Category:Slayer (CoS Itemset)  

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City of Steam
Slayer Itemset
Set Bonuses
(3) +100 Dodge
     +1000 Health
(4) +200 Dodge
     +2000 Health
(5) +300 Dodge
     +120 Resilience
(6) +360 Dodge
     +360 Armor
     +4000 Health
BIG WARNING! Transfer uses the Item Level, not Min Level, to control transferability. Because Slayer items have an Item Level of 60 (although min level is 20) once you Transfer stats TO a Slayer item you will be unable to transfer to better gear until you get to true Level 60 gear. This means that if you have only one or two pieces of Slayer gear it is better to bank them rather than equip them. At some point the Set Bonuses make the Slayer gear useful but once you do get to 60 there IS better gear to be found.

This page last modified 2014-04-25 11:56:02.

Articles in category "Slayer (CoS Itemset)"

There are 6 articles in this category.
