hey whoever says you have to be 50 to proc this never tried it before hand at 47 i popped it in for a joke and BOOM and i was nailind giants for 50 DD, but the of couse resisted my stun, i think it may even proc at 45-46 but not sure.
My DEX is about 175 unbuffed and this dagger easily procs close to 5 times in a normal fight. In a long PoP fight I lose count of the number of procs. Want even more procs? Just twist Katta or ask a nice Shammy for HoS/FoS.
The one downside to it procing so much, is usually the song you are trying to start will have the spell casting time jump to zero and the song will look like it's playing (again) but will actually not have been restarted. However the 5 sec stun kinda makes up for this allowing you a bit of time to restart songs that get interrupted this way. On raid mobs or dragons where a Psalm or resist chorus are critical I don't equip this weapon.
65th turning Druid of Tunare 65th song Bard of Tunare Necro of 17 tappings
BTW the song has not stopped (unless there is a missed note).
A Bard weapon proc'ing makes the casting bar disappear, but the song is still casting and will fire as it normally would. To verify this, look at the casting spam, or on a buff song, watch you stats and the icon.
If you are gonna twist and use a procing weapon, you need a good sense of timing, or even better, set up a separate small window for the song messages and watch it as well as or instead of the casting bar.
The down side of this weapon is the stun gets resisted more and more as you progress into the plains (has for me). You eventually run into more and more unstunable mobs.
The price on my servers has really come down, its really reasonable (1kish) on the Rathe and FV for a 45-upper 50's weapon.
Sweet lord, did you ever make off like a bandit on that deal! I'd trade 3 Centi LSwords for one of those daggers!
A worthy piercer to replace my Bard's Sionachie's Partisan, which is dropped in KC, as well.
And a word to the wise, there has never been any LORE Centi Longswords in existance ever. I just hope your guildie didn't trade the Dagger thinking that the Centi he was getting was anything special.
Posted:May 18 2003 at 11:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So if he made off like a bandit by trading a Centi LS then what Am I??? I paid 250pp for mine...
Centi Shortsword was changed to lore, and that pissed off lots of folks.
However, Centi Longsword doesn't show any history of being set to lore.
----------------------- Hiddo Von'Skittles (Profile is so out of date... not sure I have the strength to update it.) http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=360180&resize=true
Okay I was in WC looking for a better bard weapon, was using Wristsnapper/Centi Hammer Combo. A guy in FV post in auction selling this and a BD bracer. I sent a tell and offered for the BD, he saw I was a Bard and offer the dagger. I only had 2k, but he throw it in with the bracer for 2k. Imagine my surprise when I came in to check the proc lvl.WOOT!!! Cannot wait til lvl 46, only 40 now
Yes this is better, it has a spell, STUN and 50DD. Plus its 21/10, which is faster then the centi ss, has 2 dmg hits less, but delay is 3 faster then the centi ss. I would suggest, this and sym saber and a wristsnapper in your range slot for ultimate tri combo. And any haste items are great also, saber and harmonic dont proc until mid 40's. But once they start procing its sweet. Anti Aggro and Stun. Nice for soloing.
Actually, the Symphonic Saber procs at level 50, not before. I have one and it always gave me the "Your will is not sufficient to command this weapon," message until I hit level 50.
This is still a really nice bard weapon. I rather use this with my Velium Swiftblade than my Di'Zok Wristnapper that I use in the range slot (1hb 10 18 5 ac 7 cha 7 int 7 agi) due to the nice proc. And btw it does proc a lot, 2 to 5 times during a fight.
"I use the weapons, run the logs, compare them to others before posting the info"
Songfugel Vendorallen Bard of the 50th missed note on Cazic-Thule server
After months of my Girlfriend having this dagger (had it sence lvl 20) it started procing at 46. So now I can officaly say that the dagger procs at 46!
I was 47 at the time (bard) and went here with a 55 shammy and 53 monk. We owned the area from zone in to zone out. We did not go into the tunnel nor did we go into the castle (although we did pull mobs from there). I cannot see how 3 50+ groups can get wiped by a mere 4 mobs, considering now, at level 53 i can keep 3 mobs mezzed with no problem...and i am not even an enchanter!
I was able to get into hand/warlord group.. and took out about 2, but nothing. Only skull for epic, and SSB.. Im nearly going mad, this is rare stuff..
This is one of the best bard weapons in the game, before the breath of harmony and the SSS. Great for stoping casters and saving your group some hp.
It wants to proc all the time with 135dex.
Sorry about not being more specific but my bard isn't exactly the highest level yet. She's 38 and it doesn't proc, but a friend of mine barrowed it at 49 and it proced. I will tell you as soon as it does proc.
And to the Idolt who doesn't think this is a great item, then why have I been getting tells asking me how much I want for it.
Best weapon in game other than SSS and breath of harmony huh? This is definitely a good weapon, but check out Nature's Melody and Siren Song, Dagger of the Sea. =) Better start workin on that piercing.