Why in the hell would SOE put Serpent Sight on these?? The helm already has Ultravision, and if you don't use that, 95% of rouges will have their mask of deception by 45. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
they could have put something usefull on it but nope they put one of the dumbest spells on it, I've been angry with it since I've had them on my rogue forever it sucks :(
its been changed, forget the mana issue, what i wanna know is how they could be gay enough to put a weak effect like serpant sight on a pair of pants that beongs to a set of armor that the helm already has ultravision... WAY TO GO SONY!
hehe the designers have shown that they don't even play eq many times in the past, such as when the put the 3/10 wep in the game and had it drop off a lv 30, and this is another fine example, some designer doesn't have the slighest idea what a rogue is, but he makes armor for them? I understand this is now hp, but its just kinda funny if you ask me.
Posted:Apr 23 2002 at 12:53 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) for the same reason I keep getting clarity cast on my rogue and my druid can never get it...go figure
Why why why?!? .. .Lol, why do people always ask the same questions asked by someone else? If you're the first, that's cool, but read the freakin' message boards =P
It's an old picture, Mrylokar's Breastplate used to have mana on it too, but that was changed. This is now HP +50, and the breastplate mana stat has also been changed to HP
That's cool and all, but how in the world could the designers miis that in the first place?? Perhaps they need more sleep. Or maybe they need to smoke less pot.