Bone Giants, despite their name, are not the animated remains of a single Giant. Rather, they are the amalgamated pieces of many other dead beings melded into an Undead creature of great size, and which is held together by the darkest magical power.
Achievement Rewards
Task | Reward |
Encounter a Bone Giant |
| 84 |
Victim† Be defeated by a Bone Giant |
| 336 |
Kill 25 Bone Giants |
| 204 |
? |
| 336 |
Kill 100 Bone Giants |
| 500 |
? |
| 806 |
Kill 1,000 Bone Giants |
| 1050 |
Tome Quest: Parts of Parts
Avelorn: Seek out a Champion monster ((O) Kill, or (D) talk to, Brulgulrach the Unliving) |
| | 1476 |
Kill 10,000 Bone Giants |
| ? |
? |
| 1800 |
Kill 100,000 Bone Giants |
| ? |
This page last modified 2009-04-22 08:46:01.
There is 1 article in this category.
Namespace: War Mob