This is a pretty much simple camp. The Castle is in Tenebrous Mtns. You can get there either by running it or taking a port to Grimling Forest. The mobs that you will be fighting are UNDEAD! This is a great plus for Clerics with their Undead DD & Dots. In the group I had myself and a Chanter/Warrior who was 2 boxing. The mobs themselves aren't that difficult considering we were level 65. The PH cons Light Blue to a level 65 and so does the named. Just camp the second floor of the Castle. He spawns to the right of the named Vampire there. Above all, BE PATIENT! Took me 3 hours to get him to spawn. Good Luck with your spawn!
Another Use
# May 30 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
Another nifty use for these which comes in quite handy, is using them to free yourself if you become stuck on something <which rewind is supposed to fix but never does>. Also will free you if you fall under the world. I got these and not playing on a PvP server I just kept em as a clicky toy. First day of dx9 being implemented I fell under the world 3 times <more than the rest of my eq career combined> GMs never answered my petition so I figured what the hell try the boots, and walla I am back on solid ground. And btw, never did get a GM to answer me... great customer service eh? Without these boots I would have been down there for hours upon hours. So def. worth camping a pair imo. :D
# Apr 24 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default

Do these need to be equipped or can be used from an inventory slot. 3 second cast time is a bit slow but still the efect is great

RE: Equipped?
# May 30 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, you do need to equip them to use the effect, happy hunting. ;)
casting time?
# Apr 03 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
anyone know the casting time on this?
RE: casting time?
# May 30 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
Casting time is 3 or 4 seconds not sure exactly but its around there.
spawn time
# Jan 05 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Spawn time is 19min and 40 sec.. been camping him for some time.. hes a gimp to a 65.. as a cleric i can solo to entire castle. on the secent levil of the castle he spawns on the far side of the stares to the right of the named.
Boots Still Drop | Rallos Zek
# Nov 28 2003 at 8:14 AM Rating: Decent
Me and a few guildies tried for about an hour yesterday and since it was Thanksgiving I decided I needed to log, I camped Both of my chars right where the Emissary spawns and when I logged my Paladin back on there was the Emissary, of course the roamer that fly's by every now and then just happened to be there and I decided just to take my beating like a man, So I got my guildies, logged my Necromancer and pulled the Emissary to the zone and rooted him then let the other Mobs that was following him return back to the castle and started to whip up on the Hooded thug. First time First try BAM! boots drop I loot! Now I have and added advantage on a PvP server that most will not be expecting.
# Jul 06 2003 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
Ahh i jus grabbed a pair of these
and they clicked fer me at 27 -
will do more research once my evile
partmer wakes up.
# Oct 16 2002 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
I MUST get some of these for my paladin...nothing like seeing a toon with a blazing sword go poof. Hehe.. He already has other disguises, this would be perfect...
RE: Wooo..........
# Jun 29 2003 at 1:39 PM Rating: Default
LOL As soon as I saw them I said the same thing -- See someone you KNOW is a pally, he goes poof without any spell casting! I mean COME ON, I confuse people with my bard and Wizzy doing it, and they are supposed to have shadow step... also, set this to a hotbutton and just hit the number as fast as you can and see where you wind up!!! =D
just got this
# Aug 09 2002 at 6:19 AM Rating: Default
36 posts
I am in fact camping the coterie fort right now, we had one of thses drop, war said for cleric to get it so cleric got it=)
# May 21 2002 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
I have an SK ogre and in the Lake of Ill Omen the spell Shadow Step has saved me countless times. When iget add after add, I start casting shadow step - within a few casts it USUALLY puts me far enough out of agro range that I can begin bind wound, sit and med, or run to zone.
The danger I have discovered is that it sometimes puts you out in the lake! Once already low on HP I was jumped - cast it and had to swim to the surface for air... I look to shore and seen the Sarnak Dragoon Wading in after me - Cast again - Deeper in the lake ACK! Barely made it to shore. Dieing in the lake would suck for CR. yet the times it HAS saved me far outweight the occasional accident. needless to say It would be useless in Lavastorm.
# Apr 30 2002 at 1:24 AM Rating: Decent
Dropped 2 Oomagados in 2 hrs time got a pair of these boots each time (1 pair for me and 1 pair for my ranger buddy). These things are fun as hell i say. Nothin like making a hotkey for these for when someone is begging you for pp or just won't quit inspecting you. PooF! your gone hehe

Only drawbacks are 3 sec cast time and that they are NO DROP.

60 Crusader
Best class
# Mar 29 2002 at 4:39 AM Rating: Default
33 posts
Since the AC sucks and it has no useful stats but for the effect - the best class for this is obviously a bard...because we could cast this while running...omg the PVP potentials :P too bad we can shadowstep already, probably in less cast time too. This would just free up another song slot.

Edited, Fri Mar 29 04:44:21 2002
70 Soothsayer of Drinal
Shadow Step
# Feb 27 2002 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Just FYI since all the non-casting classes are yapping about a spell they have never used. Shadowstep IS a RANDOM inter-zone gate (gates are for individual caster, ports, etc for more than caster). Typically this spell sends you a very short distance in a random direction. However, you cannot shadowstep UP, only down. IE: If you are standing at the lowest point in a zone and cast this, you will reappear where you cast initially. Example: In OT, if you are in the pit with the scorpikai (sp?) and cast this, you will not eventually appear up on the cliff, you will stay in pit. However, if you are in Kelethin, and you cast on the bank's platform, it MIGHT bring you down to the grass below (no falling damage).
RE: Shadow Step
# Mar 05 2002 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
The spell Shadow Step, if it is similar to the Necro's spell, is a very unreliable spell. As stated above, it merely teleports you a short distance to a random spot in the zone. The spell isn't really supposed to be used for escaping mobs because you can wind up in a worst situation

Back when my necro was in his late teens, he used this spell at the Oasis to escape orc trains. Well one time he used it, he found himself in water with orcs swiming after him. He Shadow Stepped again and he found himself starring at a spector on spector island. Well, needless to, he didn't get a chance to cast another spell after that. Its a crap shot. If you have nothing to lose and you're about to die with no way out, this spell might be able to save you. But just remember to do a /loc as soon as you appear, you may need it later.
RE: Shadow Step
# Apr 07 2002 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
There's probably only one thing that could make these worth having: can the effect be clicked from inventory? I'm not going to get into the debate about shadow step being good or a pain in the ***, I'd just like to know if the effect is clickable from inv.
RE: Shadow Step
# Jul 06 2003 at 6:12 PM Rating: Default
These boots are VERY valuable to me. But i play on a real server. These boots in PVP = OWNAGE. Oh no im rooted. . . shadow step . . . where did he go ??? Blam big fat DoT hits ya in the back.
RE: Shadow Step
# Apr 07 2002 at 1:44 AM Rating: Good
**The spell isn't really supposed to be used for escaping mobs because you can wind up in a worst situation **

Umm exactly what else do you use Shadowstep for?? It is used to do exactly that as an escape to put distance between you and your opponent. Since it is random though that does not always work in your favor but does not change its purpose one bit. It is now and has always been used an 'escape' tool and not a travel one ;) On PvP servers it is a highly useful tool for when you attack a group of folks (yes 1 person can kill 6 with timing and strategy) and find yourself rooted. It will take you out of harms way long enough to hopefully do something useful.

As for that other guys post above stating these are obviously bard boots....umm why not give to a class that first off has no sort of gate/teleport then from there go to ones who have gate but no ss?? Giving it to a class that has the abilities already is a waste of an item on 'blue' servers as there it becomes nothing more than a toy.

Ccraxtd Skullz
50 shaman of Second Rising
Tallon Zek
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 04 2002 at 1:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Shadowstep is invis right? WOW they let pallies use that?! I so happy :)
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 04 2002 at 11:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Shadow step is not invis stupid pally.
# Feb 05 2002 at 3:04 AM Rating: Default
Please be nice and don't call Paladins stupid.......they can't help it.
# Jan 25 2002 at 3:35 PM Rating: Decent
Sound better than they are. NODROP. Real slow cast time. Have to be equipped. AC stinks.
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