DOES NOT AFFECT WEOPON PROCS..... the add on damage works on any lvl... had it since lvl 30 and and lvl 60 now and my DD's have been higher the whole time
I picked this item up during a small Tactics raid and gave it to my sk alt. I have not noticed any difference in my lifetaps, do you have to be recommended level of 56 to get the ID portion of this item?
Yes Id items do effct life taps as wel as HT. And yes you have to be the recomended level to get the effect of this item. Got one at 50 , and nothing hit 56 and bam. first HT was for 20% over normal.. Havent gotten a 20% bonus on a ht since though. Remember this ads between 1 - 20 % more damage randomly,
Yes Improved Damage does affect weapons processes and so does crit improved aa. Least so it does with a wizard which I am sure its the same with other classes.
Actually there are in fact caster improved dmg 4 items as well as the named specific ones.
i don't feel like checking as i'm halfway through this post already but it's very possible that effects like "ro's fiery fart" as confed so cleverly put it has a higher max % for added dmg as all of the other specific focus effects do(mana preservation is 15 but detremental only mana preservation is 25. same for spell haste and affliction haste)
And i think it's great that they have melee items like this with the focus effects on them i'd like a nice id4 item for my sk but what guild would give me an ID item for my HT instead of a wizard who does nothing but nuke?
Why would you complain that "real nukers" can't use this the stats suck for casters anyways you get ceramic insence burner of ro wich has the same effect as well as good caster stats.
I believe ID4 also works on Lifetaps.. since it does direct damage to the mob. I'm not sure if it transfers the same amount of HP to you though.. my SK doesn't have one yet. :\ Will edit my post when I find out ><
Yes, it does in fact add 20% to lifetaps too, it is not limited to plain nukes. Land a lifetap with the full 20% bonus and then score an exceptional heal (with AA points) on top of that, and all of a sudden SK heals start to mean something.
(840hp is my best SK lifetap heal so far with this ring on. That's dinky crap compared to paladins and pure healers, but for a SK that is a lot of healing in a single spell which is also doing DD.)
It should be noted that all ID items add *up to 20%* extra damage. They very often do less than the full 20% extra. Even a spell such as Spear of Decay which I regularly land for 600 (the maximum) without this ring will then land for 600 and random change with this ring on. Only occasionally does it hit for the full 720 (maximum with ID4). This might be subject to how high your INT is.
No Real Nuker??? How about a nice 8K HT? or a 1500 Spear nuke? Or maybe a nice Juicy 500 Lifetap? Don't Upset Shadow Knights, we like doing bad things to people that upset us.
The whole point of this item is so that hybrids are given access to items with ID4 without having to worry about a pure caster ******** and moaning about it.
Not that I disagree with that concept, but I guess VI should increase the weight on the Mask of the Dragon Slayer so that casters can get that item without the monks ******** and complaining about it. After all, it is one of only two ID3 items that pure casters can get... unless you're a Wizard in which case you have three ID3 items from which to choose. It's not that I disagree with the reason you state... but rather I wonder if Verant must have their collective heads up their a$$es again since there are so few items with ID3 or ID4 out there.
Including the mask Wizards get 6 ID3 items, other casters 5:
Mask of the Dragon Slayer +15 AC +8 Str +8 Agi +5 Cha +5 vsMg +5 vsFire +5 vsCold +50 HP 0.00 Wt Slot types: 1 Skyshrine Improved Damage III
Robe of Tempest +11 AC +4 Sta +3 Agi +5 Dex +11 Int +10 vsMg +10 vsFire +45 Mana 0.00 Wt Slot types: 1 Crafted Improved Damage III
White Dragonscale Cloak +10 AC +9 Wis +9 Int +25 vsCold +75 Mana +1.00 Wt Slot types: 1 Rathe Mountains Improved Damage III
Jungle Spider Fur Cap +8 AC +6 Str +6 Int +2 vsMg +65 Mana +0.10 Wt Slot types: 1 Cazic Thule Improved Damage III
Harla Dar's Talisman +7 AC +6 Str +6 Sta +6 Agi +6 Dex +6 Wis +6 Int +6 Cha +6 vsMg +6 vsFire +6 vsCold +6 vsPos +6 vsDis +30 HP +30 Mana +0.50 Wt Slot types: 1 Western Wastes Improved Damage III
Bracelet of Lost Souls +5 AC +6 Agi +6 Wis +6 Int +30 Mana +1.20 Wt
Finally, as a caster you'd still have a fair chance at the ID3 item versus a monk, whereas SKs would have close to zero chance of getting any ID item over a pure caster.
After doing a search for item with ID4, I'm quite disturbed that no real nukers can use this item, which is only one of two items discovered so far posted on this website.
Guess I'm off to go buy my way into a PoV dragon raid, rofl.
This is mainly because the pure caster focus effects aren't called "Improved Damage IV" but are sort of like "Ro's Firey Fart" or some such. Which only improves fire based... PoP is so confusing with the new focus effects.