I first got this trophy when my skill was still around 210ish or so. I had been making X potions, alacrity, celestial heal, clarity, etc, because of the ease at which the materials can be obtained, when I noticed that my trophy had not evolved at all since I got it. The trophy was still stuck at 4/7 28% evolved. After more than a thousand combines, still no change. I thought perhaps I was bugged. It wasn't until my base skill reached 248 that the trophy started evolving. X potions have a trivial of 348, so it appears that you cannot evolve a trophy when the trivial of your combine is more than 100 of your base skill. The 5% skill mod of the trophy at this stage did not help, it was only when my "base" skill hit 248, did my trophy start evolving. Hope this helps
Jinadan Shammiman
66 Shaman of Povar