Slot: HEAD
AC: 5
WT: 0.9 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC
Race: ALL except DWF HFL GNM
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group) Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)
Blue Wicker Helm
Slot: HEAD
AC: 5
WT: 0.9 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL except NEC WIZ MAG ENC
Race: ALL except DWF HFL GNM
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group) Slot 2, Type 21 (Special Ornamentation)
Oddly enough Zeik, I believe its a rather bright shade of green!. Saw a druid wearing a green tunic I had not seen before. He tells me it was blue wicker, all body slots are available in this armour. And on Morrel-Thule I have seen people paying 30plat per item just for the look as the stats are pretty poor. Still its a nice colour.
Hello Travellers, I was wondering if this item is blu when you wear it? If not, WHY NOT?! Soft Wicker looks very cool, but if this is blue i am goint to go and get some to give to my friend or an alt!
I looted my first piece of blue wicker tonight - the boots. After equipping them, I can assure you that blue wicker armor is exactly that... BLUE. :) A very nice shade of blue, in fact.
As nice as blue wicker looks, however, you won't see too many blue druids running around anytime soon. Be prepared to kill hundreds of kobolds to get yourself a full suit.
The other flavor of wicker, soft, is green. And it has one less AC per piece.