Why We Game
A gamer's story of triumph over adversity at SOE Live.
Eventually, Veturika the Cleric joined the guild Order of the Ancient Dragon. She met their guild leader, Dreekenail outside the main bank in Plane of Knowledge, “He took me under his wing and would never let me give up. The pain would continue to grow worse, as time went on and my struggles in the real world nearly became unbearable. EverQuest was my only escape.”
She made a wreath, based on the characters she made when the game first began. A physical symbol in the real world, which helped keep her linked to the players, her friends in Norrath.
EverQuest became a focus, not just as a distraction for her pain, but also as an avenue to connect with her grandchildren, “By the time my grandson was four, I had him at a computer and when EverQuest was given to me, I made a toon for him and taught him the game.
My grandchildren, one by one, became EQ players. By doing this we developed a bond and we shared our lives in the game. It was a safe place where the pain was not there and we could talk, share and learn together. To this day, my granddaughter’s first words in the door are "Nana can we play EQ?" I gave to my grandchildren the only thing I knew I could share and not let them see the pain and suffering this horrible disease was causing me.”