this necklace is 4str 4int and u have to have close to a skill of 60 to make this now sapphire earring's r 2str 4int but u have to have close to a skill of 133 that's just stupid yeah if you had 2 that would be better but that is just stupid
as i am my first character, it took to me about 7 month to get jewelry from 1-60, with constantly broken purse, now im 80 (last 3 month) and im broken again rofl and its realy funny to sit hours at some market and try to sell thousands of 2 int rings etc so please if you want to pay only cost of material, start to learn jewelry, than you can make it on your own
First thing I gotta say is: don't make agil or dex silver rings. Cutthroat insignia rings and onyx rings are cheaper than your materials. I think Int is your best bet, since casters won't be under pressure to replace them until after getting items for all the other easy slots.