I saw several of these drop off Gyrating and/or Smoldering Goos in Dalnir last night. (First and Second floor, didn't hit Third)I also saw a Shard Wurm Fang drop from them.
Hunting mostly young's with a few elders thrown in, and just clearing whatever popped (whether it was glowing or not) I got my 5 biles for the shawl quest to one of these (2 stingers, 3 fangs, and one white tunic).
I finally got 4 claws, all I can say is, pretty rare drop, more rare than any other drop on the wurms by far, even the spells. At least young to cyrstalline drop these though, My suggestion is to hunt elders and young for these claws, or get with a spell group and kill the ancients
Anyone have a ballpark on how often these drop? Like, does one in ten wurms drop one or is it more/less frequent than that? ANY info would be appreciated...