Pet Owners Rejoice!

My friend happened to come screaming to me with the news of the pet information that Alan posted this morning on the Developers Corner. I have some news from Rich about changes we plan to make for pets. quote:
Hi, I wanted to take a minute to let you know about some pet upgrades that we've just completed. The changes are fairly significant, and we think they address a lot of concerns that have been brought up by players. Here are the changes we've made - Pets will not attack mesmerized creatures All pets now think of mesmerized creatures as being dead. Pets will not break mez, will not attack mesmerized creatures, and will forget any hate they had towards a mesmerized creature. In short, if a monster gets mesmerized, your pet will forget about it and stop attacking it. This is good for all pet classes, and especially handy for Enchanters, who can now trust their pets to not break every mez as soon as it lands. Pets are neutral to monsters Monsters will not attack your pet first. All monsters see your pet as a neutral creature, and will leave it alone unless your pet attacks something. This means if your pet wanders off, it won't bring a train of monsters back with it. Keep in mind, if your pet chases a fleeing monster, other monsters may still attack it. Your pet is only treated as neutral while it is not acting in a hostile manner. Pets no longer take experience in most situations In the past, pets would take a full share of experience if they did the most damage to a creature. We've changed this rule as follows - * Pets take ZERO experience from a creature, unless no player does damage to that creature. * Pets take 75% of the experience from a creature - if no player does damage to that creature. This means that your pet takes no experience from you or your group unless your pet kills a monster with no help from players. As long as you or your groupmates do damage to a monster, your pet will take ZERO experience. Due to the high potential power of dire charmed pets, they will continue to take a share of the experience. In the worst case, dire charmed pets will take a full share of experience – this is the same as it's always been. The amount of experience taken by a dire charmed pet scales based on how much damage the pet does. If the dire charmed pet is doing the majority of the damage, it's experience share gets larger. If you or your group are doing reasonable damage to a monster, a dire charmed pet will not take much experience. The more damage you do, the less experience a dire charmed pet will take. In most situations, dire charmed pets will take less experience than they did previously. As with all pets, if a dire charmed pet does the majority of damage, and no player does any damage, the dire charmed pet will take 75% of the experience from the kill. Overall, these changes are a significant boost to pet classes. The dev team has been hard at work on finding and implementing the right solutions, and we hope you'll enjoy these changes. Thanks for your patience as caster balancing continues, and thanks for playing. Rich Waters Lead Designer, EverQuest
Thanks Rich. Alan NO! Thank you Alan for passing it along, and thanks Rhuin for the heads up!


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Left out one thing
# Jun 03 2002 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
**They still need to make player sk pets be about 3/4 the level of the sk, otherwise the pet is still practically useless to us**

Maybe they could make it so SK's dont need mana to cast as well?

I'd bet they still find something to whine about.
RE: Left out one thing
# Jun 03 2002 at 7:19 PM Rating: Excellent
While these pets may be useless to you, have you noticed that your spells are the same as necro spells, just some lvls behind when necro's get them. Generally speaking SK's are a melee class, while necro's are not. Necro's use their pets as tanks and can solo quite effectively with them. Giving a melee class a higher lvl pet might be nice to those who own SK's, it would unbalance the way things are (not that the balance is perfect, but why add insult to injury?). Every class has some rather useless spell, do what i do, don't mem it.

Just a thought
left out one thing
# Jun 03 2002 at 6:13 PM Rating: Default
They still need to make player sk pets be about 3/4 the level of the sk, otherwise the pet is still practically useless to us
RE: left out one thing
# Jun 04 2002 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
Sk pets are useful when you first get them at level 9. After that they're not all that useful again till 49. Once you get your 49 pet spell you'll begin to notice a difference. At 52 you'll REALLY notice a difference. I have a 53 sk and I lug around a sack filled with velium and drakkel forged weapons. Once I summon my 52 pet, outfit him with some proper hafling slaying equipment and send him lose he can actually pour out an obscene amount of damage (compared to every previous pet spell). Good ol' Goboner starts to hit for 30's and 40's and can actually start to add up some large amounts of damage. I dont have our last level pet spell yet (again i'm only lev 53) but i've seen sk's with it in action. I cant wait.

Sagoth Grimreaver, 53 Knight of Innoruuk
The Rathe
RE: left out one thing
# Jun 03 2002 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
27 posts
That would be SICK. I've played an SK quite a lot lately, got to level 36 and I solo very effectively. With a pet that was level 27 I'd be incredibly overpowered. SK pets are useful the way they are - just think of them as your most mana-efficient dot. (One that trains things onto you occasionally. *grin*)
About Time
# Jun 03 2002 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
Took them over two year to figure this out and do something about it but better late then never.
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