Bio: My story begins in the humble town of Qeynos, where as a child I spent most of my time defending my beloved town from the onslaught of giants rats and gnoll pups. Later as I slowly began to sharpen my skills in the arts of war, I was recruited and made an officer in the Bloodied Claw. Wtih this new clan at my disposal I dispatched a force into the Black Burrow and laid seige to the evil army. In only a short while the war was won and we returned home to mourn the dead.
Almost 15 year after this engagement my clan dispersed when our Lord fell in battle, I was then welcomed into the fold of the mighty RasCals. They shared much wisdom with me making my growth into a valient warrior much swifter. After year upon year serving my Lord and Lady I was bestowed the honor of become one of the RasCals "Elite" Officers. I now had at my command a force unknown to all of Norath.
From RasCals I progressed into the well established guild of Asatru. At this point in time the "Hi-End" game was introduced to me. Yet this guild was not going in the direction which I have envisioned for myself.
Today you can find with in the ranks of the mighty Unkempt Forces. Oh, and Serend Ipity will always be better than me
~Raijn Caijn~