Type | Subject | By: | Posted: | Score |
EQ Zone (Bestiary) | RE: Sacraficial Cauldron | REDACTED | Apr 5th, 2005 | Decent |
Found it one floor up from arch sage, got spiritilist marked on map in that room. Seems as some kind of big pot, 2 grimlings around it, but i also noticed a part of the wall next to it is a bit darker then rest of wall. Could it be opening a fake wall or something? |
Page | Subject | Date | Score |
General Discussion | Experience Rate | Apr 07 2009 2:14pm | Decent |
Preview: | i came back and started playing my necro it's right around 60 or 61 it slows almost to a grinding halt... i mean you can still get 1-2 exp solo a kill ... | ||
General Discussion | Need a good place to level my level 42 druid. | Mar 30 2009 4:11pm | Decent |
Preview: | i'd hit great divide and i would Quad Kite the wolfs use the green lightning spells to hit all 4 at once... you could also go to dreadlands and sol ... | ||
General Discussion | overnight realm population | Mar 26 2009 7:04pm | Decent |
Preview: | i currently play on the rathe, noticing not alot of people on when i play which is not a good thing... anyone know of a server that has a decent popul ... |