Patch Notes for April 7, 2009

Here are patch notes for this morning's patch:

*** Highlights ***

- New Veteran Reward: The 11th year Veteran Reward has been created. Those who are eligible will now be granted the AA "Summon Clockwork Banker."

- Make poison has new recipes and items. You will find the instructions on new vendors.

- A series of Rogue-only quests are now being offered by the Rogue Guilds of Norrath. Seek out the Poison Masters in your starting city for more information.

- New types of Defiant armor have made their appearance across Norrath.

*** Items ****

- Increased the bard instrument mod values on many SoF and SoD group and raid equipment pieces.

- Created a method for converting the original roboboar to the shiny roboboar and vice versa. The polishing and rusting devices can be found on the Geerlok Clockwork Merchant in Crescent Reach.

- Low-level Defiant armor will drop much more often.

- New types of Defiant armor have made their appearance across Norrath.

- Modified the Required and Recommended levels of the “Pet Proc” weapons from Fabled Planes of Power to be consistent. The Required level is now 75 for all of these items and the recommended level is now 79 for all of these items.

- The Brell's Party Plans book gives a bit more information about how to make the woven basket.

- Irae Faycite Shard: Tjudawos' Chant of Flame and and Irae Faycite Shard: Zeixshi-Kar's Chant of Frost have been changed to increase the duration of their respective spells by 1 tick instead of increasing their damage. Their names have been changed to “Durus” to match other Type 3 augs of similar effects.

- Modified the the naming of bard type 3 augs to be consistent with other type 3 augs.

- Removed all casting times and mana cost from Earthen Mud so it will proc for classes without mana (and not consume mana of those with it.)

*** Spells ***

- The Contact Innate in Battle Frenzy and Combat Frenzy now shares the slot with the Third Spire of Elements.

*** NPCs ***

- Fixed a bug that could cause the Fabled Tribal Leader Diseranon to stop spawning in Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands.

*** Quest ***

- A series of Rogue-only quests are now being offered by the Rogue Guilds of Norrath. Seek out the Poison Masters in your starting city for more information.

*** Raids ***

- Corrected the faction issues in the Queen Malarian raid.

- Beware the clockwork devices in the Plane of Innovation! They pack a lot more punch during the Fabled times!

*** Tradeskills ***

- Wood strips recipe will now return the planing tool on success and failure. Additionally wood strips will now stack to 20, allowing the recipe to give you 4.

- Make poison has new recipes and items. You will find the instructions on new vendors.

*** AA ***

- The 11th year Veteran Reward has been created. Those who are eligible will now be granted the AA "Summon Clockwork Banker."

- The Advanced Pet Discipline AA and Animation Empathy AAs have been modified to match the new pet control functionality.

- Modified all 3 ranks of the Monk AA Five Point Palm to properly credit the Monk who used the Five Point Palm ability with the damage that results from this effect. You should now see a damage message, etc, indicating that the target took damage from the Player that cast the spell, rather than having the target of the AA silently do damage to themselves.

- Removed the Endurance cost from the Monk AA lines Eye Gouge, Stunning Kick, and Crippling Strike.

*** Zones ***

- Guild Banner summoning has been turned on for Solteris (note that all usual restrictions apply).

*** Pets ***

- Guard and follow are on separate buttons again. Guard and follow states are independent of stop and sit. Stop and sit are overrides for guard and follow. Pressing guard or follow when stop or sit are engaged will automatically turn them off.

- Changed the behavior of the stop command. It is now a toggle-able state. When activated, your pet will stand still and stop attacking, but remember who it hates. Stop can be turned off manually, or is automatically turned off whenever follow, guard, attack, qattack, or back off are used.

- Added the greater hold state (ghold). Greater hold is granted by pet discipline. It works very much like regular hold except that regular hold allows opponents to be added to the pet's hate list when the pet already has opponents on its list. Greater hold only allows NPCs you specifically add via attack or qattack to be added to its hate list. Hold and ghold are mutually exclusive.

- Pet help has been updated with the new information about these changes.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Fixed a crash with certain custom UIs with custom hot bars.

- Fixed a problem that caused the quest level ranges for quest givers to not be displayed under their name.

- Lockout timers can once again be sorted in the expedition window.

*** UI ***

- Optimized the raid window to get rid of the long pause when opening it when there are a large number of people in the raid.

*** Previously Hotfixed ***

- Ierene Seldon now spawns in her correct location in the Blue Hawk's Tavern.

- Tober Grandim in Blightfire Moors will no longer agro on players.

- The Manaetic Behemoth should once again appear in the Plane of Innovation.

- Nettle Higglesbury should now correctly gather some rabble rousers around him once he's finished his pie.

- Fixed a problem with Atler Flamejabber. He should now reappear in his correct location after someone has completed his quest.

- The EverQuest Team


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Vet. Reward Banker
# Apr 16 2009 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
199 posts
As far as the Veteran Reward Banker, the new weightless coin makes it almost useless. The only use I can see is when farming stuff and you're getting full and don't want to head back; or if you've embarked on a quest and forgot something critical in the bank. It's clearly for emergeny uses like that only.
What reward?
# Apr 12 2009 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
I have been playing this game since 1999.

The reward for the 10th year quests was pitiful.
The 11th year vet reward is stupid.

Sometimes I think SOE wants the game to just die.
They do nothing to encourage new people to join the game.
The old zones are empty.

My server is full of boxers. Nothing wrong with boxers but the
days of going into a zone and shouting LFG, are dead.

Mercs have changed the game. Especially merc clerics. Our guild
has lost several clerics due to mercs. Mercs should be able to
raid as well.

Oh well....

Edited, Apr 13th 2009 12:15am by drcoracle
# Apr 07 2009 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
11 years of pay for a once-every-20-hour banker?


The last 3 years have felt like bad birthdays with lame gifts. Looking forward to a better one next year--again.
# Apr 08 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
342 posts
The Devs have stated that the recent Vet rewards are not intended to be major game changing features. I do not have the quote (and the SoE forum search tool never works) but to paraphrase, they said they are not doing Vet AAs any more like Lesson and Infusion, etc. They will be simple utilities and conveniences that I assume are non-combat or experience related.
# Apr 08 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, but in these times where they are seeking ways to get people from quitting or to draw more older players back to the game, showing them that at 10 and 11 years they get a vendor and banker once every 20 hours is not helping!

At 9 years they gave a combat vet (Armor of Experience) which isn't fantastic, but does have its value. 1-7 are all combat/exp related. I don't imagine them reasoning that to cheapen the value of vet rewards with the more money you give them is good incentive to keep players around. It is quite a fallacy.

Think about it from the perspective from a player who has been around for this long and anticipates the new vet reward; do you think it makes us happy to get such a useless convenience two years in a row?

They can do better--even another unique mount/familiar would be nice.
They could even go out of their way just a little and create a unique merc! Anything else would have been more worthwhile.
# Apr 08 2009 at 7:39 PM Rating: Default
totally agree on this... 11 years have been an ups and downs... but recently I am begining to feel unless you are hardcore raiders... the casual old timers just get a banker where you can use a throne Vet port easy at the end of your hunt... i was hoping something better pet or mount too but to my dismay another worthless reward.... Its not a REWARD if you can't use it... its just another wasteful hotkey slot.
How can I make my old roboboar shiny?
# Apr 07 2009 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
I can't seem to make my old roboboar a shiny one. I went to the guy in Cresent Reach and bought the polishing kit but its 2 slots. Im asuming the roboboar goes in one but what goes in the second slot? Thanks
How can I make my old roboboar shiny?
# Apr 07 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
342 posts
Just a guess, but I would assume you need to have acquired the Shiny New Class I Collapsable Roboboar. This container/quest may simply allow you to change the LOOK of your existing roboboar while maintaining the speed if you have an upgraded rusty-looking one. Hence the "polishing" and "rusting" quest parts mentioned in the patch today.

I should note that I *cannot* confirm this, however.

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 2:07pm by Kuponya
??? Poisonmaking
# Apr 07 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Anyone found out whats really now with poison makin? .. I found the new venodrs with the new items and books, but my mortar an pestle still has all of my old recipies ... so i dont see any changes in the old things.

Anythinig incomplete on the state of now?
Leader of the CobraForceCrew
Leader of the Dragonring
Ayonae Ro (Tribunal)
??? Poisonmaking
# Apr 07 2009 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
86 posts
WTF??? Did I read it right? I went and got spear for my lvl 70 Pally in PoF yesterday, and now I cant use it untill Pally makes 75? Not to mention lower lvl Bst wont be able to use his new claw?? Again, target that at the present was a waste of time. :-(
??? Poisonmaking
# Apr 07 2009 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
Go to the Safehouse Forums ( ) and there's lots of discussion on this as well as some of the new recipies and how/what to combine.
??? Poisonmaking
# Apr 07 2009 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
thx for the info!
Leader of the CobraForceCrew
Leader of the Dragonring
Ayonae Ro (Tribunal)
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