Category:Worg (Aion Race)  

Race: Worg
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These fierce canines most closely resemble terrestrial wolves.

Trivia Pre-launch, the Worgs were called Zaifs, and you may still occasionally run into in-game text that refers to them by that name.

Categories: Aion | Aion Trivia | Races (Aion)
This page last modified 2009-11-25 13:30:43.

Articles in category "Worg (Aion Race)"

There are 10 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Fierce Gray Worg (Aion Mob)
Fierce Humpback Worg (Aion Mob)
Gray Worg (Aion Mob)
Humpback Worg (Aion Mob)
Hungry Worg (Aion Mob)
Pale Worg (Aion Mob)
Ruthless Worg (Aion Mob)
Scar (Aion Mob)
Starving Worg (Aion Mob)
Violent Worg (Aion Mob)