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Posts: 3
Well...my humble beginnings started in Kaladim, of course, the underground city of the Dwarves of Norrath. When I became of age, my friends encourged me to venture outside the realms of Kaladim, for these friends were not dwarves, they were adventurous folk, already having many experiences traveling outside their borders into foreign lands, they had many great and perilious stories to tell ,and they found it no small thing to help this young and eager dwarf to get started on his own adventuring. There was Almanna, a gnome(we dwarves consider them as distant cousins) enchanter and he was often accompanied by Qina, an elven highpriestess. They started me out with some food , money , and equipment(this was good, I thought, not having to start out collecting bat wings and copper pieces). They pretty much clad me in leather armor and gave me a pair of Moonstone rings and a pair of Orc Fang earrings(of which I held onto a very long time indeed). The weapon they would give me would depend on what class I would desire to train in....after long thought, and acknowledging my devotion to Brell Serilis I decided to become a Paladin!