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Bow of the Destroyer  

Lore Item No Trade Placeable
Skill: Archery Atk Delay: 17
DMG: 10
This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
STR: +5 DEX: +5 AGI: +5 MANA: +50 ENDUR: +50
WT: 0.5 Range: 150 Size: TINY
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation)

Item Type:Archery
Lucy Entry By:Kerasota
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-14 17:45:25
Page Updated:Tue Dec 20th, 2011

Expansion: Scars of Velious Scars of Velious

Rarity: Uncommon
Level to Attain: 55

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This item is found on creatures.

Temple of Veeshan
NPC Name
Dagarn the Destroyer

Zone(s) Found In:

Zone Name
Temple of Veeshan

Uploaded February 1st, 2022 by halfridge
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Holy Majoley!!
# Nov 13 2001 at 11:14 AM Rating: Decent
All I gotta say is three words:


wanna know the purpose for this bow?? that's it!! cast root, and fire away....never worrying about breaking the root with a nuke or anything. This thing has better stats than some one-handed slash weapons in terms of speed to damage ratio. so i ask you...why stand there and take a beating while swinging wildly with a pair of yaks, when you can shoot faster than you can swing, AND have the possibility of getting crits, double/triple attacks with the bow, AND for some higher lvl rangers the trueshot discipline.

True enough, you NEVER want to use some class 6 steel silver tipped arrows with this thing, as that would be a sheer waste, but summoned arrows, or even some store bought arrows, would be great ammo to feed this monster.

#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 25 2001 at 9:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) After talking with some of the better rangers and so in the game from all over the servers we have come up with one and i do mean ONE possible use for this POS bow this goes along with people that argue that with max haste a Pair of Lamentations is better then a Wurmslayer / Partizan combo ive bet tons of plat on this idea i can quad for 120-170 per hit EASY compared to using lamentations wich i do 80 with with max haste both weps have 10 delay <12 on wurm actualy> and with a avatar buff i do more damage anyhow back to this bow
RE: This pos has one single purpose
# Sep 24 2001 at 4:00 AM Rating: Default
first your post is full of math errors as far as haste goes.
2nd warriors DONT GET QUAD ATTACK!
3rd a wormslayer WILL NEVER be delay 12!

Haste is a % there for it does not matter what the delay is on your weapon it reduces it praporatonal to the %. The MAX haste is 100% at lv 60 there fore with a lv 60 having 100% haste (that means he gets twice as many as someone with no haste) the delay would be reduced by 1/2 to 25/20 delay for a wormslayer & a lammy at 9/9.5 delay.

Someone like you that has no clue how eq works would think that the worm is much better but the reailty is that you get a bonus to the dammage you do with EVERY hit the lammy will get that bonus is gotten twice on a lammy for every hit with a worm. the dammage bonus is better the higher your lv.

lv 1-50 a worm slayer will do about 5% MORE dammage.
lv 51-54 they are roughly the same with the lammy having about 5% more near 53-54.
lv 55+ lammy does more dammage.

at ANY lv lammy will out taunt a WS!
at ANY lv your sta will be kept low with a WS!
at the upper lv game WS SUX HARD!
at upper lvs this bow would kick some major but esp with good arrows.

PS your not reaily using a WS 55+ are you? how do you deal with the everyone laughing at you?
RE: This pos has one single purpose
# Jan 15 2002 at 2:09 PM Rating: Default
300 posts
Before you flame someone else, you might want to check *your* math. Max haste at level 60 is 105%, not 100%.
# Aug 08 2001 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
where the heck are you ppl getting 5dmg? maybe they just updtated the picture <shrug> but it sure lookes like 10 dmg to me, which will come very close to owning the windsabre not including stat buffs
Rangers and their Bows
# Jul 29 2001 at 10:25 PM Rating: Default
If I didn't already have a Windsaber, I would use this bow in my range slot while tanking because it does have nice stats. Windsaber is very nice, but when trueshot discipline is up, a nice 30 39 bow is far superior as far as damage output.

Have fun,

Anon 58 ranger
Don't forget Quivers )
# Jun 20 2001 at 11:58 PM Rating: Good
With the advent of the Fleeting Quiver giving a delay reduction on Bows, of 6 .. this bow becomes 5/11 ... and I also believe that hastes work with bows ... with 50% haste on you ... that makes this bad boy 5/7 or 5/8 ... hmmmmmm
even counting arguements of minimum delay, this is at worst a 5/10 bow for someone of the level to obtain it ... OUCH
Bows: Not just for rangers anymore...
# May 15 2001 at 9:13 AM Rating: Default
Well for all of you knuckelheads who feel the need to gripe about everything... Consider that non-rangers would love this item in the ranged slot. As a rogue I am always on the lookout for cool ranged slot items to make me feel sexy... By GOD this is a sexy bow ;-) I avoid pulling if possible(My natural taunt is more than suficient hehe), and when I do I usually use Vellium Shuriken or Froglok skipping stones, but I would use this. Nice stats sitting in my ranged slot and super delay to train the skill way up. Cummon admit it this is sweet in that function... the damage... lackluster granted, but think big )
think of pvp
# May 08 2001 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
i am a high enough level ranger on rz that i know how bad resists and such are needed. The problem is, removing your bone fork for a bow to interrupt casters and kill them. Well this bow will hopefully interrupt very quickly with enoough skill (and get it up fast), and has fine resists for a bow. I am happy to see that my friend Darkfyre got one these ( i think, or huntsman, one of the two).
#Anonymous, Posted: May 08 2001 at 5:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) after reading these posts, all I can say is...
#Anonymous, Posted: May 08 2001 at 11:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Range says 150
# May 08 2001 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
The range is 150
You think it sux huh...
# May 08 2001 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
well as a 55 Ranger i can't understand why you think this Bow sucks

I am a 51Ranger and i think this is a great Bow,
You at 55 have Trueshot Discipline Available...this is something that when used can inflict serious Damage on the unlucky 55 You should also know that delay is more important than damage due to the damage bonus's at high lvl...

Basically a Ranger who is able to get this Bow will have TS ability and have quite a nice bow or few already
When TS becomes available I am sure it will be this Uzi that most Rangers will be packing if they own it..

As for arrows I agree with ... by the time you get this bow you will have Tolan's brace...I have one at lvl 51 and have gone through fights kiting using over 400 arrows hehe

My Archery skill went up 4 points fairly quickly after hitting lvl 51 and has now seemed to stop again at 204 ( was 200 since lvl 40ish) so I think I've got a lot of shooting to be done for another point or have to wait for lvl 52

Either way if by 55 I have still not capped Archery what better Bow than this baby to assist in Maxing the Archery skill so as to take full advantage of the 30/40 Bow
RE: You think it sux huh...
# Jun 06 2001 at 5:18 AM Rating: Default
actually this is a horable bow for trueshot. Higher dmg/dly bows are best for trueshot. and this was gotten by FoH right? the best equiped ranger in the game, Sean Spiritarrow, is in FoH and uses a velium bow, its 33/35(i think thats primal) obviously if the best equiped ranger on the face of norrath doesn't use a bow which i am fairly cetain FoH gives sean first pick at the bows, that also proves it, this might be fun, but not a good bow really.
RE: You think it sux huh...
# Jan 26 2002 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
Well... when your able to go to ST and kill a warder, you can say stupid things like you have just stated here. If you knew anything, you would know you would have to have quite the uber guild, like FoH or the local uber guild on your server to even attempt ST. You need keys for ruffly 30 people to attempt killing them, maybe less when you refine your tactics, but to start, youll need about 30+ people with ST keys. Keys are aquired by killing 2 fairly hard dragons, in 2 VERY hard zones. If you were lucky enough to get a key or 2 a week, you might be able to attempt ST in like... oh lets say 4-5 months. So since ToV is accessable to a squad of 12+ 55+ characters... this is definatly a GOOD stepping stone to the truelly uber bows. Flammers flamming, flammers now getting Flammed =p i love it.
# May 07 2001 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
First of all, by the time you can get this bow, as a ranger you'll have obtained your Tolan's Bracer a looong time ago, or if you're a Rogue or Warrior you have a friend with one. Secondly, it's good in the range slot during battle anyway.
#Anonymous, Posted: May 07 2001 at 8:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Unless you have a free, unlimited arrows supply this bow is a waste of time and money. The damage per arrow is just way too low.
RE: This bow sucks
# May 08 2001 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
73 posts
You're a Ranger, and how's your Fletching skill?

As a monk, I'd love to have nice things for my range slot, but don't get anything near as nice. LoL - this bow sucks? I disagree completely.

Guy- this is a great Bow.
RE: This bow sucks
# May 08 2001 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
and don't forget about crits...granted the money need to make them 4 dmg arrows will hurt bad when you're firing a stack into one target easy with this delay (still wanna know range though).

As a ranger with some nice crits, you can do quite a bit of damage before that snared (if snare-able) MOB comes anywhere close. Too bad it's NO DROP ;)
RE: This bow sucks
# May 08 2001 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
NoDrop, and not usable by us, little brother. =)

-Nastasja Wyldangyl
32nd season Knight of the Cathedral
RE: This bow sucks
# May 08 2001 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
Think of trueshot discipline with a 17delay bow, 4dmg arrows and a 5dmg bow, you could do more dmg than a 20dmg bow and 4dmg arrows, because all there delays are like 40 or so. god knows the crits would be smaller, but the output would be nutz
RE: This bow sucks
# Sep 24 2001 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
the thing is that wihile the crits would be smaller there would be more of them, the reduction in dammage/hit would be smaller than the increased hits.

With a dis it matters not the the punny cost of a single arrow or even a stack what matters is the ammount of dammage you can do while in the dis. This bow & GOOD arrows would easly out dammage bows that seemed to have an advantage.
# May 07 2001 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
Good thing this is on a high level mob, my 15th level ranger with 132 fletching would be broke in under 30 min of using this thing.
Can you say Machine Gun?
# May 07 2001 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
312 posts
5/17. Heh, this is faster than the windsabre, but the damage isn't there. I guess if you want to get 10 shots in before you actually begin to fight, this is a nice Bow.

Oh, no range is listed. Whats the range?
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