Oceangreen Residents

Qeynos Shield of Foundation increases this faction by 200 points.

Zones in which you can raise the faction

Zones in which you can lower the faction

NPCs you can kill to raise the faction

Quests you can do to raise the faction

NPCs you kill to lower the faction

Quests you do to lower the faction

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max ally
# Apr 14 2011 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,076 posts
took a long time, but its done. totally lost count. no one else will ever do this.
# Oct 09 2010 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
1,076 posts
made to ally. finally. I expected around 190 tasks to go through the 700 point warmly span. The bonus faction weekend I thought would help out. maybe it did, but my numbers dont show it. I did 165 tasks before faction bonus. then another 26 tasks with bonus. still warmly. then did 4 more tasks ( with bonus) and am now ally. Its been a lot of time spent here.
# Sep 23 2010 at 4:23 AM Rating: Decent
1,076 posts
I made it to warmly. I have been repeating tasks for weeks since making kindly. I counted tasks and made special care as I approached 100. just in case they were worth 5. no change from 97 - 105. Then as I approached 125 I repeated it. no change from 123 - 132. Then I did 7 more and I am now up to 139 tasks since making kindly and I checked and I am warmly. The math doesnt work out to a simple number. The tasks I have been repeating are : Follow your nose, Man the Defenses, Poaching the Poachers, Cure the Crud, Stop the Spreading, Reduce the Risk, Names for the Faceless, Does This Look Infected?, Salving Grace, Thinning the Ranks and Plague From Above. It has not been an equal amount for each task either. Just no way to determine exact values from my data. But I will admit it went faster than I expected. closer to 4 points per task.
a very time consuming faction to raise
# Sep 10 2010 at 5:53 AM Rating: Decent
1,076 posts
As you can see from above, there are no mobs to kill to raise this faction. The NPc's on this faction are the residents of Oceangreen (duh) which seem to be only in the village. I have been doing these tasks since the inception of this expansion and have finally made it to Kindly. From my calculations, each task you complete is worth 2-5 points towards Oceangreen Residents faction. Thats it. I have been doing many tasks at the same time, so I cannot evaluate one particular task and the data will not allow for a narrower interpretation. I was at amiable and with collaboration at kindly. Then I jumped to warmly with collaboration. since kindly is 500 point span and collaboration is 600 point raise, that meant I was only 100 points away from going to kindly without collaboration. so I counted tasks completed before bumping up to kindly. I expected 50 ( 2 points per task). But I bumped to kindly after 25 only. I was doing 7 - 10 tasks at a time before checking though. So the spot at which I moved a faction level is actually a range. In any case, the faction reward is small per task. I am only at warmly with residents of the glade, but at least with those you can kill mobs to raise it.
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