48 Hours Does Everquest

The CBS newsmagazine "48 Hours Investigates" is broadcasting a story about Everquest. I assume it is the same one that we saw them filming at the Boston Fan Faire. The e-mail I received from CBS stated that the story was going to cover the "controversy over Everquest -- are some people addicted to the game?" The promo for the show on the 48 Hours website states that the name of the show is "Addicted", with the following teaser: "Are a growing number of people addicted - to an online computer game? Plus, meet a man who says he was addicted to sex." It will be interesting to see if it is a fair presentation, or just sensationalist crap. Based upon that promo blurb on their website, I'm banking on the later. Nonetheless, it's worth checking out. The broadcast is on CBS, Friday, October 18th at 8:00 p.m. et/pt.


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Media Hype
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
I'm sure they'll have some "expert" that nobody ever heard of from some organization that nobody ever heard of telling us how bad EQ is for our society.

There was a similar story on the news about the time SoL was released. Funny how there's another story coming out now that PoP is coming out. Hmmmm, media sensationalism... You bet ya!

48th Druid of the Karana
RE: Media Hype
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
no such thing as bad publicity, ask Giuliani

Edited, Tue Oct 15 13:53:48 2002
RE: Media Hype
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm... maybe SOE/Verant actually has something to do with the report.

Would not be surprised to hear mention of the new PoP and all it has to offer.
RE: Media Hype
# Oct 15 2002 at 6:04 AM Rating: Default
I Guess What saddens me is that there are all these reall addictions out there. Be it Drugs Alchahol even cigarettes and these people have chosen to high Light a video Game. Hey i spend 60 hours a week playing this game but i see people all the time drunk high whatever. If this video game occupies people and keeps them out of trouble at home then there should be more people speaking up for it if im slaying AoW in EQ im obviously not out causing problems, getting introuble, or breaking the law. Idiocy only could put down a game that keeps youth occupied and out of trouble. I look at this and remember all the bad press DnD got because there are people who dont understand it. AND "you" know there has to be something wrong with it if "they" dont understand the phenomenon. ok im thru.
See you folks in Norrath
Galadriall (58th Paladin of Erollisi Marr)
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:31 AM Rating: Default
An addiction is when someone needs something to feel normal. I personally dont have any physical addiction <checks pulse...... nope normal> to EQ, nor do I have any mental addiction causing me to see elves and ogres in my real world. Have I ever planned to play EQ on a certain evening? sure. Have I ever played EQ to long and been late somewhere? sure. Have I ever played EQ gone LD and gotten physically abusive? nope. The difference between a game and an addiction is being able to realize whats going on and being able to make a rational decision. Ive had all these same situations posed to me in relationships, athletic teams, work and they have all been answered in the same way.

Now I realize that their is a large number of people out there who look at this as a large waste of time and think that for anyone to spend 20 hours a week playing a game it must be an addiction. My response to those individuals is, is it an addiction or an enjoyable past time that one has chosen to partake in? I work with guys who spend 80 hours a week at work. Know what we call them? Work aholics? Dedicated? Succesfull? It all depends upon ones values and the choices they make in regards to what they wish to accomplish and whom they wish to socialize with.

Now Ive gammed online since the days when we were still playing on BBSs and dialing up friends with our modems to connect for a quick doom match. In highschool I was on a nationally ranked enginering team, ran varsity cross country, varsity wrestling, acted, and was a student ambasador to eastern europe and south east asia. I ran Varsity cross country in college, was an RA, and toutored. Now days I am a single 25 year old, I works 60+ hours a week, go out at least twice a week,try to run at least 5 miles a day, and sleep 4-5 hours a night. On top of all that I play EQ at least 15-20 hours a week. I pay all my bills, have no debt, and have enough money in a money market for a house. Cant say that this addiction is effecting me all that poorly.

Perhaps if the press stopped trying to attach generalizations to things they dont understand they would draw me away from eq and back to the newspapers and televison they so desperatly wish to promote.

~Shep Bladesiinger ~ Arias'tama
<53 Wizard - Fennin Ro - EQ>
~Kardox Bladesiinger
<47 Cleric - Fennin Ro - EQ>
~Faledor Bladesiinger
<40 Warrior - Fennin Ro - EQ>
~Izzam Bladesiinger
<40 Necromancer - Fennin Ro - EQ>
~Onmar Bladesiinger
<30 Paladin - Fennin Ro - EQ>

~Kardox Bladesinger ~ Chivalry
<45 Cleric - Guinevere - DAOC>
~Faledor Bladesinger ~ Chivalry
<40 Armsman - Guinevere - DAOC>
~Dallaron Bladesinger ~ Chivalry
<39 Wizard - Guinevere - DAOC>

Shim Goodfree
<12perserv/12druid/12psion ~ Darksun Online>

Mic/Maverick/Mutrana/Mufassa ~ Kali
Me again
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:22 AM Rating: Default
I messed up on that one paragraph and quoted the bible twice. Ironic- the bible is quoted and waved around much too often, IMO. I also didn't put a sig. Forgot I was posting anon. Sorry bout that.

Shater- 32 warrior- The nameless (retired)
Dubbo- 20 warrior- The nameless (retired)

Thaenir- 22 pally- Saryrn
Everquest addictive?
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:18 AM Rating: Default
Anything that can be enjoyed can be addictive. It is natural human reasoning to assume that if you enjoy something, then having twice as much of it will be twice as enjoyable.
However, this is essentially wrong. Take chocolate cake, for example. Your friend gives you a delicious piece chocolate cake. You think about the calories and how bad it is for you, but it's just one piece of cake. And everybody likes cake. So you eat it. Nothing wrong with that. You were hungry, and there was some yummy food, no harm done. So you have another piece. No worries. You can just go the gym later. But then you eat the whole cake. You've spoiled it. You might get sick now, and no one else gets any cake.
The bible says "All things in moderation." The greeks said "Know Thyself. Avoid Excess." The Buddha taught people to deny their desires.
The bible says "All things in moderation." Many people and cultures have found the wisdom of taking things in moderation.
This brings me to my point. Everquest is a good game. It helps people interact, socialize with friends, and learn positive attributes and skills. But if taken in excess then it is evil. So if you find that EQ is the only thing you do, you need not just stop playing it. Get another hobby. Do other things. Get a god. Go on walks in a nearby park. Feed your child/spouse/parent/fish. Read a book (That's a good one- always read books- they're good for you!) Or just relax and listen to music. But if you live only for everquest, and something goes wrong, like an accidental character wipe, then you might do something like the guy who commited suicide.
follow up
# Oct 15 2002 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
Seriously though doesn't the media have something better to do? 180 dead in Bali and they're worried about computers games? bah.

Look people EQ is addictive the same way any hobby can be addictive. I.e, some people will do it to the exclusion of anything else. I knew a man who used to spend all his time building model boats, it was all he talked about and all he did. he still lived in his mothers basement (for real) never dated and never expressed interest in doing anything else. Now, most people would say he has a problem and should probably seek help to deal with his obvious anti-social behaviour (or the flip side he's happy leave him alone). The media would blame the model manufacturer for making such an 'addictive' hobby.

Now we're going to have to deal with a huge contingent of nervous nellies who are going to try and save us from ourselves, thank god I'm a happily married adult whose wife also play's EQ.

The addictive nature of the game as exposed by 48 hours and carried in brief on many 6 o'clock news stories is what I would call the fun part of the game. The leveling, the interaction, the "phat lewt" (spelling intended).

Now because one player committed suicide out of HALF a MILLION players (BTW I personally think that number is extremely low, seeing as we recently had over 100,000 people online at one time). We now will have to validate our hobby to our co-workers and non-playing friends who will become instant experts due to this article.

Its 1985 (D&D) all over again. At least this time I don't have to listen to "we don't want you becoming a satanist" speech's from my parents. On the hand, my phone just rang.
RE: follow up
# Oct 15 2002 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
Myself and my guildmates had to deal with a seriously depressed young girl playing a Druid. She was very down on herself, suicidal? doubt it, but still...
We told her that life is tough, yeah etc. etc.
Yes, you are gonna get hurt blah blah
LIFE is totally worth living - ever single day and there are real people telling you in this green text that you need to feel good about yourself etc. etc.
Point is - Real people behind those toons we can help more than hurt in my opinion.
If your reading this you're not an addict
# Oct 15 2002 at 12:20 AM Rating: Good
I can think of worse things...
# Oct 14 2002 at 10:56 PM Rating: Default
Is EQ an addiction? Probably, if allowed to exert too much control over one's mind. But let's be reasonable here. Ironically enough, a television program is doing the finger-pointing here. How many people do you suppose are addicted to TV? I know I was, to the degree of neglecting other, more important things in my life (Soap Operas were my particular weakness). I know so many people that will sit on the couch for hours upon hours, slack-faced and glassy-eyed, staring at that screen while nothing but sex, violence, obscenities and just general trash spouts itself at them. Or what of the myriad of other addictions there are in this world: drugs, alcohol, over-eating, gambling?
I was there as well, (with the exception of over-eating) and as a rational, intelligent, outgoing, pretty well-adjusted and even fairly attractive 38-year old woman, I have this to say. All of those other things were harmful to my mind and my body, but what harm does being addicted to something that at least uses my capacity for reasoning, stimulates my mind, and even brings a smile very frequently to my face be? As for the large number of young(er) people that play...I'd rather have them using their minds, honing their socials skills, and yes, even learning such things as teamwork, cooperation, and other important traits than being out on the streets doing drugs, drinking, committing crimes, and the many other things I see today's youth become involved in. (And ask yourselves how many scenes of violence involving teens you see on TV everyday, just as an interesting aside.)

That being said, I have no trouble with saying this: I am an EQ addict, and I can think of much worse things to be addicted to.
RE: I can think of worse things...
# Oct 14 2002 at 11:44 PM Rating: Default
I have to totally agree with you....

People these days. GOD! what is wrong with them!
Money stuff
# Oct 14 2002 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent

I am addicted to golf

pay greenfees = $30 per play
I play 4 times a month = $120
pay practice balls = $5
practice twice a week = $40
my golf expense per month = $160

I am addicted to everquest

pay monthly fee = $13
play unlimited time of everquest permonth = $13
pay allakhazam = $3
my everquest expense permonth = $16

$160 vs. $16 .. well.. am gonna quit my golf and play more everquest :P

"Did I sing when you ding? or did you ding when I sing?"
Bombom Bombom
Minstrel of the 52nd missed note
Ayonae Ro

Its nothing special...
# Oct 14 2002 at 10:01 PM Rating: Default
Sure EQ is addictive. So is TV, so 48 hours can run a story on how bad it is if they want, but the only people watching it are as bad as us playing EQ, and they know it. TV news programs are ground breaking research or vehicles for social change, they just tell people what they want to hear so they keep watching and keep making people richer. Its the same kind of process that VI uses to keep us playing. Keep that in mind and remember the purpose of everything in life is to have fun and learn about yourself from it. If you do that then your all good!
RE: Its nothing special...
# Oct 14 2002 at 10:03 PM Rating: Default
should read "TV news programs are NOT ground breaking research or vehicles for social change"
my bad
Addiction? I think Not
# Oct 14 2002 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
As I read all the other posts a theme reoccurs almost constantly. Am I addicted? I play all I can (12-18 hours a week). I would rather play than be at work, but then who would pay the electric bill to keep my computer on? Is there something else I should be doing? Probably, but it probably isn't as much fun. Do I do the things I need to get done (take out the trash, feed the dogs, etc.)? Yes, how else would I be able to play if I didn't? So I guess I am but it could be worse.

Another thought - since we have decided I am addicted. If I weren't playing would I be out doing drugs and ruining other people's lives? Duh, I am sure I wouldn't be. I am not that kind of person. Never was, never will be. Nor do I think 97% of the other players, even the true addicts, are those kind of people.

Do I care what other people think of the way I live my life? Hmmm, I am 40 years old (a true dinosaur!), have been a member of the National Guard for over 20 years and have attained a rank with some responsibilties. I hold a teaching degree. I am married and have one child. I have a decent job and pay my bills. My other hobbies include Civil War Reenacting, Miniature Wargaming and reading Science Ficition and Fantasy. I played D&D when I was in High School and was in HS ROTC. I guess I am just a little wierd.

Do I care what others think? I guess not. If what I do bothers you, you are the one with the problem, not me (unless, of course, I am being a pain on purpose).

I step down form my soapbox.

Edited, Mon Oct 14 23:48:34 2002
oh yeah
# Oct 14 2002 at 9:20 PM Rating: Default
Ya i would agree that it is addictive, but then again im really really really addicted to Paintball. You cant beat the rush of adrenaline while flying projectiles are zinging past your head and whaling all around you. :)
Addictive? Maybe...
# Oct 14 2002 at 9:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Is EverQuest addictive? Hell yes...to some people. But then again, so is just about anything else a person can do. Some people are addicted to cars, some to TV, some to music, some to academics...to each his/her own.

I'll admit, I play EverQuest 24 hours+ per week...then again, I also play at night and I'm an insomniac (I was before I ever heard of EQ, so it's not the cause). But EverQuest is a hobby, not a way of life. I don't revolve my life around EverQuest, though I'll admit it becomes more and more stimulating the longer you play.

It's all about what you get out of it. If you can play EverQuest for an hour a day, and spend time doing other things, that's just fine. If you have to play 6 or 8 hours a day, that's fine too. I mean, you could always be doing something harmful, like building bombs or selling drugs. Or you could be addicted to harmful things.

Not only that, but I spend most of my time on the computer playing EQ...I have friends that get home and log onto AIM or some chat rooms and stay on those until 2 or 3 in the morning...maybe 48 Hours should do a special on that instead. At least I'm really interacting with people instead of listening to a bunch of horny 13 year old kids talking about cyber sex and pornography.

And for anyone that cares, I can play EQ 3 or more hours a day, while still managing to run Varsity Cross Country, work on becoming an Eagle Scout, and I'm also in the top 5 percent of my class in school...obviously EQ can't be too bad or I'd be some psycho like all the drug addicts and users I know.

Aerdor Dewcatcher, 37th season druid
<Sojourner's Compass>
# Oct 14 2002 at 9:09 PM Rating: Default
I play eq evertime I get. So yes you can call me an addict. But I would rather stay at home playing good old EQ then be out in this unsafe world being addicted to worse things.

Wulfbaine Fangfear
Evercrack or Eversmack
# Oct 14 2002 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
I have played Eq off and on for 2yrs now. I do enjoy the game a great deal but hate that it becomes a time suck at the higher lvls. Can't raid anything worth while unless you can invest 4 to 12 hours, and leveling becomes a real biotch after lvl 50. Right now I'm on my second toon a lvl 51(almost 52 ranger) on the E'ci server after having deleted my first lvl 54 ranger. Killed him due to work and other things in RL that just wouldn't allow me to spend the time necessary to play him.

Now for some RL back ground. I'm a deputy sheriff here in Ohio. I have been a deputy for 11 years and a detective for the last 4. In my line of work I see a lot of crap that most people will never hear or see on the news, and it's probably a good thing. I've seen women sell their bodies and children to support their addiction to narcotics. I've also worked several cases involving home invasions and murder all due to "addictions".

Is Eq addicting? Yeah. Is it also a time cruncher. Yes again. Have I ever arrested someone who was selling their a@@ to buy twink items on ebay? No, nor have I dealt with any crime that was caused by Eq. I think the press is trying to vilify EQ just like it did D&D back in the day based on the actions of a few mentally unstable people. If myself and one other person jammed cartons of Newports up our butts then blew our heads off would that rate a story on 48 hours on the evils of smoking menthol cigarettes. Most likely not. Sony is making money hand over fist off of EQ, that's why the media is involved. I wish the press would interview me. I could tell them how I've repressed thoughts of murder everytime I LD after being logged on for 5 minutes or getting booted when I zone. The people who have killed themselves over this game have probably done so because of this. Or missed work because the server was finally working with no packet loss and they were able to complete a epic quest or go exp'ing without fear of LD'ing in the middle of it. Being serious now, people can become addicted to anything under the sun. The problem comes in when the addiction starts running your life. We as adults and teenages have to be able to keep our perspective and not let a game become the dominating force in our lives even though it's set up to be a time consumer.

Sigg Zagg
Proud member of Na Koa
Pathfinder of E'ci server
# Oct 14 2002 at 8:59 PM Rating: Default
everquest isn't addictive its just fun the same way some jock plays a sport likes and keeps only playing but since its computer game and not going with the cornfield, jocky, every boy plays sports and every girl wants to be a cheerleader american thing of cross the press gets on it. They just say that to get ratings with this new "conterverse". its just stupid ratings boostes
EQ is for non-dorks aswell
# Oct 14 2002 at 8:58 PM Rating: Decent
I'm 15 yers old and I'm all A's honors student, now you're probably thinking "WOW! What a dork!" Quite the contrary, everyone in my school knows me because I have a personality, as I'm sure many of us EQ players do. I play EQ on weekends after I come back from football games, hanging out with my friends, or whatever. What I'm trying to say is that not all people who play EQ are dorks, geeks, or freaks; I have a GF in RL and we get along just fine; EQ does not, nor will I let it get in the way of our relationship. So many people out there are in some way or another like me in that aspect and we use EQ as a means of entertainment, sure its addictave but all that menas to us is that we choose to play instead go out and shoot up heroin or something, in that way its actually doing more good than bad, think about it; we maybe Evercrack addicts but thats alot better than being a crack head if you ask me. Anyway EQ isn't bad and it isn't un-cool, its a stress releaser for when you had a bad day(except for when you get killed by something and loose a lvl grrr.), its a method of entertainmentfor those rainy days, and it keep us from doing drugs, or gambling, or other forms of illegal activity.

Baum Shrubhugger-30 Druid-Fizzle Fiend (Rodcet Nife)
Todes-17 Rouge (Rodcet Nife)

"East side, West side, South side, Yo side, My side, we all got homies that are down to ride"
The Truth...
# Oct 14 2002 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default
The truth behind the EQ addiction scandal is this. Verant has subtely taken over every computer company on the planet, and the are somehow modulating the graphics cards to put out extremely high levels of the newly discovered drug edecrest, code named EverQuest. Now the only way to activate the graphics card is through VI's software. Their plan seemed to be working flawlessly until one executive of VI realized something. Who would willingly subject themselves to an extremely addictive and zombifying drug? The answer to this puzzling problem was to disguise the software with a game. The game known as...EverQuest. The truth is that we EQ players have been enslaved by Verant's evil plan. With the release of Planes of Power, a new level of the drug edecrest will be released. This will drive the EQ player mad and force him to go on a killing spree until the only people left are the EQ players themselves. And then Verant will produce a race of superhuman slaves to CONQUER THE UNIVERSE!!!
RE: The Truth...
# Oct 14 2002 at 8:38 PM Rating: Default
Meet me at the corner of 4th and 5th at 6, there's still time to stop them... IF we hurry.

Password is: rudabaga
RE: The Truth...
# Oct 14 2002 at 8:41 PM Rating: Default
ruTabaga, sorry for misspelling on such a crucial matter.

P.S. You bring the ammonia, I'll bring the mothballs.
# Oct 14 2002 at 8:12 PM Rating: Default
I'm 15 and I have plenty of patience to level. As for you my friend, you will be hearing from my lawyer, as I am suing you for discrimination against not only my age, but my race and my gender. It's people like you that make me ashamed to be a white male.

42 Bard
After Image
RE: discrimination
# Oct 14 2002 at 8:24 PM Rating: Decent
Ummmm, rofl...ok

Sue on brother, sue on...
Addictive? HELL YES!
# Oct 14 2002 at 8:11 PM Rating: Default
EQ is addictive because it is an INCREDIBLE game! I can only play every other weekend but when i do i take advantage of that time. I get called an addict for the limited time i play EQ compared to others who play every day for several hours at a time! Which is absolute BS due to the comparision, but anyways. EQ, like so many other things is addictive, and you cant change that. Im sorry. But if YOU are the person who DECIDES to play CONSTANTLY then its your fault, since YOU ARE IN CONTROL! EQ is a master piece and i love it. I just wish i had more time to play...

PS: I am 15 and i am in all honors classes and most are at a higher level than a freshman should be in. Plus im a Varsity hockey player for my school, so im not just a geek saying it isnt addictive so he can clear himself hehe :) (if you care to know who is saying this)
# Oct 14 2002 at 7:06 PM Rating: Default
Yes EQ is addicitive. but as exsaan said anythign can be and that is true. I think its bad when some one starts passing up friends and stops going out side for it. Im 14 and i have a life and ihave great friends btu i still love eq. I started to lose friends and not do anythign for a while and when i went back to my dads and had to leave it for a month i stoped playing as much.
It also lets me spend more tme with my mom and my sister who both play. I know i live withmy mom and could talk to her any time but we do not have that much in common. My sister lives in another state and i see her ever chance i get but thats only when i dont have school. So i end up talking to her on the computer and we do stuff together.
But it also saves us money. If me and my mom didnt play eq we would probaly go out shopping or go to dinner all the tiem and spend alot more money a week but instead we play eq and have fun on that.
# Oct 14 2002 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
sure EQ's addictive, but look at what else you could be addicted to. Crack(in RL) is more expensive then 12.95/mo and less destructive anyway. There's worse things in this world than EQ
# Oct 14 2002 at 6:15 PM Rating: Default
I really think Eq addicts (the real ones, those that you ve seen online whenever you log for the last few years -you usually find em in the so-called oobah guilds) are addicts by Nature and would prolly be addict of something else if they werent Eq addicts (narcotics, gambling .... or, addict to their job, their family or whatever ... some socially acceptable, some not ...) these people need help, and shouldnt be allowed to play that much. Would sux to be them. Ouch. Seen some of those in cybercafes, man they've become zombies.
# Oct 14 2002 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
Is EQ addictive? Sure, anything can be addictive if you're that kind of personality type, or at least that's one side of the argument. Some people are addicted to drugs, some to alcohol. Some people are addicted to shopping or football. My hubby talks about Jeeps constantly. Is EQ addictive to most average people? No. It's a hobby, a hobby that you can either be involved in on a casual basis, or one that you can devote a lot of time and money into. But, it's still a hobby. People who collect those rediculous Beenie Babies can spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on the dang things, and drive across country to get them, but you don't see them on the news being called addicts. Perhaps extreme, but not addicts. I think that if you play EQ, go shopping, hang out at the local trekkie convention, or talk about football and wear a cheesehead hat constantly, you're just the kind of person who really enjoys your hobby. Not an addict. I'm guessing that in the interest of ratings this show is going to try and make people who play EQ look like a bunch of crack addicts, sort of like how people who played Dungeons and Dragons were made to look like homicidal maniacs in the 80's. I say...bring it on!
RE: Bwahahaha
# Oct 14 2002 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
270 posts
Hey no poking fun of the Cheeseheads. Football up here is practically a religion.

"Our father who art in Lambeau,
Lombari be his name..."

You know this all stems from that lawsuit, some mother filed against SOE, claiming EQ caused her son to commit suicide. Which is a bunch of crap. As someone who is diagnosed with Major Depression and has had several attempts, EQ makes my life more bareable. When I play, I forget how my life reallys sux. Why don't they do an episode on that?

Delilya Starshine, High Elf Mage, 7th Hammer
Voelfgar Fireforge
105 Beserker
Addicted?I think not.
# Oct 14 2002 at 6:03 PM Rating: Default
This is probably gonna sound like the smokers who say i can quit anytime but I am most certainly not addicted to EQ.I play about 12 hours a week(I'm 14,my parents and I bargained to that),and I still get Straight A's and am In Honor society,Boy scouts,and I bowl decently every weekend with my family.EQ is a hobby for me, just like stereo stuff for my dad or TV for my sister.EQ isn't trashing my life, in fact it helps after a long day of homework,smacking around a few orcs instead of Idiots is really good for my mental health.

Marraxus Soulmaimer
39 Dark elf Shadowknight
Officer of Disciples of Justice,
Ayonea Ro.

P.S. Has anyone else noticed that there evidence aginst EQ consist mainly of people saying EQ wrecked their marrige? or lists of Die hard who got so outta touch with RL that they thought carrying food would keep them alive and starved.
# Oct 14 2002 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
EQ addiction is merely a quasi-reality that people often use as an excuse for other underlying problems, as the last one posting has said. Yes, Everquest (or EverCrack, as some of my friends call it) can be rather engaging, but a person has to be really weak-minded to ever let it affect their everyday life. It's not going to be easy to make those that don't play EQ see that, and I doubt it will ever happen.

Barbarian Warrior of the 32nd Season
Battle Forged
Solusek Ro Server
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