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Righteous Mendicant's Earring of Rallos Zek  

Lore Item No Trade Prestige
Lore Group: Rallos Zek Tribute Earring
Evolving: Level 1/2
Slot: EAR
Charges: Unlimited
AC: 356
STR: +73+32 DEX: +73+34 STA: +73+34 CHA: +73+32 WIS: +73+34 INT: +73+32 AGI: +73+32 HP: +10390 MANA: +10390 ENDUR: +10390
Attack: +68 HP Regen +13 Mana Regeneration: +13 Clairvoyance: +121 Spell Damage: +95 Heal Amount: +95 Endurance Regeneration +1
Required level of 115.
Effect: Might of Stone XV (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 0.5)
Effect: Sharpshooting IX (Worn, Casting Time: Instant)
WT: 0.2 Size: TINY
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 3 (General: Spell Effect)
Slot 2, Type 5 (General: Multiple Stat)
Slot 3, Type 8 (General: Raid)
Slot 4, Type 18 (Special: Group)
Slot 5, Type 19 (Special: Raid)
Slot 6, Type 19 (Special: Raid)

Item Lore:Walled Earring
Item Type:Jewelry
Lucy Entry By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-29 06:44:56
Page Updated:Sat Nov 7th, 2020

Expansion: Torment of Velious Torment of Velious

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: N/A

[Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Totality of War (ToV Earring #7)

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.

Evolving Item(s)

  1. Righteous Mendicant's Earring of Rallos Zek
  2. Blooded Righteous Mendicant's Earring of Rallos

Uploaded September 20th, 2020 by Drewinette
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Recipe to save you all the time!
# Jul 03 2020 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
So, the recipe takes 2 vials of purified mana, 2 ice of Velious, your old blooded earring, your anointed bar, and the Emblem of the mendicant. (You do NOT use your class symbol)

AND to save you all the hassle I went through, do NOT use experiment - search the jewelry table for Righteous and the recipe is already there. Click and make this using the known recipe - if you try to use it by experiment it will fail even if you use the correct ingredients. That piece of information took me FOREVER to figure out. /grrrrrrr
* Got Rez? *
Recipe to save you all the time!
# Jul 05 2020 at 9:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Bunga wrote:
So, the recipe takes 2 vials of purified mana, 2 ice of Velious, your old blooded earring, your anointed bar, and the Emblem of the mendicant. (You do NOT use your class symbol)

AND to save you all the hassle I went through, do NOT use experiment - search the jewelry table for Righteous and the recipe is already there. Click and make this using the known recipe - if you try to use it by experiment it will fail even if you use the correct ingredients. That piece of information took me FOREVER to figure out. /grrrrrrr

When you say Blooded, do you mean the Wrathful you combined in Tactical Observations using the Blooded? I'm confused where this Blooded earring is from.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Recipe to save you all the time!
# Jul 06 2020 at 6:05 AM Rating: Good
457 posts
At the completion of each set / stage of the Velious earring you are NOT DONE. Before you may proceed to the next set / stage you must kill enough mobs somewhere in Velious to bloody the earring. It takes MANY of them, anywhere in Velious will do. The earring shows a completion percent as you hover curser over it. You may not proceed to the next task to upgrade the erring until it is bloody enough.
Recipe to save you all the time!
# Nov 23 2021 at 11:05 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Not sure if this is significant but the evolve exp also went from 12% to 19% while I was killing in Cobalt Scar, which is a CoV zone. I plan to check to see if any other non ToV zones can contribute to the Bloodying of the earring.
Recipe to save you all the time!
# Jul 06 2020 at 6:37 AM Rating: Excellent
Grove wrote:
At the completion of each set / stage of the Velious earring you are NOT DONE. Before you may proceed to the next set / stage you must kill enough mobs somewhere in Velious to bloody the earring. It takes MANY of them, anywhere in Velious will do. The earring shows a completion percent as you hover curser over it. You may not proceed to the next task to upgrade the erring until it is bloody enough.

Ok after looking at how those evolve that makes sense. Thanks!
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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