NPCs originally did not autodestroy items as the previous poster had said. If you don't believe me you can ask any player that played in the Kunark - Velious era as people used to give the Priest of Discord various weapons / etc to make him duel weild / etc.
It was a fun way of handing out twink items too. Rather than just give things to newbs, you could load up skellies and spiders with gear, and let the newbs discover them from the corpses themselves. I've often wondered how many people still today think that spiders in kelethin occasionally drop centi ry'gorr armor... :)
Its eye candy. It cannot be equipped no matter what you do. Npc's use to Auto-Destroy No Drop items, now they say "I have no use for this, you can have it back." I looted one my mage and tried giving to pet. He just ate it. So can't be given to pets. Cant be equipped to shrouded. Tried it.
Highest Base damage Melee weapon in everquest (if you strike a humanoid). Non-melee is still the Oakwynd.
could this be used when shrouded . it seems that when shrouded you are not able to use any thing from your bank. just maybe could some one give it a try.
um yeah i think you can equip it... what you have to do is when you loot it have your primary and secondary slot open and right click it to loot it so it auto goes into the primary slot...also if already looted it die with it(not in a bag) and loot it the same way from your corpse
Think it through man... if right-click looting didnt have to pass a race / class check before it auto-equipped, then any toon could wear any piece of gear.. no, this method will not, and can not work.
In short, for whatever reason, SOE has decided to keep this little gem as a *trophy* item only. it cannot be equipped... period.
P.S. For the *I know everything* people out there, who will undoubtedly answer this post with "I know a guy who equips his": I'll tell you what.. as soon as you introduce me to this person, then and ONLY then, will you not be completely full of BS.
P.P.S. if any of you SoE people ever read these boards, you have my permission to make this equippable by a level 70, Human, Mith Marr worshiping, Pally. =P
pets cannot use, it is just a trophy (wich i would LOVE to have kuz its cool), a pet weapon requires a class to fit the pet, wich is why soe gave pets classes like war, rouge, monk. the weapon doesnt need the specific class of the pet to be used, only needs one. there for, a really pretty hunk of metal to rust away in bank :-)
p.s. pets CAN use no-trade weapons, just as long as the "race" is any or none.
when i give dog dog no drop weapon a while back, he continued to bash instead of crush... I really don't think giving nodrop weapons works. just look at the manner of the attacks.
Just because I read this and Saw it wasn't true. Anyone can Wield the Sword of truth in Terry Goodkinds Novels. Only Richard found a way to turn the blade white and use the other half of the blades magic, that being the magic of Compassion and forgivness.
If I remember correctly, this sword used to be equipple but was almost immediately nerfed. It may have only been equippable on Test server and nerfed before it ever went live.
From what I have heard, on Test, people were using methods such as Gravity Flux and Shadow Step to get to this creature before he was ready for raid encounters, while the devs were still testing him and fixing the bugs. Thats why that door, initially, was locked and there was no legit way to get to him. People were skirting around that to go in and kill the unfinished product. This made several GM's and devs mad, thus resulting in the complete and total nerfing of the weapon. The earring of sad exploitations, I believe, was made as punishment for all of those who had a hand in the early cheating.
I may not be wholly correct, but thats what I gather from my time in early Luclin and from friends.
The earring of sad exploitation was about using the mount+iva trick to get to the top of the pyramid and nuke him from the hole up there after CoHing everybody in the raid
Posted:Nov 18 2004 at 2:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Any pet can use this weapon all pet's can use no drop no race/no class items guys and girls if you dont believe me try it i know from personal experience =)
Posted:Sep 22 2004 at 8:34 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I remember hearing about this item having somthing to do woth Quarm. I think u need to kill Quarm and that guy u free after Quarms death pops up and i think u give him this sword and he gives it back to u and its useable. Idk if it has the same stats when he gives it back or not but im bretty sure thats how it goes.
supposably I have heard it is dropable on the FV server where just about everything is dropable since it's a roleplaying server. One uber pet wepon!! + you can invis and keep pet + you can zone and keep pet now so seems like one awsome pet wep over there :)
It is droppable on the fv server. It was being sold for 5k a few days ago. Dont know why you would buy it though since you cant use it. I would guess as a trophy butit would just be collecting dust. Just my 2 cp
Im pretty sure it can be used as a pet wep on FV, ive seen sum1 with sumthing similiar looking on a pet b4... They dont have to worry bout it popping eiter w/ suspend minion. just keep pet in another zone and log and hes there when ur back
Warrath Endless Knot Cazic-Thule 120 Shadowknight Everquest Player Since 2001
Posted:Apr 11 2004 at 10:55 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) perhaps people are looking too much into a story line thats been developed a long time ago. Is there an end game do you give this sword to a person in time and they or it says ok now quit you have done it all? Who cares just play game have fun and shutup about the sleeper. about seru being too ubah for most guilds well.....we shall see....
Posted:Mar 11 2004 at 2:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I dont know how this got turned into a sleeper conversation but hers the real deal. I KILL THE SLEEPER EVERY DAY. Yeah sure lets say i do it with this sword, why not, this sword and my summoned hord of purple monkeys camp the sleeper. YEAH thats right i said purple monkeys. Sleepers easy kill him at least 20 times a day nothing to it just me my sword and my purple monkeys. AND THATS HOW IT WQRKS!!!!
I would like to know who can use that weapon...It s writed that None class and None Race could use it...So what is it for. Do we have to do a related quest for it??...
You can send me an answer to [link=null][/link]
When an item in everquest has either the Race: or Class: section labeled as "None," this simply means that the item is NPC usable ONLY. NPC's programmed to be able to, can use any item given to them no matter what class, race, sexual preference they are.
Thus, what we learn from this is that this item was created for Seru to weild, to make him more powerful and do more damage while weilding it. You should theoretically be able to give this to a pet and have them use it, but they might have changed pets and no drop weapons since I last checked.
lol i once created a human wizard called Prophetnathan. well, now that this sword had been made, i'd have to use my prophet powers to say that in three-thousand years, the one born true will be able to use this weapon. lol
Thats funny, I was just thinking last night of all the wizards that use swords and how they get jacked in EQ getting stuck with a dagger. Richard Rahl was one of them that came to mind. Sword of Truth series is pretty awesome.