Category:Vespine (Aion Race)  

Race: Vespine
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Almost all Vespines are non-aggressive, but not all. The aggressive ones also tend to be social.

All Vespines have a Poison attack, called Herbal Acupuncture Needle, that Blinds the affected character making it much harder for him to hit his target. Interrupting the attack is crucial but, if you cannot, it can be cured using a Healing Potion.

Categories: Aion | Races (Aion)
This page last modified 2010-06-29 00:03:30.

Articles in category "Vespine (Aion Race)"

There are 8 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Grove Vespine (Aion Mob)
Jungle Vespine (Aion Mob)
Piercing Vespine (Aion Mob)
Pumpkin Wing Vespine (Aion Mob)
Queen Vespine (Aion Mob)
Wasp Vespine (Aion Mob)
Web Vespine (Aion Mob)
Yellow Wing Vespine (Aion Mob)