Page | Subject | Date | Score |
EQ Class | Class | Jul 13 2004 12:41pm | Decent |
Preview: | IMO, I think beastlords or bards. Bards: Bards get everything in the game, from healing songs to mana songs to DS songs to resist songs to char ... | ||
EQ Monster | Tusk | Jul 12 2004 8:11am | Decent |
Preview: | Lets think now... the tusk... lets stop and think Here is 4 possibiltys.. 1) It is part of some special quest.. Some quest that has never been done ... | ||
EQ Monster | Gnawfang | Jul 12 2004 7:39am | Decent |
Preview: | killed him when i was a lvl 25 Beastlord. conned green, killed him because he was a named i have never seen before and i was killing lions for baking. ... |