Can you kill this guy? I mean he drops a horse! And possibly the best sword in the entire game! This is insanity! Verant had to go and torture the Warriors..Hmph
Have done this fight several times with my guild. The AE is 300 per tick I believe and its relatively difficult to keep a well equipped MA alive (DI saved our MA's tail more than once on one raid). Pets get healed for a while but often get burnt up then recast. Its a VERY long fight. Longer even than Emp in Ssra. Just one of our wizards racked up over 150k of damage on him.
Positioning him is quite critical. Hes 100pct MR.
Although this is very much a caster's fight two groups of casters would not have a chance I feel.
QUOTE: heh very very few people are gunno get this, the guy that drops it is immune to all mellee but weps with bane damage...
If you have ever been in Ssra Temple you can get weapons of mobs and get ore down in the mines in basement and make bane weapons (needed to kill emp)...can't those be used in this case as well?
The bane weapons found and upgraded through a no-fail combine in a forge in ssra are Shissar Bane - used to kill Emperor.
The bane weapons you need against Seru are Seru Bane and are a pain to make for any melée who wants to be of any use aginst Seru.
First, you need to raise smithing to 135 (iirc) since you have to make your own no-drop weapons. Then, you need to farm long and hard for the components required to make the said weapons. Then, you have to get all your melées geared up with a couple of these each and field a capable force.
Then and only then can you start wiping to Seru ;-)
Nice stats, nice slots, multiple slots it can fit into, very nice saves for any of those slots, and very nice bonuses to HP/Mana. Howerver, the thing I'm most impressed with is the extended range 3 on an item you don't feel like your "downgrading" to equip. Extended range is very nice for raiding. VI didn't plan for this when setting up agro radius for encounters, so in alot of situations with this equipped a caster can get in a few prep spells that they shouldn't be able to (extended range malo+ extended range mem blure = 1 happy shammy). There realy arn't many situations where extended range dosen't help at least a little (druids/wizzies should love extended range while quadding, buffs are usualy very short range, adding a little distance to lower argo for heals, ect). Just a great item
Posted:Aug 17 2002 at 12:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ok, so i guess we have established that its a great ring, so i dont think we need very many more posts about that =D so i have some questions.
Posted:Aug 19 2002 at 6:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Um, your sig needs checking there... It may read better as 'angel loses'?
Posted:Aug 17 2002 at 12:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) need I say more? awesome ring, gonna need to do some MAD lvling from 46 to 55 to get one for me mage
Posted:Sep 27 2002 at 2:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Whoops... Ear/wrist item =) not a ring then... No need for all the flames, simple mistake, as Alla put it in the database wrong, I should have looked at the pic
A ring refers to a small circular band, such as an earring for an example. So yes this is a ring, though not a ring you place on your finger, but still, non-the less, a ring.