Riding Trinkets no longer usable after 70

So after all the hassles with the riding crops, carrot on a stick and other mount speed trinket issues, it appears Blizzard has finally opted for a new way to deal with this consistent issue in the beta. For those of you who may not be aware, if you "learn" your mount before applying your riding crop etc to it, you can no longer apply the trinket after the fact. Which means that you essentially have a useless item sitting in your inventory. After all the bug reports, it appears Blizzard has made a decision regarding this bug. And that decision is to simply make those trinkets unusable to anyone over level 70...

This is per Ghostcrawler from the following link: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9679754295&sid=2000


"...Any items or enchants that affect mounted speed will no longer affect any character over level 70. This includes the Riding Crop, Mithril Spurs, Riding Glove Enchant, Carrot on a Stick, Skybreaker Whip and all similar effects. Talents or spells that affect mounted speed will continue to do. In part, we thought it had become a hassle for players to have to equip (or macro) riding trinkets. We have new plans for how to improve mounted speed that we will unveil eventually..."


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Riding Crop Useless
# Sep 17 2008 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
This is ridiculous, the riding crop is expensive to start with, it can't be used until level 69, is now valid for 2 uses and then becomes useless.
I was going to get the new expansion, was really looking forward to it as well, but with all the bad news I keep hearing coming out of the betas I think I'll give it a miss.
Why not make it an "enchantment" for a mount?
# Sep 15 2008 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
Removing this item would indeed make many people annoyed, because it does make a significant difference in travel time if you are going long distances, but apparently Blizzard is having problems with converting the item from its current method of use to another. So, there must be some sort of compromise to address the issue.

My first thought is to make the riding crop, carrot on a stick, etc. into "enchantments" for mounts. Obtaining the items would happen in the same way, however, instead of using up a trinket slot, they would become attached to your mount, in the same way an armor kit is applied to various items.

Doing this would accomplish two major things:
1. Users that currently have one of the speed enhancing items, would not have a useless (and somewhat expensive) item when the expansion comes out.
2. Sale of speed enhancing items may increase, because they would have to be applied to individual mounts.
3. Remove the item from your trinket slot, which would mean you don't have to equip it all the time.

The largest drawback to doing it this way is that it would require individuals to purchase multiple riding crops, which could get expensive if you have a large number of mounts.

My other thought is to make it so there is a slot on your mount, like a kind of hybrid between a bag slot and gem slot, where shift-right-clicking on the item would open the window where you would place the item (like the gem slots), but it would not become bound to that mount (unlike gems), making it possible to manually move the item from one mount to another (though if the item became bound to the mount, it wouldn't be the end of the world, it would just be similar to my first thought).

The positives here are:
1. Users that currently have one of the speed enhancing items, would not have a useless (and somewhat expensive) item when the expansion comes out.
2. The item would be removed from the trinket slot, which would mean that you don't have to equip it all the time.
3. The slot would be accessible so that manually moving the item to a different mount would still be possible.
4. It could increase the sales of riding crops, because people could place a riding crop on each mount in order to minimize the need to manually move the item from one mount to another (for instance moving the item from a ground to a flying mount).

Anywho, I don't think that either of these changes would be that incredibly difficult for Blizzard to make, as there are similar examples that exist in the game already, though I would personally prefer the second one, because it would make things a tad less expensive.
wow i should have read this 2 hours ago...
# Sep 14 2008 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
i was playing a couple hours ago and i thought, "Hey i should buy a riding crop" just for the heck of it. so i go to the AH and buy one, and then i read this. very disappointing :-(
still valued
# Sep 14 2008 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
2,047 posts
I'd still buy them, the speed boost is worthwhile to me, as long as its a month or more away. What else IS there to buy? Gear? Replaced too. Save gold? Even if they say not, it'll surely be less valuable in the expansion, just with that many more people leveling, which is never a negative-gold-flow into the economy event.
# Sep 14 2008 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
Oh great, you play & play to get to level 40 so you can get a ride, so they lower the level to 30 a week after you get to level 40. You play to get riding trinkets now they are useless. The game is played in part to achieve goals, what is the point if Warcraft make those goals useless?

If you got to level 40 and bought the mount at full price a week before the change bringing it to 30, I call that ****-poor planning. The WoW devs clearly are making these changes for our benefit, and making it easier for people to get around at a lower level seems like a good thing. I had an alt at 42, I just sucked it up and waited for the price to drop, 2 levels is worth 60g.

And the riding stuff? It's honestly not really a big deal. All of these items are based on an economic or reward system that is so thoroughly in place that none of this stuff is "difficult" or "expensive" to attain (with the exception of the skybreaker whip, and the achievement there is winning the race, not getting the whip). If they did this when TBC just released and it was actually worth something to be able to farm a primal might, and then they make a riding crop useless, then ok, complain away. But nowadays it's pretty much a cakewalk to get any of these items, so it seems petty to call them a "goal."

If you want a real goal, try and get a 2200+ arena team, or get a full suit of tier set gear or something. The mount stuff is old news. I farmed like crazy for a Horned Viking Helm so I could charge and stun people in PVP, but I didn't complain when it wouldn't affect lvl 60+ people, because it's a low level item, and it shouldn't. The same could be said about all of these mount items when we're all sitting at lvl 80 with lvl 80 mounts.

Lets try and remember the original reasoning for this... the devs are making it so you don't have to switch a buttload of gear around every time you want to hop on Sparky to take a 200ft ride. Its cumbersome. If they're disallowing out-dated items it's only to supply us with something different later on down the line. QQ a little less.
# Sep 14 2008 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
...OR Why not just making riding scalable to level with gradations every 1, 5, or 10 levels, with level 30 being 60% up to level 80 being, say 110% for land mounts and something similar for flying mounts.

Edited, Sep 14th 2008 11:50am by irthdog
Riding Trinkets
# Sep 14 2008 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
Oh great, you play & play to get to level 40 so you can get a ride, so they lower the level to 30 a week after you get to level 40. You play to get riding trinkets now they are useless. The game is played in part to achieve goals, what is the point if Warcraft make those goals useless?
Trinket slot
# Sep 14 2008 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
68 posts
Why not just leave it like it is till you find a fix? People have been 'dealing' with that trinket issue for years now, a few more months won't kill anyone (with mods, it's not really a problem if you ask me).

Edited, Sep 14th 2008 9:56am by Woolyworm
Posible solution
# Sep 14 2008 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
More than likely after 70 you'll just get the speed upgrade from a quest or something that'll affect all mounts.
about what I'd expect
# Sep 13 2008 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
from blizzard...not fix the issue...just do away with it.
# Sep 13 2008 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
I made two for my characters last week, created 4 more primal mights this week to make a few more. Just put the two I made on the AH, hopefully no one reads this yet haha
# Sep 13 2008 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
4,445 posts
Sounds like a nerf but I guess I don't really care since I never did bother to get one. Now I have even less a reason to bother to get one I suppose.
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