Timeline (FR)  

Free Realms
We do not have any kind of dates for this information, but the sequence of events should be correct. There is no speculation on this page. Information here is drawn directly from in-game sources.

The distant past...

Age of Harmony - The Gleam Council rules benignly, maintaining peace and prosperity.[1]

The Gloam Council is formed by a minority of Gleam Council members that disagree with the majority.[2]

The Gloam Council builds an artifact that can bind all magic, leading to The Binding.[3]

A handful of heroes who managed to resist the Binding send word to the races, warning them to flee. Elves hid behind the crystal barrier to the north, dwarves descended into the mountains, humans sailed away, and the pixies went underground into caves.[4]

The heroes led an assault on the Gloam tower and destroyed the artifact, unleashing The Unbinding, a tidal wave of magic that destroyed everything above ground.[5]

Years, probably decades, passed[6]. The pixies believed there was no life above ground and stayed hidden in their caves.[7]

Changelings found the pixies, proving that some life had survived the Unbinding and continued to live aboveground.[8]

The Druidess Queen, Ayani, ventured aboveground and, seeing the desolation, wept. Her tears formed lakes and rivers and brought life back to the land.[9]

After that, Ayani never again left the Palace.[10]

When she passed away, Ayani was buried where she fell, at what is now called The Lake of Tears. From her grave grew the World Tree, above, and the Heartseed, below. Lifegiving waters continue to flow from the Heartseed to this day.[11]

Time passes, until very close to the present...

The King and Queen of Sanctuary are poisoned. As a result, the chugs, who were the royal guard, are exiled from Sanctuary for their failure.[12] What really transpired is that the royal adviser, Geoffrey, convinced Valerian to banish them, as well as her sister, Lavender.[13][14]

Queen Valerian's sister[15], Princess Lavender, tore The Heartseed in half[16] and ran off to Briarwood, where the seed grew into Briarheart Palace.[17]

Princess Lavender, was supposedly abducted by members of the Shadow Talon Ninja Clan.


Arch Druid Camellia is ill, and Ceard Bauchlog has been quietly providing potions to keep Camillia strong so the other druids will not suspect.[18]

It is rumored that Princess Lavender has secretly returned to Sanctuary.[19], but this is false. Lavender is in Briarheart Palace, and is known under the assumed name, Darkthorne.[20] She is supposedly raising an army there, but this is another false rumor started by Geoffrey.[21]

As of March 31, 2014 all of the peoples and traces of the land of Sacred Grove have disappeared, not leaving a drop of evidence of what happened behind. Maybe the island will return one day, Ayani continues to cry over the land.


  1. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  2. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  3. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  4. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  5. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  6. ^ It is mentioned in the Free Realms Lore Preview that Queen Ayani could still remember how the world, above, looked when she was a child so less than a pixie lifetime had passed.
  7. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  8. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  9. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  10. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  11. ^ From lore books in Memorial Caverns, documented at Cataclysm.
  12. ^ Intro text to the quest, Fond Memories
  13. ^ Intro text of the quest, Looking for Lavender
  14. ^ Interview with Terrence Yee
  15. ^ Potion Problems confirms she is the Queen's sister. It also says that she should have been the Arch Druid.
  16. ^ Conversation between two entrance guards, documented at Cataclysm
  17. ^ Interview with Terrence Yee
  18. ^ Quest: Potion Problems
  19. ^ Intro text of the quest, Looking for Lavender
  20. ^ Interview with Terrence Yee
  21. ^ Interview with Terrence Yee

Categories: Free Realms | Lore (FR)
This page last modified 2014-12-30 20:07:16.